Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (2024)

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (1)ByKristen Smith, Herbalist & Aromatherapist

An herbal ear oil made with mullein, garlic, and other herbs is perfect for treatingearaches and ear infections at home. This simple herbal preparation is a must-have for homes with little ones!

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (2)

Two of our children have been prone to earaches. During a cold, in the middle of the night when they tend to strike,I would hear the wail of “My ear hurts!”

I would inwardly groan, knowing what was ahead (no sleep). Ialways felt sorry for them, though. I’ve had earaches as an adult and they’ve truly been miserable.I knew how much pain they were in.

When our oldest child had her first ear infection on a weekend, I did what I thought I needed to do. We went to urgent care, had a quick exam, and got antibiotics and ear drops for pain.

After learning about natural health, though, I opted for other treatments for earaches and ear infections. Antibiotic resistance and gut health both call for a conservative use of antibiotics, and typically, ear infections will clear on their own without the prescription (source).

But when children are in pain, it’s hard for a mom to sit and watch for 2-3 days doing nothing, am I right? Chiropractic care ishelpful, but a simple herbal ear oil with garlic, mullein, and other anti-inflammatory herbs is one of the best remedies to use first.

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (3)

An herbal ear oil canto help a child dealing with an ear infectionin multiple ways. The warmed oil itself soothes inflamed tissues and helps relieve pain.

The herbs typically infused in the oil also provide benefits. They are antimicrobial, helping to combat any infection that’s present, and they are also very anti-inflammatory.

The formula I’m sharing here was developed based on one used in this study on naturopathic treatment for ear pain in children. Mullein flower, garlic, calendula, lavender, and St. John’s Wort were infused in olive oil, though I don’t know the exact ratios used since I onlyhave access to theabstract.

Making an ear oil is really quite simple! An even simpler oil can be made with just mullein flowers and garlic, though I do like the addition of other anti-inflammatory herbs if possible. This is something that every momma of young children should keep stocked in the natural medicine chest!

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein & Garlic

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Dried herbs are used to eliminate moisture in the final product and extend the shelf-life. Bulk Herb Store is anotheronline source for quality herbs.

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (4)


  1. In a small heat-safe glass or ceramic dish (I like using a small glass measuring cup), combine the oil and herbs.
  2. Place a canning ring or folded washcloth in the bottom of a small saucepan. Set the dish with the herbs and oil on the canning ring or washcloth, then fill the saucepan with water so that water comes at least halfway up the side of the dish.
  3. Gently heat the water and oil infusion over low heat for about 3 hours. Check the pan periodically and add more water as needed. The water shouldn’t boil or even really simmer.
  4. After the herbs have infused in the oil, strain through a lint-free cloth or unbleached coffee filter. Pour the oil into a 2 oz. amber glass bottle with a dropper top, then label with the remedy’s name, ingredients, and date made. This may be stored at room temperature.

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (5)

To use,place about 3 drops of the ear oil in the ear. Gently warming the oil in a bowl of warm water first will make it more comfortable.

Any ear oil should never be used if the ear drum is ruptured. A care provider can look to check, or you can simply learn to use an otoscope at home.

4 More Mullein Recipes

Mullein is the star in many recipes that support the lungs and throat. If you’d like to learn more ways to put this wonderful herb to use, consider one of these ideas:

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for an herbal set from Mountain Rose Herbs from the previous post! It has just what you need to make a great ear oil at home.

Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (6)

Have you ever used an ear oil for a child with an ear infection?

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Herbal Ear Oil with Mullein and Garlic (Plus 4 More Mullein Recipes) (2024)


How do you make garlic mullein oil for ear infection? ›

Chop the garlic into small pieces. Place the garlic and mullein flowers in a small glass jar with a lid. Cover the mullein flowers with olive oil and allow to set in the sun for several days, or heat over very low heat for 4 hours.

How do you make mullein oil ear drops? ›

Fill your jar with fresh mullein flowers (half way with dried herb). Fill the jar to the very top with standard olive oil. It's important that you fill it up all the way to keep the flowers completely submerged in the oil. Put on a tightly fitting lid and place it in a cool dark place for 4 weeks.

What does mullein oil do for ears? ›

Compounds found in Mullein leaves and flowers are classified in traditional herbal medicine as expectorants (promotes the discharge of mucus) and demulcents (soothes irritation or inflammation of mucous membranes).

How many drops of mullein garlic oil? ›

Suggested Use: Shake well before using. Two to three times per day, drop slightly warmed oil into each ear. Ages 1-10, use 1 drop. Over 10 years old, use 2 drops.

How long does garlic mullein oil last? ›

Does Mullein Garlic Ear Oil have an expiration date? Each bottle of Mullein Garlic Ear Oil has an expiration date. The oil generally lasts about 3 years. Store the oil in a cool dark place.

How do you get fluid out of your ear naturally? ›

Effective home remedies for safe fluid drainage include jiggling the earlobe, using gravity, creating a vacuum, using a blow dryer, trying ear drops or sprays, trying more water, inhaling steam, and gargling with saltwater.

How do you make mullein garlic ear drops? ›

Place mullein and garlic into a small mason jar and cover with enough olive oil so that everything is submerged. Heat over a simmer for 20-30 minutes. Strain through muslin or coffee filter and allow to cool to room temperature before using. Store in a clean bottle with dropper in the refrigerator.

Does mullein garlic oil need to be refrigerated? ›

Take care that the oil is warm, not hot. Dry outside of dropper before putting back in bottle. Keep refrigerated after opening.

What is the most effective way to use mullein? ›

According to studies on the use of mullein for respiratory diseases like asthma, the most common way to use mullein is through tea infusions and syrups that people swallow. Sometimes preparations with mullein include other plants like mint, rosemary, and pine needles. Other preparations may also contain honey or sugar.

How long does it take for mullein ear drops to work? ›

Totally works! Within 3 days my ear stopped bothering me. Very soothing and simple to use, just a couple of drops in each ear and that was it.

What are the side effects of mullein leaf oil? ›

Based on anecdotal evidence and published studies, there are no reports of major side effects from mullein. Some species of mullein may cause contact dermatitis , a skin reaction that can cause itching, rash, and irritation.

Is mullein oil safe for ears? ›

Mullein is a specific remedy for earache, bronchitis, coughing, sinus congestion, chest congestion and wheezing.

How do you use garlic and mullein oil? ›

Simply place the 1-2 drops directly into the affected ear. Mullein has been used traditionally to soothe inflamed mucous membranes (read: Pain relief!) which in turn works with the garlic, a potent antibiotic, to help clear infection. These drops are a life saver for anyone experiencing recurrent ear infections.

How do you use Mullein Garlic Ear Oil? ›

Garlic and mullein flowers (both grown on our farm) infused into extra virgin olive oil is a classic remedy for ear issues. Just drop 3-4 drops into ear, massage around ear, and repeat every 30 minutes up to a few times a day.

Does Mullein Garlic Ear Oil expire? ›

Each bottle of Mullein Garlic Ear Oil has an expiration date. The oil generally lasts about 3 years. Store the oil in a cool dark place.

How do you use mullein for earaches? ›


Place 3-6 drops of Compound Mullein Oil into the ear just before bedtime. Do not insert the dropper directly into the ear. Gently insert a cotton ball into the ear to prevent leakage. Remove cotton in the morning.

How do you make essential oils for ear infection? ›

When used for ear infections, essential oils should be extremely diluted. The standard recipe calls for one drop of essential oil to one teaspoon (5 milliliters) of carrier oil. Before applying the diluted oil to your ear, apply a small drop to the skin and wait an hour or so to see if you have an allergic reaction.

How do you use mullein leaf for ear infection? ›

Because mullein has some antibacterial properties, preliminary research shows that mullein may be useful in treating middle ear infections in children. Instead of tea, the treatment consists of ear drops with mullein, St. John's Wort, and garlic in oil or glycerin.


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