Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (2024)

Published January 13, 2021. Updated January 12, 2022

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This Lemon Couscous is one of the fastest, easiest side dish recipes! Plus it has a delicious bright flavor that pairs well with just about any main dish, it’s incrediblyversatile too.

Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (1)

Easy Lemon Couscous

This simple couscous recipe is just one of those must have recipes! And really after you’ve made it a few times you won’t need a recipe at all.

It’s so straightforward, easy to memorize and also easy to switch things up with other ingredients you have on hand (see ideas below).

With it’s delicious flavor and 10 minutes to finish it will quickly become a weeknight staple!

Pair with chicken, beef, lamb, pork, fish, shrimp, vegetables – options are endless.

Difference Between Moroccan, Israeli and Lebanese Couscous

While all are three types of couscous are traditionally made of durum semolina flour the size and texture are the main differences.

  • Moroccan couscous: This is the smallest type of the three. It cooks the fastest and has a soft, fine texture.
  • Israeli couscous: Also known as Ptitim, giant couscous, or pearl couscous. This type is quite a bit larger than moroccan couscous and takes longer to cook (approximately 10 minutes). It has a chewy texture.
  • Lebanese couscous: Also known as Moghrabeyah, this is the largest of the three types. It’s is about the size of peas and takes the longest to cook (about 15 – 20 minutes). This type also has a chewy texture.

Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (2)

Lemon Couscous Recipe Ingredients

  • Extra virgin olive oil: Standard refined olive oil will work too it just wont have quite as much flavor.
  • Garlic: Only use fresh garlic here.
  • Chicken broth: Vegetable broth works great too.
  • Lemon: Zest before you halve and juice. Use a zester not a grater to zest or you’ll end up with a bitter flavor in the couscous coming from the white pith of the lemon.
  • Salt: Season to taste.
  • Parsley: You can use other herbs here, ideas are listed below.
  • Moroccan Couscous: Note that not all brands require the same amount of liquid. Refer to the back of the package to see if you need to adjust the amount of liquid.

Scroll down below for full recipe with ingredient amounts and print option.Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (3)

How to Make Couscous

  1. Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat.
  2. Add garlic and saute until fragrant (not toasting and browning or it will be bitter!), about 20 seconds.
  3. Remove from heat, pour in chicken broth, lemon zest, lemon juice and season with salt to taste. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour in couscous, stir then remove from heat and immediately cover with lid. Let rest 4 minutes off heat.
  5. Add parsley and fluff with a fork. Serve warm.

Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (4)


It’s delicious as is but when you want to switch it up try adding one of these:

  • Pine nuts or slivered almonds
  • Basil, mint, dill or cilantro
  • Roasted or sautéed vegetables
  • Flaked salmon or tuna (add a little extra oil at the end)
  • Diced oranges
  • Spices (turmeric, paprika, cumin, coriander, etc.)
  • Fresh greens (spinach, baby kale, watercress, etc.)
  • Feta or fresh mozzarella

More Delicious Recipes to Try

  • Greek Salad
  • Quinoa Salad
  • Moroccan Couscous with Roasted Vegetables
  • Ratatouille
  • Shrimp and Couscous Foil Packs

16 Quick & Easy 30 Minute Recipes! (plus weekly recipe updates)

Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (5)

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Lemon Couscous Recipe

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This is one of the fastest, easiest side dish recipes! Plus it's has a delicious bright flavor that pairs well with just about any main dish, it's incrediblyversatile too.

Servings: 4

Prep3 minutes minutes

Cook4 minutes minutes

Resting4 minutes minutes

Ready in: 10 minutes minutes



  • Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat.

  • Add garlic and saute until fragrant (not toasting and browning or it will be bitter!), about 20 seconds.

  • Remove from heat, pour in chicken broth, lemon zest, lemon juice and season with salt to taste. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil.

  • Pour in couscous, stir then remove from heat and immediately cover with lid. Let rest 4 - 5 minutes off heat.

  • Add parsley and fluff with a fork. Finish with a little more olive oil or broth to moisten if desired and serve warm.


*Other herb options that would be delicious here as a substitute for parsley are basil, cilantro, dill, or mint.

Nutrition Facts

Lemon Couscous Recipe

Amount Per Serving

Calories 234Calories from Fat 63

% Daily Value*

Fat 7g11%

Saturated Fat 1g6%

Sodium 159mg7%

Potassium 175mg5%

Carbohydrates 35g12%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 1g1%

Protein 6g12%

Vitamin A 623IU12%

Vitamin C 14mg17%

Calcium 27mg3%

Iron 1mg6%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Nutrition values are estimates only. See full disclaimer here.

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: Mediterranean

Keyword: Couscous

Author: Jaclyn

Lemon Couscous Recipe - Cooking Classy (2024)


What can I put in couscous to make it taste better? ›

I toss it with herbs, lemon juice, pine nuts, and olive oil to make a bright, refreshing pilaf. It pairs nicely with any protein, vegetable main dish, or soup!

How do you keep couscous fluffy? ›

As soon as 15 minutes is up, drizzle a little olive oil over the couscous, to help separate the balls, then fluff them, using a fork (not a spoon). If you have time, then pour the couscous onto a baking sheet and break up the balls with your fingers. Either way, it's at this point that you'll see the magic working.

How do you make couscous not mushy? ›

Too Much Water: Stick to the 1:1.5 ratio to avoid mushy couscous. Underseasoning: Don't forget to season your water with a pinch of salt.

Should you soak couscous before cooking? ›

Simple couscous can be ready in a matter of minutes. Most couscous you will find in supermarkets or other retailers will be the instant variety that has been pre-steamed and needs nothing more than a quick soak in hot liquid.

How much couscous for 2 people? ›

Allow around 60g of dried couscous per person, which is combined with 90ml of boiled water (using the ratio of 1:1 1/2). Simply pour the hot water onto the couscous, cover and leave for 10 minutes while the couscous absorbs the water.

Does couscous taste like pasta or rice? ›

Couscous is a dried and cracked pasta made from semolina, like tiny pasta, meaning it cooks at lightning speed. It has a nutty, sweet flavor that pairs perfectly with stews, braises, and grilled or roasted veggies.

How to spice up couscous? ›

Add some cumin, paprika or turmeric (or create a spice mix that you love) to the cooking water for a subtle warmth and depth. Alternatively, toss the cooked couscous with fresh herbs like mint, parsley or coriander for a burst of freshness.

What happens if you don't rinse couscous? ›

There's no need to wash or rinse the couscous before cooking it as it doesn't contain starch. The butter/oil is optional, but it will help the grains to separate so it's recommended. Add the couscous to boiling water, and then take it off of the heat to avoid it overcooking.

How much water for 1 cup of couscous? ›

Cooking couscous is easy, especially once you nail the couscous water ratio! You'll need 1 ¼ cups water or broth per 1 cup of Golden Couscous. After you bring your water or broth to a boil with a ½ teaspoon of salt, add your couscous. To give it a smoother texture, add in butter or oil with the couscous.

How much water for 2 cups of couscous? ›

If you're making traditional wheat or whole-wheat couscous the general rule is to use 1½ cup of water for every 1 cup of couscous (a 1.5 to 1 ratio).

How much liquid for couscous? ›

Only boiling water is needed to cook your couscous, but the important bit is the couscous to water ratio, you should abide by the 1:1 rule. So, for 60g of couscous, you will need 60ml of boiling water.

Why is my cous cous always Gluggy? ›

If you don't fluff your couscous after cooking it, you run the risk of your pearls sticking together in a clumpy mass. Luckily, fluffing couscous is as easy as cooking it. All you have to do is take a fork and give it a good stir, separating the semolina balls from each other.

Can you cook couscous wrong? ›

Those tiny granules of couscous need time to soften. Make sure your pot remains covered to capture the steam from the hot water. Otherwise, you run the risk of undercooking your couscous, causing it to be chewy or crunchy.

How to tell if couscous is done? ›

Generally, you can tell when couscous is done when the liquid is absorbed and the couscous is tender. If the couscous hasn't absorbed the water or still tastes crunchy after your timer goes off, cover and let it sit for a few more minutes.

Can you overcook couscous? ›

Couscous requires oil, but in the right amount. The grains should all be nicely separated, but not overcooked and drowned in oil. Add the right amount of vegetables, meat or fish. Too little seasoned couscous is just as unpleasant as an overcooked couscous.

Why is my couscous bland? ›

If your couscous is always boring and flat-tasting, try cooking it in something besides plain water. Couscous has a natural nutty flavor that isn't exactly explosive, but can be enhanced to great effect by a flavorful liquid.

Is couscous healthier than rice? ›

While couscous and white rice have almost the same amount of calories per 100 grams, couscous contains more protein and higher amounts of vitamins and minerals so can be considered a healthier option in those departments. Both grains can support weight loss when incoporated into a balanced, healthy diet.

What is couscous traditionally eaten with? ›

In Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, it is generally served with vegetables (carrots, potatoes, and turnips) cooked in a spicy or mild broth or stew, usually with some meat (generally, chicken, lamb, or mutton). Couscous with vegetables, meat, and tfaya.

Is couscous a better option than rice? ›

Couscous is packed with nutrients and has better selenium per serving than white rice when it comes to selenium and other elements. It is light and filling, making it a good choice for busy professionals, families and people who don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to prepare a healthy, delicious meal.


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