Easy Curry Powder Recipe (2024)

Homemade curry powder is perfect to use as is in your favorite, curry recipes, soups, sauces, rice dishes or customize with the addition of other spices to make yourown!

I have been using this basic 4 ingredient curry powder recipe for over 20 years and it has never failed me yet, I sometimes add other spices to it but it is definitely great on its own.

The spices are mild so this is a kid-friendly curry powder recipe.

Curry powder is a major part of my Jamaican culture, because of the large amounts of Indian migrants who settled there.

There are many brands of Jamaican curry powder on the market, no two curry powders are the same and flavors vary from brand to brand.

Some blends can be so complicated that they may contain over 20 spices. that is a nightmare for the home cook.I decided to make a homemade curry powder that is a base for all my curry dishes, it is so versatile to adapt and tastes amazing!

What Is Curry Powder?

Curry powder is a blend of spices, it is actually from the word ‘Kari’ which means a blend of spices. Depending on the region of the world the spices differ, the main ingredients in curry powder are turmeric, coriander, cumin, and cardamom.

Other spicesthat are sometimes included are cloves, black pepper, chili, anise, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard, fennel, fenugreek.

Curry powder was first manufactured in the 18th-century British colonists who were involved in the spice trade with India.The British would see the local Indians making curry using fresh ingredients and spices for every meal. The British wanted a simplerblend of spices that could be bottled and be substituted for the term curry.

Throughout the world, there are now many bottled blends of curry. There are Japanese curry powder, Malaysia curry powder, Indian curry powder to name a few.

It is impossible to have one standard recipe for curry powder as each mix is unique. My suggestion would be to start with my base recipe then play around with the recipe, adding other spices and amounts until you find one that you love.

Easy Curry Powder Recipe (1)

This how-to guide for an easy curry powder recipe is so simple yet amazing, made with only 4 ingredients this mild curry powder will be a sure hit. It is so easy to prepare.

Curry Powder Ingredients?

  • Turmeric
  • Coriander
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom

Health Benefits

The blend of spices in curry powder is actually good for you because the spices contain a myriad of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, as well as a variety of health benefits:

Turmeric powder- the key ingredient that makes curry powder yellow is founded to havepowerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Turmeric’s main compound curcumin is knownto control blood sugar spikes and regulates insulin sensitivity.See the study.

Curcumin has also been connected to removing the plaque build-up in the neural pathway of the brain.

Curry powder consumption in India has been connected to the lower rates of Alzheimer’s in India.

Easy Curry Powder Recipe (2)

This how-to guide for an easy curry powder recipe is so simple yet amazing, made with only 4 ingredients this mild curry powder will be a sure hit. It is so easy to prepare. Combine turmeric, coriander, cumin, cardamom in a bowl. Store in an airtight container for about 3 months.

Other Ingredients To Add To Your Mild Curry Powder

  • Ginger Powder
  • Cayenne Pepper

How To Use Curry Powder?

When making your curry dish always start by sauteing onion, garlic, fresh ginger in oil and sometimes tomatoes depending on your recipe,

Add 2 tablespoons curry powder and herbs, cook until fragrant.

Stir in beans (chickpeas), protein (meat substitute) or chopped vegetable(carrot, potato, cauliflower) that you are using, stir to coat.

Add liquid whether it be water, vegetable broth, and or coconut milk, salt. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer until vegetables are cooked, and your sauce is thick.

Curry powder can be used in many dishes, here are some of my favorite:

  • Vegan Curry Recipes
  • Kidney Bean Curry
  • Quinoa Broccoli Recipe

Easy Curry Powder Recipe (3)

This how-to guide for an easy curry powder recipe is so simple yet amazing, made with only 4 ingredients this mild curry powder will be a sure hit. It is so easy to prepare.

Other Homemade Seasoning Blends

  1. Chicken-Style Seasoning
  2. Creole Seasoning Recipe
  3. Homemade Shawarma Seasoning
  4. Jamaican Jerk Seasoning
  5. Homemade Chili Powder

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Easy Curry Powder Recipe (2024)


What is the main ingredient in curry powder? ›

The primary ingredient in most Indian curry powders is bright yellow turmeric. Turmeric is earthy, musky, and warm, and delivers great depth to curries with no heat. Indian curry spices are usually a blend of: Kashmiri Chile Powder – this chile has a terrific, rich flavor without much heat.

What can I use if I don't have curry powder? ›

Cumin and chili powder work together as a swap-out ingredient for curry powder that deliver spicy warming notes. These spices work with meat dishes, stews and curries.

Can you just mix curry powder and water? ›

Mix curry powder into a liquid for the best results.

Use recipes including liquids like coconut milk, yogurt, stock, or even water, measuring out the curry powder and sprinkling it into the liquid. This is great for marinades, soups, and sauces especially.

What are the 5 spices in a curry? ›

The Essential Five Spices are:
  • Cumin seeds.
  • Coriander seeds.
  • Black mustard seeds.
  • Cayenne pepper.
  • Turmeric.

What is the difference between curry powder and curry masala? ›

Ultimately both curry powder and masala are blended spice mixes that can be added to food to pack a spicy and aromatic kick. In the end, the difference boils down to the different mix of spices, masala being more of a warming aromatic blend and curry powder being more of an earthy blend.

What ingredient gives curry its flavor? ›

A curry mix has a warm, robust spicy taste as a result of combining roasted and grounded coriander seeds, turmeric, cumin and chili peppers. Other spices commonly found within the blend are fenugreek, clove, mustard, black pepper, nutmeg or ginger.

Does turmeric make curry powder? ›

Curry powders are made with a variety of bright yellow spices including, turmeric, coriander, cumin, chili pepper, and curry leaves. If adding spice to food isn't for you, you can find turmeric and curcumin supplements.

Do you need turmeric for curry? ›

Turmeric is a commonly used spice in many curry recipes for its vibrant color and distinct flavor, but it is not the only spice available. You can still create a delicious and flavorful curry using other spices and ingredients.

Can you make curry without cumin? ›

If you're in a pinch, there are many great alternatives you might already have in your pantry. Caraway seeds and ground coriander most closely mimic cumin's flavor, while curry and chili powders contain cumin.

Can turmeric replace curry powder? ›

However, you'll get a more complex flavor profile with curry powder than basic turmeric powder, due to the addition of other curry spices like cumin, coriander, cloves, ginger, and/or cardamom. But you also get the same gorgeous color profile from a yellow curry as you get from turmeric.

What's the difference between curry powder and curry mix? ›

Curry paste is a wet ingredient made with fresh chilies. It must be dissolved into a liquid during the cooking process. Curry powder is a dry ingredient that must be activated with a liquid or oil. It does not include fresh chilies, so it will be much less spicy than a curry paste.

Should I add water or milk to curry? ›

Coconut milk as a curry sauce base makes the dish creamy, sweet and give it a thicker consistency. The sweetness of the milk reduces the sharpness of spices and heat making the dish a little mild. Water on the other hand dilutes the dish and makes it a bit runny.

What is the most important spice in curry? ›

Fenugreek is the spice which gives Madras curry powder its very characteristic, earthy, musky “curry” flavor and fragrance. The seeds are yellowish and look like tiny wheat kernels. Fenugreek leaves are also dried and used as a spice (they are commonly called kasuri methi) and are what make butter chicken unique.

What is the secret ingredient in Indian curry? ›

TURMERIC. That is the go to spice in any South Indian kitchen to enhance a dish.

What is the most common spice in curry? ›

Ginger (Adarek)

Of all Indian spices, Ginger is an absolutely essential ingredient for most curries, and is one half of the recipe for ginger garlic paste, used in most food of India. It's fine to use this spice dried. Some recipes even call for it. Most Indian dishes call for ginger/garlic paste.

What's the difference between cumin and curry powder? ›

Composition: Cumin is a single spice, while curry is a blend of multiple spices that includes cumin. Flavor Profile: Cumin has a warm, earthy flavor, whereas curry has a complex flavor that can vary depending on the blend.

What is the king of all curries? ›

Thai dishes have won over the hearts of foodies all over the world.

Is turmeric an ingredient in curry powder? ›

Turmeric is also found in curry powder. Curry powders are made with a variety of bright yellow spices including, turmeric, coriander, cumin, chili pepper, and curry leaves. If adding spice to food isn't for you, you can find turmeric and curcumin supplements.


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