Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (2024)

September 4, 2020Van

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (1)

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Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 1 hour

Serves: 8

Mochi is a Japanese rice cake made with sweet rice flour – it’s soft, squishy & chewy – the texture is like soft gummy bear & marshmallow mixed together – if you want to learn more about the laborious traditional way of making mochi, watch this cool video. If you’re a mochi lover, this Strawberry Mochi is so good, it’s hard not to eat the entire batch in a sitting! I’ve created a super simple method to make mochi in the Instant Pot, you just mix up a few ingredients and pop it into the Instant Pot to cook – you end up with perfectly soft and satisfyingly chewy homemade mochi – unless you go to a bakery that makes this fresh, making it yourself is so much better than anything that’s store bought . Using seedless strawberry jam is a simple way to flavor the mochi, you can substitute the strawberry jam with any other flavor of seedless jam using my recipe so the varieties of flavors you can make is limitless. Have these as a snack on their own or use as a topping for ice cream and shaved ice.

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (2)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (3)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (4)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (5)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (6)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (7)

Dessert Inspiration:
Tillamook Strawberry Ice Cream, strawberry mochi, sliced strawberries and whipped cream
Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (8)

Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (9)

Be sure to click on the accessories list below to get the most out of your Instant Pot.
Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (10)

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Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (11)

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September 4, 2020Van

  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Cook time: 1 hour
  • Serves: 8


  • 1 Cup Sweet/Glutinous Rice Flour, (Mochiko)
  • ⅓ Cup Seedless Strawberry Jam, or substitute with any flavor seedless jam
  • ⅔ Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Cup Water
  • ¼ Cup Potato Starch, for dusting (or substitute with cornstarch)
  • 7x3 inch cake pan


  • 1)

    In a sauce pan, add ⅓ Cup Seedless Strawberry Jam and heat on low until it’s melted, stir occasionally. Turn off the heat and add ⅔ Cup Granulated Sugar, 1 Cup Water and stir well. Let it cool off for 5-10 minutes, it shouldn’t feel hot when you add the sweet rice flour. *Optional, if you want the mochi to have a more vibrant color, you can add a few drops of pink food gel. Add 1 Cup Sweet/Glutinous Rice Flour and stir well with a whisk until the batter is smooth and there are no lumps.

  • 2)

    Trace the bottom of your 7 inch pan on parchment paper and cut out the circle to line the bottom of the pan. Use a brush and lightly oil the parchment and the side of the pan or use non-stick spray. Pour the batter into the pan. Place a paper towel on top of the pan, use a large piece of foil that can wrap the pan completely (should wrap down to the bottom of the pan). The paper towel helps absorb the steam to help avoid condensation on the mochi.

  • 3)

    Pour 1½ Cups of Water into the Instant Pot, place the sling or trivet into the pot & place the pan on top of the trivet. Seal the Instant Pot lid and choose High Pressure for 1 Hour. When the timer is up, switch the knob to venting immediately, once the pin drops, open the lid. Lift out the pan and remove the foil and paper towel. Let the mochi cool completely before removing it from the pan (about 2-3 hours).

  • 4)

    Generously dust your cutting board with potato starch. Run a pairing knife around the pan, dust you hands and the top of the mochi with potato starch and peel it away from the pan – it will be very sticky, you might want to coat your hand with starch and add some to the bottom of the pan as your try to peel it and place onto the cutting board . Dust the the mochi generously with potato starch and use a sharp knife and cut straight down to make the slices, coat all the pieces in starch to make them easier to handle. Place the mochi into a large mesh strainer and shake to help remove the excess starch. Store in a sealed container, at room temp they will stay good for a day (texture is soft). If you keep it in the refrigerator it will stay good for up to 4 days (texture is slightly chewier). Enjoy!

↓ Supplies to make this recipe ↓

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  • Katie

    January 16, 2021 at 10:08 am

    5/5 stars!
    I saw this recipe on the FB group Subtle Asian Baking and just had to make it! It was easy to make the mochi, and it is SO soft. I ate it with the strawberry ice cream and strawberries like in the recipe pictures. Tomorrow, I’m going to make the matcha mochi!

    I think the only change I would make is to add more strawberry jam, since the mochi has a very light strawberry flavor. I’m not sure how it would affect the ratios, though, of the other ingredients?


    1. Van

      January 16, 2021 at 11:01 am

      Hi Katie, so glad you enjoyed it! You might want to trying using about ½-1 Teaspoon strawberry extract if you want a stronger strawberry flavor, you can usually find this in the baking section at grocery stores.


  • Autumn

    March 25, 2021 at 7:28 am

    Hi! So I was wondering if I could use a regular steamer rather than the instant pot. Would that be okay? Would the measurements and the cooking time be different?


    1. Van

      March 25, 2021 at 7:51 am

      Hi Autumn, a regular steamer should work fine, the cooking time will be around the same time.


  • Cyn

    June 28, 2021 at 6:52 am

    Thank you for this recipe! I have to say this is the easiest yummiest mochi instant pot recipe.
    Made it twice already and they are awesome. So much better than microwave method.


  • Suzanne

    March 6, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    This looks so good! What a fun recipe to make with kids!


  • Vanessa

    March 6, 2023 at 8:38 pm

    Thanks for sharing! Does it keep long?


    1. Van

      March 6, 2023 at 9:56 pm

      You’re welcome! No this doesn’t keep long, you should enjoy on the same day you make it


  • Diana

    June 28, 2023 at 4:51 pm

    Could I use peanut butter instead of strawberry jam?


    1. Van

      August 29, 2023 at 9:15 am

      sorry, I haven’t tested it with peanut butter so I’m not sure how that would turn out


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Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (21)

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Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (24)

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Instant Pot Strawberry Mochi Recipe – FOOD is Four Letter Word (2024)


What is mochi making called? ›

So, let's take a look at the traditional art of making mochi, called mochitsuki. While mochi is enjoyed year-round, it is particularly popular during the New Year's holiday when families come together.

What makes a mochi? ›

What's Mochi? Mochi (pronounced MOE-chee) is a Japanese dessert made of sweet glutinous rice flour or mochigome. Mochi dough is often tinted with green tea powder (matcha) or other food colorings and wrapped around a sweet center to form a small, bite-sized confection with a chewy, smooth, elastic texture.

What is called mochi? ›

[ U ] a type of rice used in Japanese cooking, which is sweet with short, rounded seeds that stick together when cooked: Cooked mochi is more sticky than conventional Japanese rice. [ C ] plural mochi.

Is mochi good for you? ›

Mochi is a versatile and healthy snack, and was popular amongst rice farmers and Samurai for increasing stamina and for its convenient format. Mochi is one of the few carbohydrate sources that is packed with protein, and is free from cholesterol.

What is the best flour for mochi? ›

Make sure to get glutinous rice flour (mochigome) instead of regular rice flour. This ingredient is essential for mochi's signature chewy texture. Green tea powder (or matcha) has a complex, earthy flavor that works well with mochi.

Why do people eat mochi? ›

In Japan, it's a symbol of good fortune that was widely consumed by the aristocracy. It represents sustenance for those that need it, as it's incredibly filling. More than that, it's something that we enjoy even today as a treat that many people love.

Is mochi a food or snack? ›


An ancient Japanese snack, mochi has been in the food culture of Japan since 14,000-300 B.C.. Possibly the cleanest confection ever created, it is traditionally made with pounded rice and spring water, and ofter filled with red Azuki bean paste.

What is the art of mochi making? ›

Traditionally, mochi was made by steaming a special short grain glutinous rice, known as 'mochigome', then pounding it in a very large mortar with mallets until it loses any semblance of its grains and becomes a big gooey gelatinous ball.

What is the Japanese word for pounding mochi? ›

Mochi-tsuki (Pounding Rice Cakes) | iN HAMAMATSU.COM.

What is the name for mochi texture? ›

Mochi is an example of a food with the chewy Q texture.

What is a mochi hammer called? ›

An usu (Japanese: [ɯꜜsɯ], Japanese: 臼) is a large Japanese stamp mill with a pestle called kine ([kiꜜne], Japanese: 杵), used to pound rice or millet. Making mochi in an usu. The timing is important to avoid injury.


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