Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (2024)

Inside this post: Learn how to make elderberry syrup with just two ingredients and then how to use that syrup to make homemade elderberry gummies.

No one likes cold and flu season. It’s a season I’d happily skip over if we could. While it flu season generally begins in October, the peak is generally in February, but it can last all the way to May. Eight months is a LONG time to try to avoid getting a cold or the flu.

So I try to take a little extra time to boost my immune system, especially in the fall and winter months. A little extra sleep and extra helpings of vegetables are my favorite ways to give myself a boost. Over the past years, I’ve also added elderberry syrup and yummy elderberry gummies into the mix during the colder months.

I love the taste and so does Lily. Nathan’s so-so on it. If I had to compare it to anything, I’d say it’s similar to blackberry – but not quite the same. Definitely berry, but very unique to itself. And there are so many elderberry benefits that it’s a winter must-have for our family.

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (1)

Where can you get elderberries?

If you’re looking for where to buy elderberry syrup instead of making your own, you can also purchase elderberry syrup on Amazon. (This is the one I started out with and would absolutely recommend to have on hand if you’re not up for regularly making your own syrup.)

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (2)

What is elderberry syrup?

Elderberry syrup is a syrup that is made by bringing elderberries and water to a boil then simmering. You can use elderberry syrup for colds as an immune system boost or even as a syrup for pancakes, waffles, ice cream, etc.

You can purchase elderberries online at Amazon and in your local health food store.

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (3)

How do I make elderberry syrup?

Making elderberry syrup is super easy! Just follow these few steps to make your own elderberry syrup:

  1. Pour 1/2 cup of dried elderberries into a small sauce pan and add 2 cups of water.
  2. Bring the water and elderberries to a boil. Simmer for 30 minutes or until your liquid has reduced by half. (This should leave you with approximately 1 cup of elderberry juice.)
  3. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Add in one cup of honey.
  4. Let cool and store in the fridge for up to 2 months.
Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (4)
Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (5)
Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (6)

How do I make homemade elderberry gummies?

Before starting to make your elderberry gummies at home, I’d recommend getting your molds ready and stabilized on a baking sheet. This will help avoid spillage and make the whole process a little easier.

All you need to do is grease each pocket with a small amount of coconut oil or vegetable oil. (This helps the elderberry gummies pop out of the mold a bit easier.)

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (7)
Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (8)

Homemade Elderberry Gummies

Homemade Elderberry Gummies

Quick and easy homemade elderberry gummies for an immune system boost


  • 3/4CupElderberry Syrup
  • 3/4CupWater or Fruit Juice
  • 4TbspGelatin
  • Silicon Molds


  1. Add your elderberry syrup and cold fruit juice to a small sauce pan. Shake your gelatin powder over the top of the cold liquid, allowing it to bloom.

  2. Once the gelatin powder has absorbed some of the liquid, turn your burner on to medium low.

  3. Stir your mixture until warmed well and the mixture is no longer grainy. Be careful not to bring to a boil. You want the mixture warm, but not hot.

  4. Work quickly and fill up each of your molds with your mixture using a spoon or dropper.

  5. Refrigerate for two hours or until firm.

Tips for Making Homemade Elderberry Gummies

Want to change up the flavor? Keep your liquid to gelatin ratio the same, but feel free to experiment with different juices, waters, etc for different flavor combinations.

For this recipe, we used candy molds that held approximately 2 teaspoons of liquid. This is twice the dose of elderberry syrup we use for our kiddo so we just chop them in half. Depending on the ages of your family members, you may want to make these elderberry gummies smaller or larger.

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (10)

Be sure to pin this homemade elderberry gummy recipe to your favorite Pinterest board for future reference!

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (11)

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Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. I’m not a doctor and am only sharing what I have learned over the years. It is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information may not be complete, nor may its data be entirely accurate.

Four Ingredient Elderberry Gummies (Plus a 2 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup Recipe) (2024)


Do elderberry gummies work as well as elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberries are rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which are known to boost the immune system and fight inflammation. Both gummies and syrup offer these benefits, but they might be more suitable for different needs and preferences.

Which form of elderberry is most effective? ›

However, studies have shown that elderberry syrup is the most effective form of elderberry supplement for immune support.

How much homemade elderberry syrup should I take daily? ›

Preventative Use: Take 1 teaspoon daily during the cold and flu season. During Illness: Increase to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day at the onset of symptoms.

Who should not take elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberry appears to have few side effects when used properly for short periods of time (up to 5 days). Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take elderberry. If you have an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, ask your doctor before taking elderberry, as it may stimulate the immune system.

Which is better elderberry gummies or Elderberry Syrup? ›

The most potent form of elderberry is raw elderberry syrup (Dr. Mobley suggests syrup made with organic, fresh-pressed elderberries). The syrup is absorbed most quickly by the body—whereas if you take elderberry gummies, capsules, lozenges, or teas, they're less potent and/or take longer for the body to digest.

What not to mix with elderberry? ›

What other drugs will affect elderberry?
  • medicine to prevent organ transplant rejection;
  • medicine to treat multiple sclerosis;
  • medicine to treat psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune disorders;
  • medicine to treat ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease; or.
  • steroid medicine.
Feb 22, 2024

What is stronger than elderberry? ›

However, the Aronia is said to be more nutritional than the Elderberry due to its antioxidant-rich property and higher vitamin & mineral content. They are also able to improve blood circulation, particularly beneficial to those who suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Do elderberry gummies actually work? ›

They seem to help reduce swelling, fight inflammation, and boost the immune system. Limited studies have found that elderberry eases flu symptoms like fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough, and body aches. The benefits seem to be greatest when started within 24 to 48 hours after the symptoms begin.

What is better Ashwagandha or elderberry? ›

While Elderberry primarily targets immune health, upper respiratory health, allergies, and acts as an anti-viral - Ashwagandha benefits the brain, lung function, and relieves stress. Put the two together, and you have powerful herbs that benefit so many parts of the body.

Can you overdo elderberry? ›

Elderberry extract appears to be safe when taken in small doses. Taking amounts greater than recommended could be more likely to result in undesirable side effects. Elderberries should always be cooked and processed before they're consumed. Unripened, raw elderberries can release toxins into your body.

What is the best time of day to take elderberry syrup? ›

Although there is no specific time of day to take elderberry, you'll maximize its benefits by using it consistently on a regular basis. You can choose whether to use it morning, afternoon or evening. It may be best to use elderberry for short periods of time to support healthy immune function, and then take a break.

What is the healthiest way to consume elderberry? ›

Elderberry pie, elderberry syrup, elderberry jam—the sweet taste and even sweeter health benefits of this tiny fruit come in many forms. The most popular way to use fresh elderberries is to cook them into a syrup or extract used to support your immune system.

Is elderberry bad for kidneys? ›

Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver and kidney function are not altered in postmenopausal women after ingesting an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins for 12 weeks.

Can elderberry affect blood pressure? ›

Elderberry is rich in antioxidants, which can help lower inflammation as well as cholesterol and blood pressure. “Elderberry's phytonutrients and fiber content helps to lower the amount of cholesterol circulating [in your blood] by binding to [the cholesterol] and expelling it from the body,” Best said.

Are there negative side effects of elderberry? ›

Elderberry is possibly unsafe when uncooked leaves, stems, or fruit are consumed. The elderberry plant contains a chemical that produces cyanide in the leaves or other plant parts and in the unripe green fruit. This can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, or more serious side effects if consumed in large quantities.

Do elderberry immune gummies work? ›

Elderberry is commonly used for the common cold, flu, high cholesterol, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses, with the possible exception of the flu. There is also no good evidence to support using elderberry for COVID-19.

How long does it take for elderberry gummies to work? ›

The active ingredients in elderberry extract are water-soluble, so they should take effect quickly. Like many supplements, however, elderberry extract commonly has a cumulative effect that builds over the course of 1-2 weeks.

Does elderberry gummies help immune system? ›

The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.