Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (2024)

Whitening pens are a trendy product in oral care, promising to deliver a brighter smile in no time. They are lauded for their convenience, portability, and quick results. As with any product, the efficacy largely depends on the quality and ingredients used. Therefore, choosing the right whitening pen is important for achieving the best results.

The best whitening pen should be effective, user-friendly, gentle on the teeth and gums, and should contain safe whitening compounds. Using the wrong type can potentially lead to tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, or unsatisfactory results.

When buying a whitening pen, it’s critical to scrutinize the ingredients. The bleaching substance should ideally be hydrogen peroxide or a derivative of it, known for their teeth-whitening effects. However, the concentration should not exceed the safe limit of usage. Certain pens may also incorporate other ingredients for added benefits, like flavoring agents for a pleasant taste or remineralizing elements for enamel protection.

In this article, we help you navigate through myriad choices of whitening pens. We’ve researched, tested, and evaluated various brands to identify the ones offering optimal teeth whitening with minimum side effects. We aim to provide you with all the necessary information, by the end of which you’ll be well equipped to choose the right whitening pen for your needs.

Best Whitening Pens

Choosing the right whitening pen is integral for achieving that desired bright smile. The pen should offer effective whitening, be easy to use, and gentle on your oral tissues. Given the plethora of options on the market, making an informed choice can be daunting. Hence, we’ve put together a list of the best whitening pens that are a product of thorough research and testing. Keep reading to make an enlightened choice.

SmileShark Teeth Whitening Pen (4 Count), No Sensitivity Teeth Whitening Gel, Effective Teeth Whitener, Travel-Friendly Tooth Whitening Pen, Carbamide Peroxide Tooth Bleaching Gel for Adults

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (1)

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth, the SmileShark Teeth Whitening Pen might be worth considering.


  • The 4-pack of pens provides up to 20 sessions of whitening, making it a great value for the price.
  • The no-sensitivity formula is gentle on teeth and gums, making it a great option for those who have experienced sensitivity with other whitening products.
  • The pens are small and portable, making them easy to take on-the-go and use whenever you need a quick touch-up.


  • Some users have reported that the pens can be difficult to control, resulting in uneven application of the whitening gel.
  • While the product is marketed as providing professional-level whitening, some users have reported that the results are not as dramatic as they had hoped.
  • The product contains carbamide peroxide, which can be harmful if swallowed, so it’s important to use it carefully and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Overall, we think the SmileShark Teeth Whitening Pen is a solid option for those looking for a quick and easy way to whiten their teeth. While the results may not be as dramatic as some users had hoped, the no-sensitivity formula and small, portable size make it a great option for those who want to whiten their teeth on-the-go.

VieBeauti Teeth Whitening Pen (3 Pcs), 30+ Uses, Effective, Painless, No Sensitivity, Travel-Friendly, Easy to Use, Beautiful White Smile, Mint Flavor

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (2)

If you’re looking for a teeth whitening pen that’s easy to use, effective, and gentle on your teeth, then the VieBeauti Teeth Whitening Pen might be the perfect choice for you.


  • The whitening gel is specially formulated to be gentle on your teeth and gums, so you won’t experience any pain or sensitivity.
  • The pen is compact and travel-friendly, so you can whiten your teeth on the go.
  • The mint flavor is refreshing and helps to freshen your breath.


  • Some users have reported that the pen doesn’t work as well on severely stained teeth.
  • The pen may dry out quickly if you’re not careful, so you’ll need to reapply the gel frequently.
  • The price point may be a bit high for some users.

We’ve been using the VieBeauti Teeth Whitening Pen for a few weeks now, and we’re impressed with the results. The pen is easy to use, and the whitening gel is gentle on our teeth and gums. We’ve experienced no pain or sensitivity, which is a big plus.

The pen is also compact and travel-friendly, so we can whiten our teeth on the go. The mint flavor is refreshing and helps to freshen our breath, which is a nice bonus.

While the pen may not work as well on severely stained teeth, it’s still an effective option for most people. The only downside is that the pen may dry out quickly if you’re not careful, so you’ll need to reapply the gel frequently. However, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the overall effectiveness of the product.

Overall, we highly recommend the VieBeauti Teeth Whitening Pen to anyone looking for a gentle, effective, and easy-to-use teeth whitening solution.

Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen, Teeth Stain Remover to Whiten Teeth, 35 Nightly Treatments

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (3)

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth, the Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen might be just what you need.


  • The pen is easy to use and provides up to 35 applications.
  • It contains hydrogen peroxide, a dentist-trusted teeth whitening ingredient.
  • The pen is small and portable, making it perfect for on-the-go use.


  • Some users may experience sensitivity or gum irritation.
  • The results may not be as dramatic as with other whitening methods.
  • The pen may dry out if not used regularly.

We’ve tried the Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen and found it to be a convenient and effective way to whiten our teeth. The pen is easy to use and provides a nice amount of product with each application. We also appreciate that it contains hydrogen peroxide, a trusted whitening ingredient used by dentists.

One thing to keep in mind is that while the pen is effective, the results may not be as dramatic as with other whitening methods. Additionally, some users may experience sensitivity or gum irritation, so it’s important to use the pen as directed.

Overall, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth, the Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen is definitely worth considering. It’s convenient, effective, and easy to use, making it a great choice for anyone looking to improve the brightness of their smile.

AsaVea Smile Teeth Whitening Pen (4 Pens) for Teeth Whitening, 40+ Uses, Effective, Painless, No Sensitivity, Travel-Friendly, Beautiful White Smile, Mint Flavor

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (4)

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth, the AsaVea Smile Teeth Whitening Pen might be worth considering.


  • The pen is designed for precision, making it easy to apply the whitening gel directly to your teeth.
  • With 40+ uses per pen, this product offers excellent value for money.
  • The whitening gel is enamel-safe and alcohol-free, so it won’t cause any damage to your teeth or gums.


  • Some users have reported that the pen can be difficult to use with one hand.
  • The whitening effect may not be as noticeable as with other whitening products.
  • The mint flavor may not be to everyone’s taste.

We’ve tried the AsaVea Smile Teeth Whitening Pen ourselves and found it to be a convenient and easy-to-use product. The precision tip makes it easy to apply the gel directly to your teeth, and the fact that each pen has 40+ uses means you get a lot of value for your money.

One potential downside is that the pen can be a bit difficult to use with one hand, which may be an issue for some users. Additionally, while the whitening effect is noticeable, it may not be as dramatic as with other whitening products.

Overall, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth on the go, the AsaVea Smile Teeth Whitening Pen is definitely worth considering.

Venus Visage Award Winning Teeth Whitening Pen (2 Pens), 20+ Uses – Teeth whitening Gel Professionally formulated – Best Teeth whitening kit Teeth Whitener – Low Sensitivity (Mint)

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (5)

If you’re looking for a teeth whitening pen that is both effective and easy to use, the Venus Visage Teeth Whitening Pen might be the right choice for you.


  • The pen is professionally formulated and contains up to 20 uses, making it a great value for the price.
  • It is safe for enamel and has low sensitivity, making it suitable for most people.
  • The mint flavor is refreshing and makes the whitening process more enjoyable.


  • The pen might not work as well on severely discolored teeth.
  • It requires a certain level of precision to apply the gel evenly.
  • The whitening process might take longer than expected.

We have personally used the Venus Visage Teeth Whitening Pen and found it to be effective in removing surface stains and giving us a brighter smile. The pen is easy to use and the gel applies smoothly, making the whitening process comfortable and hassle-free.

The pen is also safe for enamel and has low sensitivity, which is great for those who are sensitive to pain or have sensitive teeth. The mint flavor is refreshing and makes the whitening process more enjoyable, unlike some other whitening products that have a harsh chemical taste.

However, we did notice that the pen might not work as well on severely discolored teeth. It requires a certain level of precision to apply the gel evenly, which might be difficult for some people. Additionally, the whitening process might take longer than expected, so it’s important to be patient and consistent with your use of the pen.

Overall, if you’re looking for a teeth whitening pen that is effective, easy to use, and safe for your teeth, the Venus Visage Teeth Whitening Pen is definitely worth considering.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best whitening pens, there are several factors to consider. As someone who has used and tested various products, I understand the importance of finding the right product that meets your needs.

Tip Type

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a whitening pen is the tip type. The tip of the pen should be fine and precise, allowing you to draw straight lines and create sharp corners. A blunt tip can make it difficult to control the pen and may result in uneven or sloppy application.

Ink Quality

The quality of the ink is another important factor to consider. The ink should be opaque and highly pigmented, allowing you to achieve a bright and vibrant color with just a few strokes. Low-quality ink may require multiple layers, resulting in a dull and lackluster finish.


Erasability is also an important consideration when choosing a whitening pen. The best pens should allow you to easily erase mistakes and make corrections without damaging the surface of the paper. A pen that is difficult to erase can be frustrating to use and may lead to wasted time and effort.

Comfort and Grip

Finally, the comfort and grip of the pen should be taken into account. The pen should be comfortable to hold and use for extended periods of time, without causing hand fatigue or cramping. A pen with a poor grip may slip or slide in your hand, making it difficult to control and use effectively.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best whitening pen for your needs and achieve the bright, vibrant, and error-free results you desire.

Top 5 Best Whitening Pens 2024 - Pixelfy blog (2024)


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