Percentage Increase Calculator % - Calculate percent increase (2024)

Use this percent increase calculator to calculate the result from a percentage increase by any amount. Easy to use as a percentage growth calculator for your salary, business, or investment.

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  1. How to calculate percentage increase?
  • Percentage increase formula
  • Percent increase calculation examples
    • New versus old salary / hourly rate
    • Percentage growth calculation
    • Price increase calculation
    • Increase in property value example

    How to calculate percentage increase?

    Percentage increase is a useful thing to calculate when comparing time periods, estimating growth percent (yearly, monthly, daily etc.), or comparing a new state to an old state of things, e.g. a new salary or hourly rate, versus your previous one. The formula for calculating percent increase used in our percentage increase calculator is:

    Percentage increase formula

    Percent increase = new / old * 100 - 100

    where new is the newer quantity or measure, and old is the older (or original) quantity or measure.

    In other cases, you know the starting, or original quantity, measure, or price, and you want to estimate what it would be if it were increased by a given percentage. In this case the formula used is:

    Increased value = base + base * % increase / 100

    where base is the starting amount and % increase is the percentage to increase it by. The above formula would be used for a price increase, pay increase, or salary increase calculation. Let us see some concrete examples to explore how it works.

    Percent increase calculation examples

    Several practical examples on how to work out a percentage increase should illustrate the use of relative growth calculations in various applied scenarios.

    New versus old salary / hourly rate

    First, consider an example of a salary percentage increase. Say your salary is $50,000 and you were offered a salary hike amounting to a 20% increase of your current pay. To calculate your new salary after the raise do: $50,000 + $50,000 * 20 / 100 = $50,000 + $50,000 * 0.2 = $50,000 + $10,000 = $60,000.

    In another example, say you have been approached with an opportunity for a new job and they offer you a yearly wage of $60,000 instead of your current $50,000 salary. What is the percentage increase from the difference of $10,000? We plug the numbers into the first formula above to get $60,000 / $50,000 * 100 - 100 = 1.2 * 100 - 100 = 120 - 100 = 20% increase. You can verify this using this online percent increase calculator.

    Finally, consider an hourly pay example. If your current rate is $20/h and you are offered a 10% increase, your new hourly rate can be calculated like so: $20 + $20 * 10 / 100 = $20 + $20 * 0.1 = $20 + $2 = $22. On the other hand, if your current hourly rate is $20/h, and you are offered $22/h, what is that in percentage change? Using the formula, we get 22 / 20 * 100 - 100 = 1.1 * 100 - 100 = 110 - 100 = 10% increase in pay.

    Percentage growth calculation

    Say you are running a small business and you have an average revenue of $20,000 per month by serving 20 customers a month, and you want to increase your revenue by 20%. How many new customers would you need? You need to multiply 20 by 20% and add 20, so that is 5 + 20 = 25. So you would need to serve 5 more customers to a total of 25 customers per month, in order to achieve revenue percentage growth of 20%, assuming that revenue per customer stays the same.

    In another example, say you have, on average, 20 new clients per month. However, in December you got 30 new clients, and you want to tell what that is in terms of percentage growth. Of course, it is easiest to use our free online percentage increase calculator, but if you choose to do the math by hand, it is 30 / 20 * 100 - 100 = 1.5 * 100 - 100 = 150 - 100 = 50%. A growth of 10 clients represents a fifty percent increase in the number of new clients.

    Price increase calculation

    In another situation you might see a price on an item, but it doesn't have tax (e.g. VAT) included. The price is $10 and you know that there is a 20% tax, and you want to know the final price you need to pay after the price increase due to the added tax. Using a percent increase calculator you will quickly find that the final price is $12. The price increase amounts to two dollars. Or you can use our specialized VAT calculator instead.

    Increase in property value example

    In this example use case of our percent increase calculator, you have bought a property worth $500,000 and now its valuation has increased to $550,000 and you want to know what the percentage increase is. You divide the new price by the old price: $550,000 / $500,000 = 1.1, then multiply by 100 to get 110, then subtract 100. The final result is that your property value has increased by 10% over that time period via its gain in value to the amount of 50,000 USD.

    Percentage Increase Calculator % - Calculate percent increase (2024)


    How do you calculate the percent increase? ›

    To the find the percent increase, first subtract the initial value from the final value. Then take the difference and divide it by the initial value. Finally, multiply this number by 100% to convert the number to a percentage. This final result will represent the percent increase between the two values.

    How do you work out adding a percentage increase? ›

    How to work out a percentage raise
    1. Work out what 1% of the original amount (A) is - we'll call this value C, to do this just divide it by 100: C (1%) = A / 100.
    2. Multiplying this by the number of percent you want to increase it by (B): C × B = Amount to raise.
    3. This gives you the value of the rise.

    How to calculate percentage change between two numbers? ›

    To find the percent change, you first subtract the earlier index value from the later one, then divide that difference by the earlier index value, and finally multiply the result by 100.

    What is a 100% increase? ›

    Yes, doubling a number is the same as multiplying in by two or by increasing it by 100%. Here is another way of looking at this: 50 increased by 100% of 50 is 100. You can express this mathematically: 50+ 50(100/100) = 100.

    How do I calculate my raise percentage? ›

    1. First, determine the difference between the employee's old and new salary: $52,000 – $50,000 = $2,000.
    2. Next, divide the raise amount by their old salary: $2,000 / $50,000 = . ...
    3. To turn the decimal into a percentage, multiply by 100: 100 X . 04 = 4%
    May 6, 2024

    What is the increase in percentage calculator? ›

    A Percentage Increase Calculator is a tool used to calculate the percentage increase of a given number. It is calculated by subtracting the original number from the new number, dividing the result by the original number, and then multiplying it by 100.

    What is the formula to increase by a percentage? ›

    Percentage increase:

    (new value−original value)original value×100= Percentage increase.

    What is the formula for percentage? ›

    The percentage of a number is the value of the number out of 100. It is calculated by using the formula (part/whole) × 100. For example, in a class, there are 26 boys and 24 girls. So, the percentage of boys in the class is 26/(26+24) × 100 = 26/50 × 100 = 52%, which means out of 100, 52 are boys.

    How to figure out percentage? ›

    How do you calculate a percentage? To calculate a percentage, you typically divide the part (the smaller value) by the whole (the larger value), and then multiply the result by 100. This gives you the percentage value as a number between 0 and 100.

    How do you calculate what percentage a number is of another? ›

    Consider two numbers 30 and 45. Let us calculate what percentage is 30 out of 45. For this, we divide the part (30) by the whole (45) and multiply the result by 100. This gives 30/45 × 100 = 66.67%.

    How do you work out percentage change formula? ›

    How Do I Calculate Percent Change? If you are tracking a particular stock's price increase, use the formula (New Price - Old Price)/Old Price and then multiply that number by 100. If the price decreased, use the formula (Old Price - New Price)/Old Price and multiply that number by 100.

    How to work out a percentage increase? ›

    Calculating percentage increase
    1. work out the difference. between the two numbers being compared.
    2. divide the increase by the original number and multiply the answer by 100.
    3. in summary: percentage increase = increase ÷ original number × 100.

    How do you calculate the percentage of growth? ›

    To calculate the percentage growth rate, use the basic growth rate formula: subtract the original from the new value and divide the results by the original value. To turn that into a percent increase, multiply the results by 100.

    How do you calculate a 5% increase? ›

    So, assuming your monthly salary is $1,000, a 5% increase will be 0.05 multiplied by $1,000 plus the current salary, resulting in $1,050.

    What is the formula for increasing a number by a percentage? ›

    If you want to increase a number by a certain percentage, follow these steps: Divide the number you wish to increase by 100 to find 1% of it. Multiply 1% by your chosen percentage. Add this number to your original number.

    What is a 5% raise on $20 an hour? ›

    After the pay raise, you would be making $20.60 per hour.


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