Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (2024)

Healthy Puddings and Dips

by Chocolate Covered Katie

5 from 12 votes

This homemade creamy vegan ranch dressing is simple to make and so delicious you’ll want to eat it with a spoon!

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (2)

Even my non-vegan family loves this vegan ranch!

If you’re looking for a smooth and flavorful ranch dressing recipe that can be oil free, egg free, nut free, and dairy free, this is definitely the recipe to try.

It easily holds its own against any traditional ranch you can buy at the store, with the same luxuriously thick texture and cool and creamy taste.

Also make this easy Mushroom Gravy

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (4)

Ways to use dairy free ranch

This dressing is of course great on salads, but it’s also a fantastic dip for raw veggies, french fries or sweet potato fries, or on this Veggie Burger Recipe.

I really love to use it as a sauce on top of roasted vegetables – it makes a great meal if you add roast cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, and other veggies along with baked tofu or chickpeas to a bowl, then cover it in this creamy ranch.

Or use the ranch to make a homemade white Vegan Pizza.

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (5)

What are some of your favorite uses for ranch dressing?

I highly recommend trying it as a dipping sauce for Buffalo Cauliflower Wings.

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (6)

Ranch sauce ingredients

For the tofu version: the low fat and low calorie version uses tofu as the base instead of sour cream, to add thickness and creaminess without eggs or dairy.

I like either shelf-stable Mori-Nu silken firm tofu or refrigerated soft tofu for the recipe. Don’t use extra firm or non-silken firm tofu because it will yield a grainy texture.

Leftover tofu? Use it up in this Tofu Scramble Recipe or my Vegan Chocolate Pie.

To make cashew ranch: For a soy free ranch dressing, you can use raw cashews or macadamia nuts in the base instead of the tofu. (I haven’t tried it with roasted cashews yet, so be sure to leave a comment if you try it before I do.)

This version works best in a high speed blender like a Vitamix, but I have also done it in a Magic Bullet single serving blender, and it’s still smooth as long as you pulse and blend the ingredients long enough.

Vegan mayo: I love the recipe with Follow Your Heart regular or reduced fat Vegenaise, Just Mayo, or it also works with homemade cashew mayo.

For ranch with no mayo, some people say that the cashew version tastes just fine to them without the mayonnaise, which is why I listed it as optional. Personally, I much prefer the taste of both versions with the mayo included because it adds a ton of flavor depth.

But if you want to try the cashew version (or I guess the tofu version too) without it to see what you think, you can always then add it in later if desired.

I haven’t tried the recipe with Avocado Mayo, but feel free to experiment.

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (7)

How to make the best vegan ranch dressing at home

Go to any Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or even Walmart these days, and you can find multiple brands of vegan ranch. Even Hidden Valley now offers a Plant Powered Ranch!

But this wasn’t always the case. Just like with Vegan Cream Cheese, when I first went vegan, making your own ranch dressing at home was pretty much the only way to go.

I originally made this vegan buttermilk dressing as a cashew based ranch before experimenting and discovering that it works just as well with tofu.

Above, watch the vegan friendly ranch recipe video

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (8)

Vegan Ranch Dressing

This creamy homemade vegan ranch dressing is easy to make and super delicious.

Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (10)

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Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Total Time 5 minutes minutes

Yield 1 2/3 cup

5 from 12 votes


  • 1 cup raw cashews OR 6 oz silken firm tofu
  • 1/2 tsp each: garlic powder, dried dill, and onion powder or flakes
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice or water
  • 1 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp vegan mayo (optional – see note above before omitting)


  • To make the vegan ranch: If using cashews, soak nuts 6-8 hours in a bowl of water, then drain fully. For either version, blend all ingredients until completely smooth. Only for the cashew version, add an additional 1/4 cup water and 1/4 tsp salt. Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator.

    View Nutrition Facts


Also be sure to try this Cauliflower Soup Recipe.

Have you made this recipe?

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Vegan Ranch Dressing - TWO Easy Recipes! (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.