You'll Never Go Back To The Restaurant For One Of These Again - Page 2 of 2 - Recipe Patch (2024)

You'll Never Go Back To The Restaurant For One Of These Again - Page 2 of 2 - Recipe Patch (1)

March 28, 2017April 25, 2017 Grace Entree Recipes30 comments

The alternative method to cooking this is by simply putting it on a griddle and browning both sides, kind of like you do for a grilled cheese or French toast. It’s a lot easier that way for me, and a lot less mess. I love to make these for lunch now when Uncle Mark comes to my house to visit. It takes us back to those simple days when we could just jump in the truck and take off wherever we wanted to go. The good ol’ days.Check out what they are saying about this recipe over at Group Recipes:

“This just might be my favorite sandwich. Finger licking good. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!”

I can’t get enough of this sandwich either…and it’s just so much better when you make it at home!


4 each white bread slices

as needed — butter

2 oz Sliced turkey or chicken breast

2 oz Sliced Hormel ham

2 oz Sliced Kraft swiss cheese

2 eggs, beaten

4 tbsp milk

salt & pepper to taste


Place the bread on a clean work surface.

Spread the tops with butter.

Place the turkey, ham, and cheese slices on one of the pieces of bread.

Top with the remaining slice of bread, buttered side down.

Secure the sandwich with 2 picks placed in opposite corners.

Beat the egg and milk together.

Dip the sandwich in the batter until it is completely coated and the liquid has partially soaked into the bread.

Fry the sandwich in deep fat at 375°F until golden brown.

Cut in half or quarters, and serve immediately.

Serve with a side salad, and you’ve got yourself a hit!


Quick Tip: These are also tasty with provolone cheese.

Thanks again to Group Recipes for this super yummy recipe.

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Seriously? . . fry the sandwich in deep fat?? Do you mean like Crisco fat? Definitely not for the diet conscience.
No thanks


Fat is very healthy for the diet. A low-fat diet is not good for your health in the least. Now Crisco, yeah, bad news because it contains hydrogenated vegetable oils but butter? Slather that stuff on everything…including frying this sandwich in it 🙂


If your deep fried items are greasy you are doing it wrong.
Besides, regarding this dish, do you deep fry french toast? No need to deep fry this either.


I agree, a griddle will do just fine.


I agree deep fryer. NOT. Pan fry maybe like grill cheese. No oil. Heart attack waiting to happen


It is not the fat its the carbs that kill us…look it up!!


My version of this :
I start out by getting the eggs ready to dip my bread into.
I start 2 slices of the bread (of my choice), cooking as though for French Toast.
flip When ready ,place cheese and ham/ turkey on the cooked side of 1 slice of bread and fip the other slice cooked side down on to the sandwich filling. Flip the sandwich when ready to cook the top slice. I use plenty of butter and if I’m using ham, I indulge with maple syrup.


That’s a good way to cook, we dipped in raspberry jam tho.


Your recipes are awesome! I sure hope that you sen out emails of the recipes…..I left my email address just in case!!!!


I will not deep fry either. I am going to try my panini maker, but a griddle or cast iron skillet will work just fine. To those who repeatedly say not healthy to these recipes, dont make them. It’s as simple as that!


If you don’t like the recipe, why post something negative? Move on. Jeez. I’m trying it tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe!!!


Well said!


Well said also


Skip the butter and eggs altogether and coat the outside of both slices with real mayonnaise (use lots). fry in a non-stick pan. The egg in the mayo will fry up just like a whole egg, but you’ll get the tart flavor of mayo. the heat while frying will melt the cheese, so you don’t really need anything on the ham. Works best if you coat one side with mayo, then place in the pan. Coat the second side as soon as its in the pan.


Is this what is know as a “Monty Cristo” ? Instead of deep fry, I would put it on the griddle.


Bitch, bitch, bitch. If you don’t like the recipe move on and keep your comments to yourself. This is why there are so many recipes out there. Something for everyone.


Exactly!!! why be negative…move on to another recipe! Simple!


Agsin, I agree. Well said Lori!


Who is bitching?? People are entitled to comment with their variations. If you don’t like it – then you can move on!!!


I add about a tablespoon of apricot preserves, a pinch of cloves, and dijon mustard to the ham inside then fry in butter over medium heat.


It’s just called a Monte Cristo sandwich, a grilled cheese that’s been dipped in egg and fried. Nothing new.


Frying beats grilling anytime! Bennigans used to have the best. Now every place just throws them on a griddle and it’s very disappointing.


I have never made this sandwich, but it looks like the Monte Cristo sandwich that I have had in restaurants. Yes, it is deep fried and served with raspberry jam.


I would say this is a Monte Cristo – and I would grill it in a skillet just like grilled cleese.


This is one of the Best Sandwiches, along with a Reuben that is, I’ve ever had. Thanks for the recipe.


I made mine a little different, I would roast a turkey breast and a ham and cut into rough pieces about 1in. I would make a savory egg and milk mix to coat the bread, and make it like French toast on a grittile While the bread was cooking I would heat the meat together, but instead of sliced cheese I would make a morney sauce with white wine, cream and Parm cheese!!! No deep frying.


I make a variation of this sandwich. Take two pieces of bread cut and place either thin sliced Brie or Canberra cheese not too close to the edge then put thin slices of ham on top and then the other piece of bread. Butter both sides just a scant on the bread, but butter in the frying pan and toast that way. Toast both sides and serve with glass of cold milk, wine or a beer and a salad. The cheese melts and is just delicious, my go to sandwich when I am feeling down.


Why does the recipe call for 4 slices of white bread when they only use 2 slices , I read the recipe 3 times


Why don’t any of these recipes have names?


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You'll Never Go Back To The Restaurant For One Of These Again - Page 2 of 2 - Recipe Patch (2024)


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