Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (2024)

The Flavor Bender Recipes Dessert recipes Candy recipes Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe

6 hrs 50 mins

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Author:Dini K.

Chocolate caramels that are soft and chewy, are the best of both worlds! Chocolate and delicious caramel combined to make an easy candy that everyone loves!

Easy to make, soft and chewy, bittersweet chocolate caramels!

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (1)

These chocolate caramels are EASY. No tempering chocolate or dipping in chocolate, yet you get the flavors of chocolate and caramel in one sweet, soft, delightfully chewy bite.

I’m a sucker for soft caramels. Chocolate covered caramels with salt are always a favorite for me because the chocolate coating and salt temper the sweetness from the caramel. But I can’t always be bothered tempering chocolate and dipping each caramel in chocolate.

Enter, these chewy chocolate caramels, where the chocolate is mixed in with the caramel base!

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (2)

Ingredients to make chocolate caramels

  • Sugar (white sugar or brown sugar)
  • Corn syrup (or golden syrup, or honey)
  • Bittersweet chocolate (70 – 75% cocoa content)
  • Unsalted butter
  • Cream
  • Salt
  • Vanilla extract and/or coffee extract

Equipment to make chocolate caramels

  • Candy thermometer
  • Whisk
  • Spatula
  • 9 x 13 quarter sheet pan, lined with parchment paper
  • Sharp knife
Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (5)

How to make chocolate caramels

Prep a 9 x 13 inch quarter sheet pan by lining it with parchment paper. You can also butter the pan so that the parchment paper stays in place. This will make it easier to lift and transfer the chocolate caramel slab from the pan onto a cutting board.

Place all the ingredients in a large, heavy bottomed pot. This will help evenly heat the caramel base as it cooks.

Heat over medium high, while stirring the pot (with a whisk) until all the butter, sugar, and chocolate are melted. You should get a dark brown, smooth mix.

Reduce the heat to medium. Stir the mixture frequently, while making sure to reach the edges of the pot as well to prevent the sugar and chocolate from burning.

Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature of the caramel mix from time to time as it cooks.

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (6)

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (7)

Allow the chocolate caramel mixture to come to a boil. Keep stirring the mixture, otherwise it may burn at the bottom.

When the mixture heats up to 245 F / 118 C, pour the mixture into the lined 9 x 13 inch sheet pan.

Allow the chocolate caramel to cool slightly. While it’s still fairly soft on top, sprinkle some sea salt flakes (like maldon) on top. Let it completely cool to room temperature. Then transfer the caramel into the fridge until it hardens.

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (8)

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (9)

Once hardened, carefully remove the caramel from the pan. I like to keep the pan on a warm kitchen towel / cloth napkin which will help release the parchment paper from the pan.

Place the caramel slab on a cutting board and let it soften slightly. The caramel is easier to cut through when it’s at room temperature, rather than chilled.

Cut the caramel into whatever shapes you like using a sharp, long, clean knife. Remember to wipe the blade between cuts, so you get nice clean cuts. I like to cut these into 1 x 1 inch squares or 0.75 x 1.5 inch pieces.

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (10)

Storing the caramels

You can store these caramels in an air-tight container at room temperature for a few days, but they keep better if they are wrapped in wax paper.

You can also store them in the fridge for up to 2 months.

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (11)

Why I love this recipe!

  • These are hands down my favorite type of caramel to eat.
  • They are so easy to make. I’m including these in my Christmas boxes this year because they are so simple. Along with honeycomb candy, peanut brittle, marshmallows, and chocolate truffles, these are always a family favorite Christmas recipe.
  • The deep, dark chocolate flavor perfectly balances the sweetness of the sugar. This also makes it easy put these away at an unhealthy clip – so watch out!
  • They also have the most amazing texture. Delightfully soft, with a little chew (but doesn’t stick to your teeth).

I hope you guys love these as much as we do! 🙂

Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (12)

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5 from 4 votes

Chocolate Caramels Recipe

Author: Dini K.

Yield: About 455 g of chocolate caramels

Cuisine: European, French

These Soft Chocolate Caramels have a delicious caramel flavor mixed with bittersweet chocolate. Easy to make, with no melting and dipping involved. Great to give as gifts, and to make ahead.

EASY – Easy recipe. There is a long inactive time as you have to wait for the caramels to chill. This recipe also requires a candy thermometer. PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION when you handle the very hot sugar mixture.

US based cup, teaspoon, tablespoon measurements.Common Measurement Conversions.Weight measurements are recommended for accurate results.

Prep: 30 minutes minutes

Cooling time / Chilling time: 6 hours hours

Cook: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 6 hours hours 50 minutes minutes

Difficulty:Easy recipes

Servings: 96 pieces

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  • 400 g white sugar 2 cups (or brown sugar)
  • 160 g corn syrup / golden syrup ½ cup
  • 360 g heavy cream 1 ½ cups (35% fat)
  • 115 g unsalted butter 1 stick / ½ cup
  • 300 g bittersweet chocolate 10.5 oz
  • ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • ½ tsp instant coffee granules
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Extra maldon sea salt flakes optional


  • Line a 9 x 13 inch quarter sheet pan with parchment paper. Butter the pan first so that the parchment paper sticks to the pan – this is optional, but will give you smoother edges to your caramels. Dissolve the coffee in the vanilla extract and set aside.

  • Place all the ingredients, except for the coffee granules and vanilla extract, in a large pot.

  • Heat over medium high heat, while stirring (with a whisk or spatula) occasionally, until all the ingredients melt to form a smooth liquid.

  • Bring the mixture to a boil, and lower the heat to medium. Continue to cook the caramel chocolate base, while stirring frequently to make sure the caramel doesn’t burn at the bottom.

  • Cook until the mixture reaches a temperature between 242 – 245°F. Then immediately whisk in the vanilla and coffee mixture.

  • Remove the pot from the heat, and pour the mixture into the prepared quarter sheet pan. Please be careful as the sugar mixture is EXTREMELY HOT at this stage. Do NOT get it on your hands, or be tempted to lick / taste it!

  • Allow the caramel to cool slightly. While the surface is still soft, sprinkle extra sea salt flakes (like maldon) on top.

  • The caramel should cool completely to room temperature. Wrap the tray with plastic wrap and refrigerate until it hardens. I like to keep the caramel in the fridge overnight.

  • Once chilled, remove from the fridge and then the pan. If the butter on the tray is making it hard to remove the parchment paper, keep the tray on a kitchen towel soaked in warm water. This will help release the parchment paper.

  • Keep the caramel slab on a cutting board, and allow it to soften a little (to room temperature).

  • Using a long, sharp, dry, clean knife (not a serrated knife), cut the caramel into pieces. The pieces can be whatever size you like. Wipe the knife clean between cuts, so that you get nice clean cuts. I prefer to cut the caramels into 0.75 x 1.5 inch pieces, or 1 x 1 inch squares.


  • Wrap the caramels in wax paper and store in an airtight jar or container. You can also store these in the fridge for up to 1 month, or in the freezer for over 3 months. Please make sure that there is as little moisture as possible, since moisture will make the caramels sticky.

  • Allow them to soften to room temperature before eating.

Tips & Tricks

The cook time will vary depending on your stove and the pot you use. It takes me about 18 minutes. So instead of going by time, it’s important to cook the mixture until it reaches the correct temperature.

Nutrition Information:

Serving: 1pieceCalories: 61kcal (3%)Carbohydrates: 7g (2%)Protein: 1g (2%)Fat: 4g (6%)Saturated Fat: 2g (13%)Cholesterol: 8mg (3%)Sodium: 14mg (1%)Potassium: 21mg (1%)Fiber: 1g (4%)Sugar: 7g (8%)Vitamin A: 87IU (2%)Vitamin C: 1mg (1%)Calcium: 5mg (1%)Iron: 1mg (6%)

“This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered primarily from the USDA Food Composition Database, whenever available, or otherwise other online calculators.”

Course:Candy, Candy & Confectionery, Caramels, Chocolate desserts, Desserts, Sweets, Toffees

Cuisine:European, French

Did you make this?Tag me on Instagram!I love seeing what you’ve made! Tag me on Instagram at @TheFlavorBender or leave me a comment & rating below.

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About Dini

Dini Kodippili is a professional food writer, recipe developer, food photographer, cookbook author, and baker. Dini has been featured on HuffPost, Cosmopolitan, Forbes, Delish, Food & Wine and more. Learn More

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  1. Michelle says

    Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (17)
    These are delicious and very easy to make compared to others candies.


  2. Miss Wendi says

    Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (18)
    This was super easy, and they are super delicious!!!!!! Highly recommend. I did add Celtic sea salt and wow, can’t put them down!


Easy Chocolate Caramels Recipe (2024)


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