Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (2024)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (1)

April 05, 2024

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (2)

Makes 1 serving
355 calories / 13F / 32C / 28P

⅓cup old-fashioned rolled oats
½cup water
1 Tbs. CSE Candy Bar Peanut Butter
or natural peanut butter
1 serving CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder

1 Tbs. spray whipped cream

½Tbs. (4g) cacao nibs or dark chocolate chips
½ Tbs. (4g) chopped peanuts
½ tsp. honey

1. Add the rolled oats and water to a bowl. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes.

2. Stir in the nut butter and let cool a bit. Stir in protein powder until well combined.

3. Top with spray whipped cream, nibs, chopped peanuts and a drizzle of honey. Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (3)

Makes 1 serving
345 calories / 11F / 32C / 29.5P

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 serving CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder
1 Tbs. cocoa powder
14g CSE Sweet Classic Peanut Butter
or natural peanut butter
60g frozen bananas
6-8 (120g) ice cubes

1 Tbs. CSE Powdered Peanut Butter

1. Add all of the shake ingredients to a high-powered blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a cup. Top with powdered peanut butter and lightly fold into the shake. Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (4)

Makes 4 servings
300 calories / 11.5F / 35C / 15P / per serving

400g frozen banana slices
2 servings CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder
¼ cup CSE Sweet Classic Peanut Butter, Buckeye Brownie Peanut
Butter or natural peanut butter

¼cup unsweetened almond milk
3 Tbs. (45g) dark chocolate chips

1. Add all of the ingredients to a high-powered blender or food processor. Blend until thick and smooth. Scrape down the sides and stir in between blending, if needed.

2. Pour into a loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Freeze for 2+ hours. Use an ice cream scoop to serve the ice cream. Scoop into a bowl or a cone.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (5)

Makes 25 servings
100 calories / 5F / 10C / 4P / per bite

1 cup CSE Sweet Classic Peanut Butter
or natural peanut butter
½cup raw honey
2 servings CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder
Pinch of sea salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup crispy rice cereal
2 Tbs. (30g) mini dark chocolate chips

1. Add the peanut butter, honey, protein powder, salt and vanilla to a large mixing bowl. Mix until well combined.

2. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well.

3. Using a small cookie scoop, scoop the dough into balls and place in a container. Store in the fridge or freezer. Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (6)

Makes 1 serving
240 calories / 6F / 26C / 22.5P

1 cup dark chocolate almond milk
1 serving CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder
½Tbs. CSE Sweet Classic Peanut Butter
or natural peanut butter
6-8 (120g) ice cubes

1. Add all of the ingredients to a high-powered blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a cup. Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (7)

Makes 8 servings / about 85g per serving
400 calories / 19.5F / 42.5C / 14P / per serving

12 cups (72g) air-popped popcorn
1 cup (8 oz.) CSE Sweet Classic Peanut Butter
or natural peanut butter
¾cup (6 oz.) raw honey
2 Tbs. grass-fed butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch sea salt
1 Tbs. cocoa powder
1 serving CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder

60g dark chocolate chips
¼cup (32g) CSE Powdered Peanut Butter
1 serving CSE Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder

1. Pop the popcorn kernels (about ⅓cup) into a large bowl. Remove all unpopped kernels from the bowl. Set aside.

2. Add the peanut butter, honey, butter and vanilla to a small saucepan over low-medium heat. Whisk until well combined and melteddown. Remove from heat.

3. Add the sea salt, cocoa powder and protein powder to the potwith the peanut butter mixture. Stir until combined. Pour over thetop of the popcorn while the sauce is still warm and stir until thepopcorn is well coated.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder Recipes (2024)


How do you make chocolate protein powder taste better? ›

Cut up 1 fresh banana and 1 cup strawberries and blend them with your chocolate whey protein powder drink. The fresh fruit can add sweetness, along with numerous vitamins and minerals.

Can you mix protein powder and peanut butter? ›

In a cup or bowl, whisk 1-2 scoops of protein powder with 4-5oz of water. In a jar or container that you plan to use for your protein nut butter, slowly add the powdered peanut butter and the protein mix (liquid) a little bit at a time, stirring each to ensure the peanut butter is incorporated.

What not to mix protein powder with? ›

The addition of real milk powder may lead to bloating, constipation and probably dysentery because of it's high lactose and sugar level. Don't add ingredients such as soy protein which contains chemical compounds that can lead to hormonal disturbance in some people. Avoid mixing vegetable oils that contain trans fats.

Does chocolate protein powder taste better with water or milk? ›

Taste is subjective, but most people find that protein shakes, especially flavors like chocolate and vanilla, taste very good with milk.

Do protein shakes help you lose belly fat? ›

Protein shakes alone won't specifically target belly fat loss. However, incorporating protein shakes into a balanced diet-and-exercise routine can support overall weight loss, including in your stomach area.

What is the best thing to mix with protein powder? ›

The Best Liquids to Mix With Protein Powder With
  • Water: You knew this was coming, we know it too. ...
  • Milk: Milk is most people's favorite liquid to mix their protein powder into. ...
  • Fruit Juices. ...
  • Smoothies. ...
  • Peanut butter: ...
  • Oats: ...
  • Bananas: ...
  • Greek Yogurt.
Feb 5, 2024

What is the best tasting way to drink protein powder? ›

Enhance the Taste of Your Protein Shake
  • Add Fruit. Fruit adds a delicious kick to your protein shake without adding a tremendous amount of calories. ...
  • Add Milk. ...
  • Add Cocoa Powder. ...
  • Add Yogurt. ...
  • Toss In Some Peanut Butter!

What to put peanut butter protein powder in? ›

Stir it in your regular or Greek yogurt for a protein-filled breakfast. Sprinkle some peanut butter powder on your cereal, fruit, or oatmeal as a tasty topping. For a decadent snack, stir some into your hot cocoa, and drink up. Shake unto some popcorn for a delicious peanut butter taste.

What to pair with peanut butter for protein? ›

Perhaps you've heard of the healthy and flavorful combination that is peanut butter and chia seeds. Toss it over oatmeal or in a smoothie, and you'll have a hearty superfood packed full of protein.

Does peanut butter protein powder taste like peanut butter? ›

Tastes great. I only use it in smoothie, creates much less mess than real peanut butter but I get the same taste. Yum! Excellent source of protein, I use this in my morning shakes.

Can I drink protein powder everyday to lose weight? ›

Since protein has calories, consuming too much can make it harder to lose weight. This can happen if you drink protein shakes along with your usual diet and you're not eating less calories or exercising. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that an average adult needs about 46 to 56 grams of protein a day.

What to mix protein powder with for weight loss? ›

If you really want to maximize your protein intake without eating four steaks a day, I'd recommend mixing protein powder with milk for the best results, including weight loss. Because milk contains protein, it's a great base for a protein powder drink.

What to take along with protein powder? ›

True protein powders taste great when mixed with just water, or if you are after a different consistency, combine with your choice of milk. Protein shakes make a great post-workout drink that will replenish your body, helping with muscle growth and recovery.

What tastes good with protein powder? ›

Enhance the Taste of Your Protein Shake
  • Add Fruit. Fruit adds a delicious kick to your protein shake without adding a tremendous amount of calories. ...
  • Add Milk. ...
  • Add Cocoa Powder. ...
  • Add Yogurt. ...
  • Toss In Some Peanut Butter!

What foods go well with protein powder? ›

Or blend it with milk, fruit, greens, nut butter, or other fun additions, and it's an anytime snack or meal replacement. (And a delicious one at that.) But this supplement isn't only for liquids. You can also use it to make a variety of dishes, from muffins and cupcakes to burgers, lasagna, dips, doughnuts, and more!

What tastes best with protein powder? ›

The best way to do it is to add other ingredients, like fruits, nuts, or even veggies. Not only will it fix the flavor of your protein shake, it will also add important nutrients, vitamins and minerals to your shake. Some popular fruits to add to your shake include: Berries.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.