Love You by The Legends (2024)

Love You by The Legends (1)

Love You

The Legends»It's love

SwedishIndie popIndieTweeLabrador

The Legends are one of several indie pop projects masterminded by Swedish p… Read Full Bio ↴The Legends are one of several indie pop projects masterminded by Swedish producer/musician Johan Angergård, whose other bands include the Acid House Kings, Eternal Death, Djustin and Club 8. Initially conceived as a fuzzy, gutsy indie pop act (something like a rougher, fierier version of the Acid House Kings), the group made its live debut in 2003 as an opening act for the Radio Dept. Their first EP, There and Back Again, was released on Labrador one year later, and was quickly followed up by the full-length Up Against the Legends. Angergård took the Legends in a new direction for their sophom*ore effort; 2005's Public Radio found the Legends dipping into a reverb-swathed sound modeled after post-punk acts like the Cure and New Order. Facts and Figures, the Legends' third full-length, found their sound shifting yet again, this time in favor of a chic, danceable sound that nodded to acts like Kraftwerk and Daft Punk as well as the breezy indie pop sensibilities characteristic of Angergård's other projects. Released in 2009, Over and Over found the group employing a host of styles and sounds, referencing everything from '60s girl groups to angular noise rock. After that album, Angergård focused on other projects like Club 8, the Acid House Kings, and Eternal Death, all of whom released something in early 2010s. Even though he considered Over and Over to be the final Legends album, a couple years later, Angergård found himself writing and recording songs that could only be released under that name. Inspired by a tough breakup, the modern synth pop and R&B-leaning It's Love was issued by Cascine in June of 2015. Never one to take much of a break, Angergård teamed with American singer Rose Suau to form the sophisticated synth pop duo Djustin in 2016, releasing an EP that year and readying an album for 2017. The next Legends album soon followed, with Angergård veering deeper into synthesized music. The quickly recorded Nightshift goes full Moroder as all the vocals are fed through vocoders, the synths are epic and the beats are robotic. Vocalists Elin Berlin of Eternal Death, Red Sleeping Beauty's Kristina Borg and Maria Usbeck all guest on the album, which was released by Labrador in early 2017.

There are other bands with the same name:

2. Hayes, Middlesex, United Kingdom-based siblings Peter and Tony Watkinson began playing together in The Limelites. They renamed their band The Legends upon landing a recording contract with Pye in late 1964, but their début 45 ('Looking For Her' b/w 'I'm Coming Home') was attributed to The First Impressions, only to avoid confusion with rival Twickenham R&B combo The Legend. As The Legends they released a second and final single for Pye ('I've Found Her'). In 1966 they underwent a major reshuffled a new version of the band, still fronted by the Watkinson brothers, recorded two collectible 45s for Parlophone.

Biography by Tim Sendra

3. The Legends were a beat / garage band from Milwaukee, WI, United States, active from 1962 to 1966.

4. The Legends were a garage rock band from Holland, MI, United States, active in 1966-1967.


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Hush my baby, don't you cry
I'll dry your eyes, fulfill your heart's desire
Let's go in, try again
Careful this time, broken promises linger in our mind

I'll give in completely, hearts break so easy
I know. Believe me, oh, I've tried
But my arms can hold you, my kiss console you

I'll come and love you tonight

And I
I love, I love, I love
Love hurts sometimes
But this feels right
You love, you love, you love
Though you've been burned
You still return

Come and share my house, my home, and all I own.
I'd love to give to you
Aren't you tired of going along this lonely road?
It takes its toll on you

Give me your emotion, your heart's devotion
Give anything you like
And I'll give understanding, life's so demanding
I'm all you need to get by

And I
I love, I love, I love
Love hurts sometimes
But this feels right
You love, you love, you love
Though you've been burned
You still return

I love, I love, I love

Love hurts sometimes
But this feels right

And you
You love you love you love
Though you've been burned
You still return

Still return

Still return to love (oh)
Keep coming back to love (ah oh)

Overall Meaning

In the song "Love You" by The Legends, the lyrics depict a message of love, resilience, and endurance through challenging times in a relationship. The opening lines, "Hush my baby, don't you cry I'll dry your eyes, fulfill your heart's desire," convey a sense of comfort and reassurance to a partner who may be feeling hurt or distressed. The singer acknowledges past mistakes, mentioning "Careful this time, broken promises linger in our mind," showing a willingness to learn from the past and make things right this time.

The chorus emphasizes the complexities of love, acknowledging that love can sometimes hurt but ultimately feels right. The repetition of "I love, I love, I love" and "You love, you love, you love" highlights the enduring nature of love, even in the face of past hurt and challenges. The lyrics suggest a sense of forgiveness and a desire to move forward together despite past pain.

As the song progresses, the singer extends a heartfelt invitation for their partner to share their life and home, expressing a desire to give love and understanding. The line "Give me your emotion, your heart's devotion Give anything you like" underscores the singer's willingness to be there for their partner and provide the support and care they need to navigate life's demands.

In the final verses, the repeated affirmation of love and the encouragement to keep returning to love despite past hurts symbolize a commitment to the relationship and a belief in its enduring strength. The song's closing lines, "Keep coming back to love," suggest a sense of hope and perseverance in the face of adversity, emphasizing the power of love to overcome challenges and to sustain and strengthen a bond. Overall, "Love You" conveys a message of love's ability to heal, grow, and endure, even in the face of past pain and difficulties.

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01Keep him3:06

02Smoke and mirrors3:24

03Love you1:50


The Legends

04Something left to die for4:07

05The great unknown3:00

06All about us3:08

07Winter is the warmest season3:36

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Love You by The Legends (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.