Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe (2024)

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posted by Amy Johnsonon March 27, 2015 (updated Feb 6, 2019) 13 comments »

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Pasta with Vodka Sauce is a recipe that can be made in no time for a delicious meal any night of the week.

Pasta and me, we go way back. It’s like we’re best friends or something. Pasta has always beenone of those quick and inexpensive meals that I could whip up in no time after a long day at work (all in moderation, of course). As a young twenty-something, I quickly learned how to create basic yet classic sauces to toss with pasta for easy weeknight meals. Once the basics were down it was easy to switch things up exploring different combinations of herbs, spices and oils. Icontinue to regularly make our favorites, chicken or shrimp with pasta, sometimes with a Creamy Pesto sauce or a basic garlic and olive oil with fresh basil. It makes me drool just thinking about it.

This recipe for Pasta with Vodka Sauce is one of those classics that every pasta lover should know how to whip up. It’s as easy as can be and so aromatic and flavorful for such basic ingredients. This dish can be made from start to finish in less than 30 minutes, so it’s the perfect meal to add to your regular weeknight rotation.

A few Pasta with Vodka Sauce recipe notes:

  • This pasta dish is certainly satisfying on it’s own but if a heartier version is desired, toss in cooked shrimp or chicken.
  • The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of crushed red chile flakes. It is a bit spicy, so if that is a concern I’d recommend cutting the amount in half and add more to desired taste.
  • Penne pasta is a classic pasta to serve with the vodka sauce, but use whatever pasta you’d like. I personally enjoy it with wide ribbon-like noodle pasta, like pappardelle or tagliatelle.
  • The classic vodka sauce recipe calls for parmesan cheese, but if you just so happen to have gruyere on hand, give it a try. Oh my word.

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Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe

Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe (6)

Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

A classic recipe for pasta with vodka sauce made with garlic, crushed tomatoes and parmesan.


  • 1 pound pasta
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red chile flakes*
  • 8 cloves garlic, grated
  • 32 ounces canned crushed tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup vodka
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup grated parmesan, plus more for garnish (or gruyere)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • garnish: fresh chopped parsley, grated parmesan


  1. Begin cooking pasta to al dente stage according to package instructions.
  2. While pasta is cooking, heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add chile flakes and grated garlic, cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, 1-2 minutes.
  3. Add tomatoes and vodka, bring to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Stir in cream, parmesan cheese, plus 1/4 cup of pasta water until smooth. If needed, add more pasta water a little at a time until smooth. Salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Drain pasta, add to pan with sauce and toss until coated.
  6. Serve with fresh parsley and grated parmesan.


*The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of crushed red chile flakes. It is a bit spicy, so if that is a concern I’d recommend cutting the amount in half and add more to desired taste.

Recipe slightly adapted from Saveur.

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originally published on March 27, 2015 (last updated Feb 6, 2019)

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Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe (11)


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13 comments on “Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe”

  1. zouhair najjarReply

    thank you for the recipe,,,,,,,We do not drink alcohol drinks how we can have the recipe without vodka

    • Lucy

      Absolutely. I have made vodka sauce both ways and my family cannot tell the difference. Enjoy..

    • Jennifer

      I literally laughed out loud at that comment😂

    • Hem

      The alcohol will evaporate or just leave out of the dish. It really contributes no flavor of it self. Supposedly it reacts with the tomato to release some umami flavors or something.

    • Hem

      Racist much? MAGA… Not !

    • David Jones

      Hem go away the camel joke was hysterical, go plat in the desert.

  2. allie@ThroughHerLookingGlassReply

    I’ve had vodka sauce before, never made it myself though. This recipe looks great! (Gruyere sounds lovely.)

  3. Lisa B.Reply

    I keep a small jar of vodka with 1 tablespoon of chili flakes marinating in my pantry. Any time I need it, the flavored vodka is there. So much easier, and you can taste it in advance. If it is too strong, just top off the jar with more vodka. (I guarantee it is not ever too weak.) It makes preparing vodka sauce so easy and more flavorful.

    • Amy Johnson

      Oh, Lisa! That is a fabulous tip. Thank you for sharing it. 🙂

  4. AngieReply

    Hi! I’m hoping to try this next week but there’s just the two of us here. Have you frozen this with any success? Obviously I could also scale down the recipe but figured it can’t hurt to ask. 🙂

  5. JeannineReply

    This is the first dish my son made. Late teens and he cracked himself up everytime he said “Mom, I need some vodka.”

    • Amy Johnson

      That’s hilarious!

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Pasta with Vodka Sauce Recipe (2024)


What pasta goes best with vodka sauce? ›

Well, it's really the sauce that's laced with vodka. A creamy, silky tomato sauce. Penne is classic for Pasta alla Vodka because it really holds on to the sauce.

What does adding vodka to pasta sauce do? ›

In a vodka sauce, the vodka helps maintain a cohesive texture, allowing the creaminess to meld with the tomato base. And sure, you could use wine to the same effect, but in a sauce as rich as vodka sauce, it's better to use a small amount of alcohol that will impart as little of its own flavor as possible.

Can I use milk instead of heavy cream in vodka sauce? ›

Normally it includes real cream for richness but I'm using reduced-fat milk. Great news though, it still retains the decadent flavor of a regular recipe but with a fraction of the fat and calories. In addition, I've placed it over fiber rich whole wheat penne instead of white pasta.

Is vodka sauce just alfredo and marinara? ›

Is vodka sauce a mix of marinara sauce and alfredo? No. Alfredo sauce mixed with marinara sauce is known as pink sauce. While pink sauce and vodka sauce are both types of tomato sauce, they are not the same thing.

What do Italians eat vodka sauce with? ›

What Meat To Use With Vodka Sauce
  • Chicken. Chicken and Italian food are a match made in culinary heaven. ...
  • Shrimp. Penne alla vodka with shrimp is a very popular choice on Italian restaurant menus worldwide. ...
  • Italian Sausage. ...
  • Penne. ...
  • Rigatoni. ...
  • Orecchiette.
Sep 22, 2022

What can you add to vodka sauce? ›

Here are the Ingredients for this Vodka Sauce Pasta:
  1. Vegetables - Yellow Onion, Garlic.
  2. Seasonings - Salt, Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes.
  3. Dairy - Butter, Half & Half or Cream, Parmesan.
  4. Pantry - Tomato Paste.
  5. Meat - Prosciutto.
Dec 16, 2023

What makes vodka sauce better? ›

This means that undiluted alcohol overpowers natural flavors, but smaller traces (typically achieved by "burning off" the vodka) actually release new flavors. So it's not that vodka adds flavor, it's that vodka unlocks flavors already hidden in the tomato.

Do you really need vodka for vodka sauce? ›

Is it absolutely necessary? No, but vodka sauce just wouldn't be, well, vodka sauce without it. To get a vodka sauce with a 2% ABV before simmering, you'll need to add 5% of the volume of the sauce in 80-proof vodka.

Can children have vodka sauce? ›

The general consensus was that a vodka pasta sauce should be safe for children, if cooked thoroughly. "Traditional vodka sauce uses such a small amount of alcohol that it should evaporate out during cooking," Dr. Rachel Prete, pediatrician with Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, told POPSUGAR.

How long is homemade vodka sauce good for? ›

Leftover vodka sauce will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for 3-5 days. We don't recommend freezing this vodka sauce because of the pancetta, cheese and cream. Pasta with vodka sauce is one of the best, simplest meals ever, and any pasta shape your family loves will work fine.

What happens if you use milk instead of heavy cream in pasta? ›

But milk won't whip like heavy cream. Can I use milk instead of heavy cream in pasta? Yes. Use whole milk and stir in a flour-butter mixture to thicken and enrich pasta dishes instead of heavy cream.

Is heavy whipping cream the same as heavy cream? ›

Is Heavy Cream the Same as Heavy Whipping Cream? Yes, heavy cream and heavy whipping cream are the exact same thing. The confusion lies in the fact that they're sold by different brands under two different names.

Is pink sauce just vodka sauce? ›

However, pink sauce is in a separate category as a popular variation of vodka sauce. Pink sauce gets its name from its color, and while some pink sauce recipes will use vodka sauce as a base and add more cream to taste, many pink sauce recipes will vary widely from vodka sauce dishes.

Is vodka sauce healthier than marinara? ›

Alfredo, vodka and pesto sauces are higher in fat and calories than most tomato-based sauces. Alfredo and vodka sauces contain cream, which sends the saturated fat numbers soaring. Pesto sauces are high in fat, but it's mainly healthy unsaturated fat from vegetable oil and pine nuts – these are healthy fats.

What's it called when you mix alfredo and marinara? ›

What is Pink Sauce Pasta? Pink Sauce Pasta is cooked pasta tossed with equal parts red marinara sauce and white alfredo sauce which combine to make – you got it – a pink-hued sauce. Again, as simple as the combination sounds, it is mind blowingly delicious.

Which vodka is best for vodka pasta? ›

When you are making a vodka sauce for your pasta, break open a less expensive bottle of Smirnoff or Finladia grapefruit vodka. These more budget-friendly options will work just as well and no one will be able to tell the difference!

What is vodka sauce pasta called? ›

Penne alla vodka (Italian: [ˈpenne alla ˈvɔdka]) is a pasta dish made primarily with vodka and penne (or similar shapes such as rigatoni), usually accompanied with heavy cream, crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce, onions, and sometimes small meats and vegetables such as sausage, pancetta or peas.

Is Gigi Hadid pasta vodka sauce? ›

Gigi Hadid Spicy “Vodka” Pasta

It's a spicy vodka sauce but without the vodka. It's super creamy, indulgent, and the best pasta dish to make for any occasion. It always impresses yet it's so easy to make.


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