Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (2024)

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It's so easy to make your own low carb sugar free peanut butter chips. And, the chips are perfect to use for baking or snacking.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (1)
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There are some great recipes out there that require peanut butter chips. Although you can buy a bag of stevia sweetened low carb chocolate chips, I haven't seen sugar free peanut butter chips sold anywhere.

I came up with this recipe forpeanut butter flavored low carb chips to use for baking. But, they are so delicious, I ended up snackin on them too.

These homemade peanut butter chips are great for adding peanut butter flavor to brownies, chocolate cookies, fudge, muffins, trail mix, sprinkling on ice cream, or just plain old snacking. I must warn you on the snacking as they are quite addicting and you may not be able to stop at a serving or two.

This is actually my second attempt at making homemade sugar free peanut butter chips. The first try used regular unsweetened peanut butter and the chips melted in my hand. It was all the fat in the peanut butter that just wouldn't allow the chips to harden even with the cocoa butter.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (2)

In order to get the chips to harden all the way, I had to put them in the freezer. When stored in the refrigerator, they had the consistency of a firm fudge. The solution was to use a peanut butter powderwith no sugar added which has some of the fat removed from the peanuts in order to create a free flowing powder.

Have you ever looked at the ingredients listed on a bag of peanut butter baking chips? Here's the list of ingredients in the Hershey brand:

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (3)

The partially defatted peanuts is really just peanut butter powder or peanut flour. Hydrogenating vegetable oils makes them shelf stable, but I stay away from anything with partially hydrogenated oils. They have been shown to increase cholesterol in the body which increases the risk of heart disease.

You'll love that my sugar free peanut butter chips are low carb friendly. And, they are made from natural ingredients which do not contain any partially hydrogenated oils or corn syrup.

To make these delicious baking chips, I started by melting 100 grams of cocoa butter in a chocolate melter. This could also be done in a double boiler and probably even the microwave.

I prefer using the chocolate melter because it uses the perfect temperature for melting chocolate. Once melted, I added peanut flour, powdered sweetener, salt, and vanilla extract.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (4)

The sugar free peanut butter chips mixture ended up to be rather thick. I had to spread it out on a prepared pan using a rubber spatula.

In order to smooth out the top, I covered the melted peanut butter mixture with a sheet of parchment paper and smoothed it out with my hand. Then I put whole thing in the freezer for about 30 minutes to harden up.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (5)

After removing from the freezer, I removed the parchment paper which peeled right off. I had a few bubbles that formed under the parchment paper, but no big deal. You can't notice any of that after cutting the entire mass into chip size pieces.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (6)

To cut these into peanut butter chips, I first cut the whole thing into three large pieces. Then, I cut strips into each large piece and then cutting the strips crosswise into small chunks about the size of large chips.

Although they can be left out for a day or two, these homemade baking chips will stay fresher longer stored in the refrigerator.

How To Use Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips

You can use these chips in your favorite low carb chocolate chip cookie recipe. But here's a few more suggestions:

  • Keto Fudge Fat Bomb is a dark chocolate fudge that would be amazing with some chips sprinkled on top.
  • Add them into a keto chocolate cake or sprinkle them on top of the frosting.
  • Sprinkle them on top of a peanut butter pie or stir them into the filling.
  • Fold them into the batter for keto flourless chocolate cookies.
  • Add them with peanut butter ice cream topping to make a sundae.
Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (7)

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Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (8)

Homemade Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips

4.84 from 6 votes

It's so easy to make your own low carb peanut butter chips. And, the chips are perfect to use for baking or snacking.

Prep Time:15 minutes mins

Total Time:15 minutes mins

Course: Snack

Cuisine: American

Print Pin Review Recipe Save Recipe

Servings: 16 people

Calories: 52


US Customary - Metric


  • Powder granular sweetener in a NutriBullet type blender or food processor. Set aside.

  • Melt cocoa butter in chocolate melter, double boiler, or microwave.

  • Stir in peanut butter powder, powdered sweetener, and sea salt until well combined.

  • Spread mixture out on parchment paper, silicone mat, or shallow baking pan lined with plastic wrap over a little water.

  • If needed, cover with parchment paper and smooth out top with hand.

  • Place in freezer for about 30 minutes or until hardened.

  • Remove the peanut butter sheet from pan and cut into chip size chunks. Use immediately or store in the refrigerator.


You can add in some vanilla powder after removing from the heat. Vanilla extract with alcohol can thicken the melted mix so I don't recommend using it.

Makes about 2 cups.

Low Carb Sweeteners | Keto Sweetener Conversion Chart


Serving: 2tablespoons | Calories: 52 | Carbohydrates: 3.2g | Protein: 4.4g | Fat: 3.7g | Sodium: 8mg | Fiber: 1.1g

Additional Info

Net Carbs: 2.1g | % Carbs: 14.2% | % Protein: 29.7% | % Fat: 56.2% | SmartPoints: 1

Notes on Nutritional Information

Nutritional information for the recipe is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site. Erythritol carbs are not included in carb counts as it has been shown not to impact blood sugar. Net carbs are the total carbs minus fiber.


© - Unauthorized use of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited unless for personal offline purposes. Single photos may be used, provided that full credit is given to along with a link back to the original content.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Chips - Low Carb Recipe (2024)


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