Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (2024)

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You’ll crave the light, fresh flavors of this easy Baked Cod Recipe. With its simple prep, perfect texture, and zingy flavor, it’s sure to become a regular in your menu rotation.

Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (2)

Easy Baked Cod with Lemon, Garlic, and Capers

I love baking fish – it’s such an easy way to cook up a seafood dinner without any muss or fuss. This recipe for cod filets is bursting with flavor from the lemon, garlic, butter, and capers. It’s the perfect dinner for a busy weeknight, but fancy enough for a special occasion.

If you are looking for doable, family-friendy ways to cook with fish, this recipe is for you. Even picky eaters will enjoy this one, and it goes with everything! Let’s dive in (see what I did there?).

Why You’ll Love This Wholesome Baked Cod Recipe

This easy baked cod recipe has so much to offer! Here are just a few things to love about it:

  • Practically Effortless: With minimal prep work, you can whip up a scrumptious meal in no time. Perfect for those school nights or late evenings when you don’t want takeout, but you do need a savory meal, fast!
  • Refreshing: The combination of lemon juice, garlic, Italian herbs, and capers gives mild-but-meaty cod filets the perfect amount of zing and complexity.
  • Healthy and Wholesome: Cod is a lean source of protein and other nutrients – such a great choice for a nourishing meal. Baking the fish instead of frying keeps it light.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (3)


To make this dish, you’ll only need a handful of simple ingredients. Each one is a powerhouse of flavor!

  • Butter: Unsalted butter – some melted, and more for prepping the fish.
  • Lemon Juice: Freshly-squeezed is best, but bottled is fine, too.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic, minced.
  • Herbs: I use dried Italian herbs, but you can substitute other herbs if you prefer.
  • Salt
  • Red Pepper Flakes: For a touch of heat. You can omit these if you like.
  • Capers: Capers are briny and perfect with seafood – you can usually find them stocked next to the olives and pickles in the grocery store.
  • Cod Filets: About one inch thick.
  • Paprika: Sweet paprika is my go-to.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (4)

How to Make This Easy Baked Cod Recipe

So what are the steps for making this baked cod recipe? They’re so easy, you guys. It’s basically season, bake, and enjoy!

  • Get Ready to Bake. Preheat your oven to 425°F, and rub a baking dish lightly with some unsalted butter so the fish doesn’t stick.
  • Make the Seasoning Mixture. Whisk the melted butter, lemon juice, garlic, and seasonings (except paprika) together in a small bowl. Stir in the capers.
  • Arrange the Fish in the Dish, and Coat with the Seasoning. Place your cod filets in the baking dish, in a single layer. Pour the butter-caper mixture over, coating the fillets evenly. Then sprinkle paprika over the top.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (5)
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (6)
  • Bake! Bake the seasoned cod uncovered until done – you’ll know it’s ready when it’s fully opaque and flakes easily with a fork.
  • Enjoy. Serve the baked cod with your favorite side dishes and garnishes.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (7)

Do You Bake Cod Covered or Uncovered?

For this recipe, we bake the cod uncovered. This allows the fish to cook evenly and develop a slightly golden color on top. Other recipes might call for covering the dish part or all of the cooking time, so that you basically steam it. There are a lot of great ways to cook fish – this one is extra-simple because you don’t need to cover it at all.

Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (8)

What Temperature Should Cod Be Baked At?

The recommended baking temperature for this dish is 425°F, or 220°C. This high temperature ensures that the fish cooks through while still keeping it moist and flavorful. It also helps develop some appetizing color and really get the seasonings cooking in the melted butter, for extra flavor. However, in other recipes, you might see different temperatures for different results.

Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (9)

Recipe Notes

There are a few more tips for making this easy baked cod recipe that I’d like to share here – just helpful hints that can make your dinner even better. Be sure to look these over before you start cooking!

  • Cooking Time: The cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of your fish filets and your oven, but it should take about 15 minutes. You can also use a meat thermometer to check for doneness. Fish is done at about 145ºF.
  • Adjust the Heat: If you prefer a milder taste, you can reduce the amount of red pepper flakes or omit them altogether. For a spicier dish, try sprinkling in some minced jalapeno.
  • Fresh Herbs: For an even more vibrant, fresh flavor, you can’t go wrong with fresh herbs. Try adding a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley, basil, or dill before serving.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (10)

Side Dish Ideas

You can pair your baked cod with just about any side dish. Fresh veggies, wholesome carbs, whatever you like! These tasty side dish recipes are a great place to start.

  • Roasted Vegetables: A sheet pan of roasted veggies is always a good idea – easy and delicious. If you want something a little more complex, try this restaurant-worthy recipe for Roasted Vegetables with Broccoli Puree.
  • Quinoa Salad: Quinoa is a powerhouse of healthy protein, but eats like a cozy grain. This Lemon Quinoa Salad will fill you up and nourish your body right.
  • Cornbread: Cornbread is a sunny, satisfying side dish, especially when made with sweet potatoes! Sweet Potato Cornbread is irresistible and makes a meal feel extra-special.
Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (11)

How to Store and Reheat Leftover Fish

If you have any leftovers, you can store them in an airtight container or zip-top bag in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. To reheat, gently warm the filets in the oven at 350ºF, or heat it in a covered skillet over low heat. Don’t overcook it though, or the fish will be tough.

Can I Freeze This?

Yes, this baked cod recipe freezes well! Just let the cooked cod filets cool completely before transferring them to a freezer-safe container or bag. Mark with the date, and freeze for up to two months. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight, and then reheat it gently as directed above.

Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (12)

Easy Baked Cod Recipe

You’ll crave the light, fresh flavors of this easy Baked Cod Recipe. With its simple prep, perfect texture, and zingy flavor, it’s sure to become a regular in your menu rotation.

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Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time25 minutes mins

Total Time35 minutes mins

Servings: 4


  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter melted + more for prepping baking dish
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried Italian Herb mix
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2 tablespoons capers drained
  • 4 cod filets about 6 oz each 1 inch thick
  • ½ teaspoon paprika


  • Preheat your oven to 425°F.

  • Lightly rub the baking dish with unsalted butter.

  • In a small bowl, whisk together the butter, lemon juice, minced garlic, salt, Italian herb mix and red pepper flakes. Stir in the capers.

  • Place the cod filets in the baking dish. Pour the butter mixture on top. Use a brush if needed to evenly distribute the thick sauce on top of the filets. Sprinkle them with paprika.

  • Bake, uncovered, until the fish is fully cooked, opaque, and flakes easily with a fork. Depending on the thickness of your fish filets and your oven, this should take about 15 minutes.


  • Cooking Time: The cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of your fish fillets and your oven, but it should take about 15 minutes. You can also use a meat thermometer to check for doneness. Fish is done at about 145ºF.
  • Adjust the Heat: If you prefer a milder taste, you can reduce the amount of red pepper flakes or omit them altogether. For a spicier dish, try sprinkling in some minced jalapeno.
  • Fresh Herbs: For an even more vibrant, fresh flavor, you can’t go wrong with fresh herbs. Try adding a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley, basil, or dill before serving.
  • Storing and Reheating: If you have any leftovers, you can store them in an airtight container or zip-top bag in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. To reheat, gently warm the fillets in the oven at 350ºF, or heat it in a covered skillet over low heat. Don’t overcook it though, or the fish will be tough.
  • Freezing: To freeze,let the cooked cod fillets cool completely before transferring them to a freezer-safe container or bag. Mark with the date, and freeze for up to two months. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight, and then reheat it gently as directed above.

Course: Dinner

Cuisine: American

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  • All Recipes
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Main Dishes
  • Paleo
  • Seafood Dish
  • Vegetarian
  • Whitefish

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Easy Baked Cod Recipe - Beautiful, Flavorful, and Healthy! (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.