How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (2024)

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Have you ever heard someone mention earning “7-figures” and wondered what they were talking about? Well, wonder no more!

A 7-figure salary refers to a salary that has seven digits, which means it starts at $1,000,000 and goes up from there. In other words, earning a 7-figure salary means you’re making at least a million dollars per year.

It’s a pretty big deal, but is it actually achievable? Keep reading to find out…

How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (1)

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How much is 7 figures?

When someone says they earn a 7-figure salary, they mean a salary that’s in the millions of dollars. Specifically, a “figure” is just another word for a digit in a number, so 7 figures means 7 digits. That translates to earnings of $1 million or more but less than $10 million per year.

And I think we can all agree that’s not a bad amount of money!

It’s worth noting that not many people earn a 7-figure salary, and those who do usually have a high level of education, expertise, or experience in their field. Think surgeons, corporate executives, lawyers, investment bankers, and successful entrepreneurs.

These professions often require a lot of hard work and dedication to get to the top, but the rewards can be pretty sweet.

Related: How Much is 6 Figures – or More?

Of course, earning a 7-figure salary isn’t the only measure of success or happiness in life. There are plenty of people who live fulfilling lives on much less money.

At the end of the day, what matters most is finding a career and a lifestyle that make you happy and fulfilled. If that happens to come with a 7-figure salary, then great!

But if not, that’s okay too. While I definitely agree that financial security is important in life, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for success or happiness in life, so just do what feels right for you.

How much is a 7 figure salary?

A 7 figure salary is when your income is anywhere between earning one million dollars and under ten million dollars per year. This generally refers to the amount that someone earns in a year before tax and any other deductions.

That is, this is officially when you reach millionaire territory.However, at this level, the amount will also usually include the value of any other benefits they receive, like bonuses.

Is 7 figures a million?

Yes, you got it! When someone talks about earning a 7-figure salary or having a 7-figure net worth, the meaning is a number that has seven digits. And since each digit represents a multiple of ten, a number with seven digits would be in the millions.

So, to be exact, a 7-figure salary or net worth means that the number is at least $1,000,000, and potentially much higher, up to $9,999,999. That’s a lot of digits!

Jobs that pay a 7-figure salary

There are several high-paying jobs where you can potentially earn a seven-figure salary. However, it’s worth noting that these jobs typically require a lot of hard work, dedication, and often a significant amount of education or specialized skills.

Here are some examples:

  1. Surgeon: Surgeons are among the highest-paid professionals in the healthcare industry. Depending on their specialty, they can earn well over a million dollars per year.
  2. Corporate executive: Top-level executives in large corporations can earn seven-figure salaries, especially those in finance or technology sectors.
  3. Lawyer: Lawyers who work at prestigious law firms or specialize in complex legal areas can earn substantial salaries.
  4. Investment banker: Investment bankers help companies raise money and manage financial transactions. They can earn significant bonuses and commissions, which can add up to a seven-figure salary.
  5. Entrepreneur: Successful entrepreneurs can build companies that generate significant revenue, resulting in a high salary and potentially a lucrative exit through IPO or acquisition.
  6. Software engineer: Software engineers with in-demand skills and experience can command high salaries at top tech companies.
  7. Professional athlete: Professional athletes, especially those in popular sports like basketball, football, and soccer, can earn millions of dollars per year through salaries, endorsem*nts, and sponsorships.
  8. Management consultant: Management consultants work with companies to improve their efficiency and profitability. Consultants at top firms can earn high salaries and bonuses.
  9. Data scientist: Data scientists use statistical analysis and machine learning techniques to extract insights from data. With the growing demand for data-driven decision-making, data scientists are in high demand, and their salaries can be quite substantial.
  10. Real estate developer: Real estate developers buy, build, and sell properties, often in high-demand locations. Successful developers can earn substantial profits, resulting in a high salary.
  11. Hedge fund manager: Hedge fund managers manage large sums of money on behalf of investors, using complex investment strategies to generate returns. Those at successful funds can earn significant performance-based bonuses.
  12. Actors and directors: Those at the top of their game in the entertainment industry can often command 7-figure salaries for each film they do.
  13. Musicians: Like famous actors, hugely well known musicians can make well in excess of 7 figures per year. This is especially the case if they release a new album or go on tour.
How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (2)

Again, these are just a few examples, and there are many other jobs where you can earn a 7-figure salary.

However, keep in mind that high salaries often come with a high level of responsibility, stress, and long hours, so it’s important to carefully consider your career goals and priorities before pursuing a high-paying job.

Can engineers make 7 figures?

Absolutely! Engineers are highly skilled professionals who work in a variety of fields, from aerospace and civil engineering to software development and beyond. And depending on their level of experience and expertise, some engineers can definitely earn a 7-figure salary.

For example, senior executives in the engineering industry can earn high salaries and bonuses, as can top performers in engineering consulting firms. Additionally, engineers who specialize in high-demand areas like artificial intelligence or cybersecurity can command higher salaries due to the scarcity of their skills.

That being said, it’s worth noting that earning a 7-figure salary as an engineer typically requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and specialized knowledge. Engineers often need to earn advanced degrees, pursue specialized certifications, and continually learn and grow in their field to stay competitive.

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But if you’re passionate about engineering and willing to put in the effort, there’s definitely potential to earn a 7-figure salary in this field.

So, whether you’re just starting out in your engineering career or you’re a seasoned pro, keep working hard, keep learning, and keep pursuing your goals. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next engineer to earn a million-dollar salary!

What should you do when aiming for a 7 figure salary?

So, you’re aiming for a 7-figure salary? That’s an ambitious goal, but it’s definitely achievable with hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

  • Choose the right career path: If earning a 7-figure salary is your goal, it’s important to choose a career path that has that kind of earning potential. Think about the professions we mentioned earlier, like surgeons, corporate executives, lawyers, investment bankers, and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Invest in your education and skills: Many high-paying jobs require a significant investment in education and training. Whether that means getting a degree, attending conferences and workshops, or pursuing professional certifications, investing in your education and skills can help you stand out in a competitive job market.
  • Build your network: Networking is key in many industries, so it’s important to build relationships with people who can help you advance your career. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with others in your field on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
  • Be willing to work hard: Earning a 7-figure salary usually requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Be prepared to put in long hours, take on challenging projects, and continually learn and grow in your profession.
  • Take calculated risks: Many high earners have achieved their success by taking calculated risks, whether that means starting their own business, investing in stocks or real estate, or pursuing a new career path. Be willing to take calculated risks that can pay off in the long run.
  • Don’t forget about work-life balance: While earning a 7-figure salary can be a great goal to strive for, it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance along the way. Don’t sacrifice your health, relationships, or personal well-being in pursuit of financial success.
How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (3)

Remember, earning a 7-figure salary isn’t the only measure of success or happiness in life. It’s important to choose a career path that aligns with your values and interests, and to find joy and fulfillment in your work regardless of the paycheck.

That being said, if earning a 7-figure salary is your goal, go for it! Just be prepared to put in the work and make some sacrifices along the way.

Is a 7-figure salary realistic?

Yes, it’s definitely possible. However, it’s important to keep in mind that earning that kind of money usually requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and specialized skills. Even with all those things, earning 7 figures per year is far from guaranteed.

For example, if you want to earn a 7-figure salary as a surgeon, you’ll need to go through many years of medical school, residency, and specialized training. And even then, you won’t be making millions of dollars right out of the gate.

Similarly, if you want to earn a 7-figure salary as an entrepreneur and set yourself up for success, you’ll need to come up with a brilliant idea, put in countless hours of work, and have a bit of luck on your side. Again, it’s not impossible, but it’s definitely not a guarantee.

That being said, there are plenty of jobs out there where you can realistically earn a 7-figure salary. For example, as mentioned before, corporate executives, lawyers, investment bankers, and successful entrepreneurs can all potentially earn that kind of money.

So, if you’re someone who’s set on earning a 7-figure salary, go for it! Just don’t be disappointed if you find that it’s out of reach, as financial security on “only’ six figures – or even five figures – is actually more than feasible (and are much more realistic salary goals to have, let’s be honest).

How many people earn seven figures?

Ah, the million-dollar question: how many people actually earn seven figures? Well, the answer is that it’s a relatively small percentage of the population.

According to the US Census Bureau, the median household income in the United States is around $68,000 per year. In other words, half of all households earn more than $68,000 per year, and half earn less.

Now, let’s look at the top end of the income spectrum. According to Forbes, there are currently around 2,755 billionaires in the world, many of whom have incomes in the seven- or eight-figure range. But keep in mind, that’s a tiny fraction of the global population.

When it comes to earning a seven-figure salary specifically, the numbers are a bit harder to pin down. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 599,000 people in the United States who earned a salary of $1 million or more in 2019. That’s less than 1% of the US population.

How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (4)

Now, it’s worth noting that not all of those people earned their money through traditional salaries. Some of them may have earned it through investments, owning a successful business, or other means. But regardless, it’s still a relatively small percentage of the population.

Of course, earning a seven-figure salary isn’t the only measure of success or happiness in life. There are plenty of people who live fulfilling lives on much less money. And on the flip side, there are also plenty of people who earn seven figures but aren’t necessarily happy or fulfilled.

So, while earning a seven-figure salary is definitely possible, it’s not something that everyone will achieve, nor is it the key to a happy or fulfilling life. At the end of the day, what matters most is finding a path that feels right for you and brings you joy and fulfillment, whether that’s earning a lot of money or not.

What does it mean to have a 7-figure net worth?

Essentially, your net worth is the value of everything you own (your assets) minus everything you owe (your liabilities).So, if you have a 7-figure net worth, that means the total value of your assets is at least $1,000,000 more than the total value of your liabilities.

In other words, you’re worth at least a million bucks!

Now, it’s worth noting that your net worth can fluctuate over time. For example, if you own a home that’s worth $1 million and you owe $500,000 on your mortgage, your net worth would be $500,000.

But if the value of your home increases to $1.5 million and you pay off your mortgage, your net worth would increase to $1.5 million as well.

So, what kind of assets might contribute to a 7-figure net worth? Well, it could include things like:

  • Real estate: If you own multiple properties or a particularly valuable piece of real estate, that could be a significant part of your net worth.
  • Investments: If you have a diverse portfolio of investments that have performed well over time, that could add up to a lot of money.
  • Business ownership: If you own a successful business that generates a lot of revenue, that could be a major asset.
  • Retirement savings: If you’ve been diligent about saving for retirement and have a significant amount of money in your retirement accounts, that could also contribute to your net worth.

Plenty of people on even “normal” salaries have managed to hit 7 figures in their net worth, so it’s definitely a reasonable goal. In fact, for many people, this is the number that they aim to reach in order to retire.

By investing consistently over time and starting as early as possible combined with making other smart money decisions along the way, there’s no reason why you couldn’t reach this lofty goal as well!

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What skills do you need to reach a 7 figure salary?

Reaching a 7-figure salary is an ambitious goal, but it’s definitely achievable with the right set of skills and mindset. Here are some of the key skills you’ll need to develop if you want to reach that level of financial success:

  • Specialized knowledge: Many high-paying jobs require a high level of specialized knowledge and expertise. Whether you’re an expert in finance, engineering, medicine, or another field, having specialized knowledge and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments can help you stand out from the competition.
  • Leadership skills: Many high-paying jobs also require strong leadership skills, whether you’re managing a team of employees or running your own business. Being able to motivate and inspire others, delegate tasks effectively, and make tough decisions can help you move up the ranks and earn a higher salary.
  • Business acumen: If you’re an entrepreneur or a business executive, having strong business acumen is key to earning a 7-figure salary. This means understanding market trends, financial forecasting, risk management, and other important aspects of running a successful business.
  • Networking skills: In many industries, networking is key to advancing your career and earning a higher salary. Building relationships with others in your field, attending industry events, and staying connected on social media can help you expand your network and open up new opportunities.
  • Negotiation skills: Finally, having strong negotiation skills is important if you want to earn a 7-figure salary. Whether you’re negotiating a salary, a business deal, or a contract, being able to effectively communicate your value and advocate for yourself can help you earn more money and achieve greater success.
How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (5)

Of course, these are just a few of the skills that can help you earn a 7-figure salary or financial freedom. Ultimately, the key is to continually learn and grow in your profession, be willing to take calculated risks, and always keep your eye on the prize.

What’s the difference in meaning of 6 figures vs 7 figures?

Basically, when someone talks about earning a 6-figure salary, they’re referring to a salary that has six digits, which is between $100,000 and $999,999 per year. On the other hand, when someone earning a 7-figure salary has a salary that has seven digits, so $1,000,000 and up.

In other words, a 6-figure salary means you’re making a decent amount of money, but you’re not quite a millionaire (at least not yet!), whereas a 7-figure salary means you’re making at least a million dollars per year. That’s a lot of zeros!

How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (6)

So, what’s the difference in meaning between 6 figures and 7 figures? Well, earning a 6-figure salary is certainly a great achievement and puts you in the top echelon of earners in many fields.

However, earning a 7-figure salary takes things to a whole new level. It’s a sign of significant wealth and financial success, and puts you among the highest earners in the world.

Of course, it’s worth noting that earning a 6- or 7-figure salary isn’t the only measure of success or happiness in life. There are plenty of people who live fulfilling lives on much less money, and there are plenty of people who earn a lot of money but aren’t necessarily happy or fulfilled.

At the end of the day, what matters most is finding a path that feels right for you and brings you joy and fulfillment, whether that’s earning a lot of money or not.

How Much Is 7 Figures? (+ 13 Jobs to Earn This Salary) (2024)


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