Immune boosting recipes (2024)


by Kathleen Pope Updated: Mar 28, 2023

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I don’t know about you, but by this time of year we’re all battling sniffles, a cold or something. Give your immune system a helping hand with these Immune Friendly recipes. Delicious, packed with vitamins and minerals to support your immune system.

Immune Friendly Recipes

Immune boosting recipes (2)

Cold, flu, sniffles, infections — it’s time to take control of our health, plenty of rest and healthy, nutrient rich foods like these delicious immune boosting recipes!

These recipes, are family tested, kid approved, perfect to sneak in healthy & nutritious foods into your family!

More recipes that are healthy and delicious

Check out this post on for the best pantry staples, freezer friendly foods and more.

Immune Friendly Recipes

Delicious, nutritious immune friendly recipes, packed full of system boosting nutrients, vitamins and minerals.


Immune boosting recipes (3)

Homemade Golden Milk Spice Mix + Free Label


Immune boosting recipes (4)

Simple Golden Milk (Turmeric Tea)


Immune boosting recipes (5)

Homemade Vegetable Mineral Broth

Delicious, nutritious, immune-boosting, gut-healing vitamin and mineral rich vegetable broth! Perfect to sip, use in soups, stews or anywhere you use veggie broth.

Immune boosting recipes (6)

Beef Bone Broth

This recipe for Beef Bone Brothis one of the most powerful superfoods there is and is extremely nutrient rich. In a relatively short period of time you will be sipping on this amazing broth or using it for soups and stews. Easily convert this bone broth to Chicken Bone Broth.


Immune boosting recipes (7)

Stovetop Elderberry Syrup

A delicious, nutritious, beneficial syrup to boost your immune system this cold and flu season! Stovetop instructions.


Immune boosting recipes (8)


Immune boosting recipes (9)

Coconut Curry Chicken

Tender chicken in a deliciously satisfying creamy, coconut tomato sauce, mixed with earthy, anti-inflammatory and healing spices! It's a wonderful quick weeknight meal, done in under 30 minutes!


Immune boosting recipes (10)

Instant Pot Whole Chicken

Easy Instant Pot Whole Chicken is incredibly tender, juicy and loaded with flavor! The best part of this "roasted" chicken is it is made in one pot and is done in about an hour!


Immune boosting recipes (11)

Old-Fashioned Chicken Noodle Soup

Old-Fashioned Chicken Noodle soup loaded with amazing flavors and good-for-you, simple ingredients! Ready in 30 minutes or less. A comfort food classic that's hearty, healthy and quick! Instructions for making into a vegan or vegetarian option as well.


Immune boosting recipes (12)

Bulletproof Coffee {Keto Coffee}

Bulletproof Coffee or as my husband and I call it, "Brain Coffee" is so smooth, rich and nutrient dense! Plus I'll share the benefits of drinking this coffee, also known as "Keto Coffee" and "Butter Coffee".


Immune boosting recipes (13)

Cherry Clementine Protein Smoothie

I stumbled upon something AMAZING! This Cherry Clementine Protein Smoothie tastes like a cherry version of an Orange Julius, but with healthy, keep you full, nutrient rich ingredients!


Immune boosting recipes (14)

Bircher Muesli (Original Overnight Oats)

Bircher Muesli is the original overnight oats; a quick and easy recipe for a healthy, whole grain and delicious breakfast.


Immune boosting recipes (15)

Easy Butter Chicken

Melt in your mouth, easy crockpot (or stovetop) butter chicken is a creamy Indian inspired dish, using anti-inflammatory rich spices, coconut milk and yogurt!

Meet Kathleen

Recipe Innovator | Food Photographer | Food Writer

Hi, I’m Kathleen Pope. Here at The Fresh Cooky you will find easy, mostly from-scratch, trusted recipes for all occasions. From speedy dinners to tasty desserts, with easy step-by-step instructions. I am here to help teach you how to make mouthwatering recipes without spending hours in the kitchen.

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  1. Immune boosting recipes (24)Tasia ~ two sugar bugs

    What a great list of immune boosting recipes! Thanks for putting them all in one place for us!


    • Immune boosting recipes (25)Kathleen

      Thanks my sweet friend! Gotta build up our systems!!!


Immune boosting recipes (2024)


What is the best meal to boost immune system? ›

Immune-friendly recipes
  • Chickpea, tomato & spinach curry. ...
  • Tomato penne with avocado. ...
  • Charred sweetcorn, red pepper & bulgur wheat pilaf. ...
  • Vitamin booster smoothie. ...
  • Dhal with garam masala carrots. ...
  • Porridge with blueberry compote. ...
  • Overnight oats with apricots & yogurt. ...
  • Bean & quinoa salad with orange.

What is the most immune-boosting food? ›

The best foods for boosting your immune system. A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. Berries, oily fish, turmeric, kefir, and other immune-boosting foods provide nutrients that support the immune system. The immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins.

How can I boost my immune system very fast? ›

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
  1. Stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines. A strong immune system means taking advantage of the best leg up we have to protect ourselves from harmful illnesses: vaccines. ...
  2. Maintain a healthy diet. ...
  3. Exercise regularly. ...
  4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. ...
  5. Get plenty of sleep. ...
  6. Minimize stress.
Oct 21, 2022

What is the best immune system booster? ›

Vitamins B6, C and E are all known for their immune-boosting properties. You can get all of these vitamins from a well-balanced diet, so you don't need supplements. Some foods rich in these vitamins include eggs, bell peppers, spinach and almonds.

How can I boost my immune system ASAP? ›

How to power up and boost your immunity ASAP
  1. Quit smoking. Nothing good ever comes from smoking. ...
  2. Fill up on nutrients. There isn't a single nutrient or food that will boost your immunity on their own. ...
  3. Get physical. Still having trouble warding off nasty germs? ...
  4. Sleep well. ...
  5. For more information.
Jul 14, 2023

What is the best drink to boost immune system? ›

Here are six dietitian approved options:
  1. Drink your greens. Eating (or drinking) more fruit and veggies is a great way to support and strengthen your immune system. ...
  2. Honey and Lemon. ...
  3. Almond milk (with B12) ...
  4. Infused Water. ...
  5. Boosted smoothies. ...
  6. Ginger tea.

How can I boost my immune system massively? ›

7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
  1. Eat Well. Consuming too much sugar lowers your immune system's ability to fight bacteria. ...
  2. Exercise Regularly. ...
  3. Get Enough Sleep. ...
  4. Find Ways to Lower Stress. ...
  5. Maintain a Healthy Weight. ...
  6. Stay Hydrated. ...
  7. Take Your Vitamins and Electrolytes.
Nov 16, 2020

Which food has the highest immunity? ›

You Are What You Eat: Choose Foods that Boost Immunity and Fight Infection
  1. Vitamin C – Citrus Fruits & Greens. ...
  2. Beta-Carotene – Root Vegetables & Greens. ...
  3. Vitamin E – Nuts, Seeds & Greens. ...
  4. Antioxidants – Green Tea. ...
  5. Vitamin D – Sunshine, Fish & Eggs. ...
  6. Probiotics, Gut Health & Immunity. ...
  7. Garlic – T-Cell Booster.
Apr 8, 2020

What I eat if my immune system is weak? ›

Instead, focus on getting these nutrients from a healthy, varied diet including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, wholegrains, dairy products or fortified alternatives, and meat, fish or plant proteins like pulses. The exception to this is vitamin D, which is mostly produced from exposure to sunlight.

Can you rebuild a weak immune system? ›

A lifestyle that includes eating healthy foods, physical activity, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep is known to keep your immune system in the best shape,” adds Milner, who is a leader in the discovery of rare immune deficiency disorders of children.

What foods fight infections? ›

Foods that help your immune system
  • Try new veggies and fruits. Specific veggies and fruits that reduce inflammation are apples, berries, tomatoes, celery and onions.
  • Add fermented foods. Fermented foods have “good bacteria,” a.k.a. probiotics that help your immune system. ...
  • Drink more water. ...
  • Get some omega-3s.

Which fruit is best for the immune system? ›

Most citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, and limes contain high levels of vitamin C, which is thought to help fight infection by increasing your white blood cells. Whether you eat them whole, or squeeze the juice onto your food, don't forget to add these tangy fruits to your regular diet.

What is signs of a weak immune system? ›

Signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency can include:
  • Frequent and recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, meningitis or skin infections.
  • Inflammation and infection of internal organs.
  • Blood disorders, such as low platelet count or anemia.

How can seniors boost their immune system? ›

Here are 10 of the key healthy-living strategies to achieve a potential immune system boost:
  1. Wash hands. ...
  2. Get the flu shot. ...
  3. Eat well-balanced meals. ...
  4. Stay active. ...
  5. Reduce stress levels. ...
  6. Connect with others. ...
  7. Get plenty of sleep. ...
  8. Stay hydrated.

What drink helps white blood cells? ›

Green tea

Green tea is also rich in L-theanine, an amino acid that is thought to help your white blood cells produce germ-fighting compounds.

What is the best breakfast for immune system? ›

According to Isa Kujawski, MPH, RDN, a functional registered dietitian nutritionist and the founder of Mea Nutrition, the best immune-system-boosting breakfast doesn't have to be complicated, but it should have some key ingredients such as oats, nuts and seeds, blueberries, and cinnamon with a side of green tea.

What is the best fast for the immune system? ›

New research on intermittent fasting is encouraging because much of the effects of a three-day fast on the immune system are found with much shorter periods like the 16 to 20 hours of fasting typically associated with intermittent fasting.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.