The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

PLAIN DEALER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1983 -5-D MOVIES NOW PLAYING From The Plain Dealer reviews Very 900d Good. Airplane 11: The Sequel The first lunar shuttle from commercial terminal runs out of fuel soon after The sequel abandons the lunatic charm of the original, substituting silly sight literal and predictable Mature hemior mild bad language, silly violence and sexual suggestion. Best Friends A romantic comedy with Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn as screenwriters whose honeymoon visiting their respective in-laws goes sour. So does this tame-brained script, which trips up by making extreme eccentrics of the couple's parents instead of capitalizing on the quirks of the newlyweds. Mature for mild bad language, sexual suggestion and tial nudity.

Dark Crystal Jim Henson's solemn and muddled fairy tale aims be a sort of Muppet 'Paradise Lost' but winds UD a watered down J.R.R. Tolkien. Mature for some fairy tale violence that is often difficult to see clearly. Eatino outrageously spicy and original spoof about Paul and Mary Bland, a happily married couple who taurant hope by to finance their dream resbumping off sexual swingers and pocketing their wallets. Paul A Bartel's deadpan acting, the criminals' self-righteous sincerity and the bloodless violence intensify this satire's weird bite.

Adult for language, violence, nudity and sexual suggestion. E.T., the Extra Terrestrial: An enchanting space-age fairy tale about a sensitive. 10-vear-old boy who betriends an. extraterrestrial being stranded on earth. A poignant fantasy children and adults.

Rated mature for a bad word. Should be rated general. 1 First Blood A good action picture by any standard; Sylvester Stallone against all odds. Rated adult for violence. Fitzcarraldo Klaus Kinski plays on obsessed Irishman who leaves his mistress (Claudia Cardinale) to the greatest opera in the Peruvian jungle.

West German director Werner Herzog is so overwhelmed with his turn-of-the-century spectacle that he created a visually sumptuous but emotionally vacant journey. Mature for mild bad language and violence, fleeting nudity and sexual suggestion. 48 Hrs A surly white cop (Nick Nolte) springs black con (Eddie Murphy) from prison to help track down two cop killers in this highly charged urban thriller. A macho movie splattered with bullets, swearing, rage, tension and some raunchy humor. Adult for swearing considerable violence, nudity and Kiss Me Goodbye Sally Field plays sophisticated widow whose plans to marry a bright Egyptologist (Jeff Bridges) go haywire when her dashing but deceased husband (James Caan) returns from the grove.

This gossamer-thin romantic comedy huffs and puffs for a screwball tone but the strain shows early and the sparkle dims. Mature for mild bad language and sexual suggestion. MY Favorite Year Peter 0'Toole steals the show as drunken movie idol in New York in the 1950s to star on a top-rated live television comedy program. A nostalgic salute to TV's golden age that's marred by a few heavy-handed and screaming characters but ultimately is saved, mostly by 0'Toole's sparkling performance. Mature for some rough language, harmless violence and sexual suggestion.

An Officer and a Gentleman Richard Gere plays a street-wise loner who struggles to surmount his seedy past by becoming a Navy officer in an old-fashioned stirring story that solutes ideals like dedication, romance and honor. Adult for rough language, violence, nudity and explicit sex. One Dark Night Tale of a psychic vampire drains energy, not blood, from people in a movie that dotes on all the old standbys of horror movies. Rated mature for industrialstrength gore. Still of the Night A romantic thriller about a psychiatrist (Roy Scheider) who falls in love with a beautiful but enigmatic woman (Meryl Streep) whom he suspects may be a murderess.

A well-crafted but strangely subdued mystery that is more psychologically intriguing than emotionally involving. Mature for violence, mild bad language, nudity and sexual suggestion. Tootsie A terrific comedy in which Dustin Hoffman scores as a dedicated but difficult actor who achieves professional success as well as dom when he dresses up as a woman and becomes the outspoken star on a television soap opera. A hilarious comedy about shifting roles as well as a gentle romance. Mature for mild bad language and sexual suggestion.

The Toy Jackie Gleason as a ruthless southern tycoon buys Richard Pryor OS a present for his pampered and obnoxious -old unfocused, perverse and sosteless. comedy, a mean and ugly little movie. Mature for rough language, mild violence and sexual suggestion. The Verdict Paul Newman turns in a bravura performance. as a once promising but now desperate and drinking Boston lawyer who finds redemption in a case that no one believes he can win.

The movie grows increasingly gripping with a climactic courtroom drama that introduces some surprise twists. Adult for rough language and sexual suggestion. Musicians not off base at ballpark Continued from Page 1-D Pittsburgh Pirates won the National League pennant. the late William Steinberg. music director Pittsburgh Symphony.

to return to Pittsburgh 4 just as the whole downtown area was erupting in a wild and wellI lubricated celebration. Steinberg could hardly make it to his apartment. He was certain that a revolution had broken out. Perhaps. in a way, it had.

The only composer I know who produced a work of concert music dealing with baseball is William Schuman. former head of the Juilliard School. He made an opera out of "Casey at the Bat" about 30 years ago. A few years ago Frank Robinson. then manager of the Cleveland Indians.

was drafted to do the narration of Britten's "Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" in a Cleveland Orchestra children's concert at Public Hall. The straightforward text was rewritten for his benefit. I remember only one line: "I see a bass I'd like to steal." That gives you the idea of what went on. The per- STILL OF THE NIGHT Don't tell anyone whodunnit. POo TO NOW SHOWING.

CENTER. DETROIT GARFIELD THEATRE LAKE MAYFIELD ROCKSIDE TURKEY MALL ate 19401 $11 1145 1001 131 110 181 007 0156 SHOW PLACE VARIETY INCIO EN 01 948 4433 476 2175 134 010 formance was a publicity gimmick more than anything else. and it was never repeated. I was once asked to umpire a baseball game between two squads of Cleveland Orchestra members, but the scheme came to nothing because there were problems with insurance coverage. The orchestra management was understandably fearful that fingers might be injured.

I was fearful that some of the boys might use the occasion as a pretext to kill the umpire. Each year as opening day rolls around. I register my request with sports editor Hal Lebovitz for some good World Series seats for the following October down at the Stadium. Last year when I made my request he said something decidedly odd. If the Indians are in the World Series.

he said. he will see to it that I have seats right on second base. Wonder what he meant by Tony Bill: The real producer stands By Roderick Mann LOS ANGELES TIMES "Someone should write an article about the typical Hollywood producer," said Tony Bill. "Most people conjure up visions of an aging fat man with a cigar and a big house in Bel-Air. Well, I don't know anyone like that.

The truth is I'm your typical Hollywood producer except I'm rather more successful than most." That he is. Bill, who began his movie career playing Frank Sinatra's brother in "Come Blow Your Horn" and moved on to producing and directing Bodyguard') is a very successful moviemaker indeed. Using his first check from "The Sting" Bill took over a deserted warehouse in Venice and set about converting it into a modern office complex with screening room and editing facilities. His Market Street Studios are used by moviemakers from many countries. Dudley Moore now has a base there.

Bill sleeps there. And, so one block away from the Pacific, Bill lives and works and breathes movies. And, for relaxation, goes sailing. He loves it there. "I prefer clean air and dirty streets rather than the other way round." he tells friends.

And the ambience of Market Street pleases him. There's a strong feeling of community. "And that's something you don't get at the studio any more," he says. The post production work on the first film he directed, "My Bodyguard," was all done there. So was the editing of "Six Weeks," which was his second stab at directing.

"Six Weeks," which stars Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore, was a last-minute decision on the part of Polygram. "They had planned to make 'Dangerously' with Dudley," said Bill. "For reasons that still aren't clear they decided to do this one instead and postpone So I had just eight weeks to prepare, and no script. It was a little like jumping on to a moving train." He said he didn't know how to feel about "Six Weeks." "I simply don't know," he said. "I tend to be negative about my work.

In fact my professional life has been one long struggle against pessimism and self-criticism." But he did predict that "Six Weeks" would get bad reviews and nobody would go and see it, which was pretty much what happened. On-the-job training spoils actress in her first movie HOLLYWOOD (A.P) Sigourney Weaver says she was spoiled by her first movie, "Alien," because her character had a job. "I got to play a woman who had a job an important job," she said. "Usually in films, the woman has a job but you never actually see her doing it." Her next film was "Eyewitness," and now she is in the new film, "The Year of Living Dangerously," a thriller set in Indonesia. Weaver is the daughter of Sylvester Weaver, an early president of NBC who is credited as the father of the television talk show with such programs as "Home," "Today" and "Tonight." Her mother is the former British actress, Elizabeth Inglis, who was in Alfred Hitchco*ck's "'The 39 Continentals 84 "All Sale.

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Call Continental Airlines at (800) 525-0280. Continental Airlines "But I felt the same about 'My and I get my first profits check from that next month. I was totally negative about that film." "You can never tell. I sometimes wish I'd kept a diary to record my feelings about a particular movie. But I do remember how I felt about 'The Even after the first public preview I was only guardedly optimistic.

I thought it would do about OK. And it did great. "I'm terribly self-critical. I stand in awe of directors who say: 'This movie is perfect. I wouldn't change a If I were allowed to indulge my critical faculties to the full I'd cut both 'My Bodyguard' and "Six Weeks' down to half an hour each leaving in just my favorite scenes.

He has now directed two movies. How did he feel about Michael Crichton's observation that the technical aspects of directing a film could be learned in a day? "He's probably right. But then it's the same with sailing. I sail a lot and teach it. (He won the Tall Ships Bi-Centennial Race from Bermuda to Newport, R.I., in 1976.) It's one of the things I do really well.

I suppose I could teach anyone how to sail in a day, how to get around. But after 30 years of sailing I'm still learning. It's the same with directing, I'm sure. "I tend to think people overrate the expertise that movie directors are supposed to have. And I disapprove of directors becoming stars in their own right.

When that happens their ability to accept input is threatened. We all make mistakes. You just hope that a producer or a grip will point yours out to you. But if you're a superstar director they don't tell you and you wouldn't listen anyway. "I'm lucky in that I don't encounter such people in my day-to-day life.

I had no stars on 'My Bodyguard' and none in attitude, anyway on 'Six I don't enjoy dealing with big stars and big egos. "It's terribly corrupting for an actor to be idolized. to have his jokes laughed at and his performances praised while he's doing them. Working with people like that can be very difficult Bill was just 22 and an alumnus of the University of Notre Dame when Bud Yorkin cast him as Sinatra's younger brother in "Come Blow Your Horn," which had been written by Norman Lear. Some critics hailed the dark-haired young man as a new film find.

But Bill was not impressed. "That movie convinced me I had no interest in becoming a film star," he said. "I knew I wanted to stay in the film business but as a film maker, not an actor. I couldn't see myself spending my life waiting -for someone to ask me to act. And however suc- AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BRUNSWICK Rd.

273-1700 at Rt. 303 $2.00 TILL 5:3011 DISNEY'S "PETER PAN" 1:00, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:30 (G) CEDAR LEE Lee Free Rd. After 6 321-0232 P.M. Last 5 Dayal "EATING RAOUL" At 2:15, 4:00, 5:45, 7:30, 0:15 (R) All Seats $2.00 1 2:15 Starts Fri. Now Film By Robl.

Altman "COME BACK TO DIME JIMMY DEAN, MIRY DEAN" CENTER- MAYFIELD 3000 $1.25 11 8 P.M. $2.00 After 6 P.M. Mary! Streep Roy Scheider "STILL OF THE NIGHT" At 2:30, 4:15, 5:45, 7:45, 0:30 (PG) COLONY So. Bargain Matinee Til 2:30 "FITZCARRALDO" At 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 (PG) "CHANEL SOLITAIRE" Feb 4th: "THE 7 SAMURAI" Feb. 18th: "PIRATES OF PENZANCE" DETROIT 18407.

Ample Detroit Free Parting 521-2245 Children's Mat. Today Adm. $1.50 LAST UNICORN" at Ere. Show $2.00 "STILL OF THE NIGHT At 5:45, 7:30, 0:30 GENERAL CINEMA THEATRES $2.00 Sat. Show Before 0 P.M.

$2 1st Show or Cap. CINEMA MAYLAND 401-0250 Mayfield Lander Ride. CHOICE" 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, (R) DARK CRYSTAL" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:45, 0:30 (PG) CINEMA MENTOR MALL 951-2131 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 (PG) "THE DARK 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30, 0:35 (PG) "DEST 1:30, 3:35, 5:40, 7:50, 0:50 (PG) CINEMA MERCURY 143-6905 Pearl Rd. a W. 130th "ONE DARK 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 0:45 (PG) "48 HOURS" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 0:30 (R) CINEMA PARMATCER "THE 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 0:45 (R) 1:30, $:30, 5:30, 0:30 (PG) DARK In Dolby Stereo 1:00, 2:46, 4:00, 0:15.

0:00. 10:00 CINEMA RANDALL PARK 501-4400 "ONE DARK 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40, 9:40 (PG) 5:10, DARK 5:10, 7:30, 0:30 (R). 1:15, 2:15, $:15, 7:15, 0:15 (PG) CINEMA SHOREGATE $44-5330 Beth Features- All Times MY FAVORITE 1:30, 20, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 (PG) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 0:40 (R) CINEMA SOUTHGATE 475-3211 "THE 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30 (R) Dolby Stereo 1:30, 8:35, 5:40, 7:45, 1:45 (PG) 1:45, 3:40, 5:30, 7:50, 0:20 (PG) CINEMA NESTGATE 331-8822 1:15, 3:25. 5:35, 7:45, 0:35 "GANDH Times "Gandhi" $3.00 1:00, 4:40, 0:15 (PO) 4:30, 7:20, 0:30 (PG) 1:45, 4:15, 7:10, 0:20 (PG) HOUSE OF MOVIES ET TE Open Dally 24 Hrs. fat in the Country a New Innovation Adult Double Pastures Fridays cessful you become as an actor that's what it amounts to.

"There was something else. I just couldn't watch myself as an actor. I found it, too embarrassing. I've seen hardly anything of what I've done. Which is the only way to protect myself from murderous self -criticism.

"As far as acting is and this may come back to haunt me I don't even care if I read the script as long as I trust the director. Acting for me is a vacation in which I get to meet a lot of new and interesting people." In recent years Bill has acted, in only two theatrical features "Shampoo" and "Heart Beat" but made several telexision movies. He's seen none of them. He has also produced a lot in "Going back to my point about producers," he said. "You've got to realize that most of them make much less money than; writers, directors or stars.

They don't get paid 1 to develop a script. In fact they don't get paid at all until the film gets made. "The most they can expect is to make one movie every two years. And even if one of them is successful it will be two or three years before he sees any profits. mAd.

"By comparison, the writer, director 'and stars are all paid up front. And they can make a movie a year; sometimes more, us "So someone really. should sit down rand write that article about a Hollywood producer. They'd be in for quite a surprise 1 1, do Not just important reading must reading. v634 3 FOR 1:0 I 4 1 When the news breaks SE we put it together.


-Sal. Show Before 6 P.M. $2 1st Show or Capacity "ONE DARK NIGHT" (PG) At 2:15, 4:00, 6:00, 7:45, 9:30 "TIMERIDER" (PG) in Quadraphonic 6 Stereo At 2:15, 4:00, 5:45, 7:40, 9:35 $2.00 All Times 'STILL OF THE NIGHT' (PG) At 2:00, 9:45, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15 LaSALLE 023 Mile E. North 105 of 531-5572 Freeway Use E. 185th St.

Exit Park Free Kiddie Matinee Today Adm. $1.50 "LAST UNICORN" at Ero. Show Adults $2.00 "AIRPLANE (PG) Starts Friday: "THE TOY" LOEWS THEATRES $2 Mon. -Sat. Show Before 6 P.M.

$2 1at Show or Capacity BEREA Front Derva, 234-4300 0. "THE TOY" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 (PG) "TOOTSIE" 2:15, 4:45, 7:45, 10:00 (PG) "TIMERIDER" 2:00, 4:00, 0:00, 0:00, 9:45 (PG) CEDAR CENTER 371-2300 Use Rear Parking Lot Entrance Only! "THE TOY" 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 0:45 (PG) 2:00, 4:00, 0:00, 0:00, 10:00 (PG) EAST Richmond 449-4321 Mall "THE TOY 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 0:45 (PG) "TIMERIDER" 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:00, 10:00 (PG) RICHMOND Mayfield at Richmond 442-4121 "ONE DARK 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:50 (PG) "THE VERDICT 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:00 (R) 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30 (PG) RIVERSIDE River 071-5533 Drive "ONE DARK 2:00, 4:00, 8:00, 0:00, 9:45 (PG) "THE 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 (R) VILLAGE Chagrin at 831-0855 1-271 Berg. Mat. $2.00 1:00, 4:45, 0:30 (PG) WEST 20075 Center Ridge 333-5432 Rd. "THE BOAT" 2:30, 5:30, 0:30 (R) "TIMERIDER" 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:00, 10:00 (PG) YORKTOWN Brook 401-4330 Rd.

"THE 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 0:45 (PG) 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 (PG; MAPLETOWN Broadway 662-2240 Libby Ads. "OFFICER A At 2:10, 4:30, 6:45, 0:05 (R) RATIONAL Olmsted Plaza Northern 734-0100 Strd. $1.50 tIl 5:30 $2 "THE LAST UNICORN" 2:15. 4 3:45 'STILL OF NIGHT Al 5:30, 7:30, 4:20 (PG) Ask Hal, the referee, in Plain Dealer sports. THEATER and NATIONAL THEATRE CORP.

NORTHFIELD PLAZA TWIN MOVIE HONORED SOLDI Rt. 4 Northfleld Shopp. Chr. 457-8141 $2.00 Shows Before 0 P.M. Doors Open 1:15 $2.00 1st Show or Cap.

"ONE DARK NIGHT" AVON LAKE 33407 W. Lake Rd. 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:10. (PG) 1:40, 3:40, 5:30, 7:50, 0:50 DARK (PG) "AIRPLANE IP (PG) (PG) 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:35, 0:34 1:35, 3:30, 5:30, 7:35, 0:30 PARIS ADULT 3150 HOURS" (R) 1:30, 3:20, 5:20, 7:30, 0:20 Open 0 A.M. Noes Sun.

"DARK CRYSTAL" (PG) CENTRICE AS THE STAR! 1:50, 3:50, 5:50, 7:55, 0:55 Larry Levensen "The King of Swing" BROOKGATE I-V W. 76-4810 "THE (X) "SOPHIE'S CHOICE" (R) Connie Holiday Derothy "DARK 12:45, 3:40, 0:35, 9:30 "CHAMPAGNE ORGY" (X) (PG) Quadraphonic Sterso PARMA Rope Snow Park Free 12:50, "REST 2:40, 4:30, FRIENDS" 0:20, 8:10, (PG) 10:05 Childe Mat. Seats $1.50 1:50, 3:45, $:50, 0:05, 10:15 $1.50 LAST 5:30 UNICORN After at 5:30 $2.00 "E.T., EXTRA TERRESTRIAL" (PG) 12:45, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 "OFFICER Al 5:00, A 7:10, 0:25 GENTLEMAN 1:00, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, (PG) 10:10 Starte Friday: "FIRST BLOOD" FAIRVIEW I- I Lorain at W. 217 144-4433 4 SHOWPLACE Are RT. 01 331-4122 Al Seats $1.50 'H 5.

After 932.00 ALL SEATS! At 2:30, "STILL 4:05, OF THE NIGHT" 5:40, 1:21. 8:10 (PG) STANDARD 701-203 PROSPECT: ALL TIMES! Mon. thru Thurs. $2 til 5 P.M. "AN OFFICER A KUNG FU AT ITS 2:00, 4:30, 7:20, 9:40 (R) BLOOD" (R) "THE DEADLY 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 SILVER GARFIELD MALL MOVIES 12:30, "CHALLENGE 3:30, 6:30, Rockalde At Turney Rd.

OF THE DRAGON" Enter from 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 (R), 1:30, "SIX 3:50, WEEKS" 5:40, 0:00, (PO) 10:05 STRONGSVILLE CINEMA "STILL OF THE (PG) 14769 Pearl 1572-0134 1:00, 2:50, 5:00, 7:35, 0:45 mite south el m. 02) 1:05, 3:20, TOY 5:30, 7:50, (PG) 0:55 "ONE DARK (PG) (PG) 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 0:30 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:40, 10:00 "TIMERIDER" (PG) (PG) 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, in Dolby Quadraphonic Stereo $2.00 Berg. Mat. First Show Daly! 5:20, 7:30, 0:30 GREAT LAKES MALL TANGLEWOOD CINEMA LET Rt. 306, 1 ml.

S. of R. 422. HOURS" (R) Adults $2.00 In Quadraphonic Stereo LAST WEEK! 1:15, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:00 'OFFICER A GENTLEMAN (R) Walt Disney's "PETER PAN (G) 1:45, 4:10, 7:00, 9:25 12:55, 2:95, 4:15, 6:10, 7:40, 0:20 "PETER PAN" (G) "ONE DARK MIGHT (PG) 2:00, 4:00, 7:05, 0:15 1:10. 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 4:45 VARIETY Seats (PG) Glant Screen.

474-2125 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:50, (R) 0:30 $2.00 sf: 12:45, 3:05. 5:25, 7:50, 10:10 Meryl Streep GREAT NORTHERN MOVIES "STILL OF THE NIGHT' In Great Northern Center 777-4400 7:30 and 0:30 (PG) Starte Fri. TOY "DEST FRIENDS" (PG) 1:15, "DARK 3:20, 5:25, CRYSTAL" 7:40, (PO) VOGUE at Van Chagrin Akan 921-3400 $2.00 1:20, 3:30, 7:30, THE ORIGINAL 2:00, 4:30, (R) "DAS BOOT" (R) (R) AI 2:30, 5:15, 0:00 1:45, 3:45, 7:45, 0:45 WESTWOOD 16200 Hillard Rd. SEVERANCE 201-1244 Terior HURRYI ENDO $21-3756 THURSDAYA HOURS" DANIELLE AND ANGEL IN 4 in Del Quadraphonic (R) Stare "EXPOSE ME NOW" 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 10:00 JESSIE ST. JAMES EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (PO) "EASY" (X) 1:00, 3:10, $:20, 7:30, 8:40 SHOWS FROM 12:30 DAILY WORLD EAST.

d. Mille 401-2720 LAST LAST "EXPOSE COMPLETE ME SHOW NOW" AT AT 1:00 $:30 THAT 2:00, 4:00, CHAMPIONSHIP 0:00, 0:00, SEASON 10:00 (R) SCIENCE -FICTION HORROR ROCK EVERY SATURDAY MIDNITEN Lorain at Rocky MUSICAL COMEDY FANTASY FILMI WORLD WEST 252-4101 "ROCKY HORROR THAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON (R) PICTURE SHOW" 2:00, 4:00, 0:00, 0:00, 10:00 CLEVELAND LOVES ITEM MIDWAY MALL Elyria 233-5750 Find out where to go add whit to 2:05, "THE 4:50, 7:20, 0:45 (R) do every weekend la (PO) 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50, 10:00 The Main Dealer action NEW MAYFIELD CHEMA Jase Melee reports the latest in 12300 Mayheld Rd. "KING OF HEARTS" fashions from Paris to Parma At 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 0:00 (R) auly da The Plain Dealer. Students With LD. Seniors $2 "'EATING RAOUL' Is One Of The Freshest, Funniest Comedies In Bruce Playboy "'Outrageous Wickedly Funny." Jack Kroll.

Newsweek RAOUL IN TO EXCLUSIVE 5 DAYS Cedar Lee Theatre 2163. Lee Rd. 321-8232 Presented with the support of WCLV 95.5 FM.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.