Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (2024)


Custard Slices


Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (1)Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (2)


8 Portions


40 minutes

Try our Custard Slices. Elevate your tea experience with this incredible treat, filled with creamy custard and topped off with a layer of chocolate.

Whether you're making for your friends and family or simply treating yourself, our custard slices are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

Recipe Ingredients

How to Prepare


Recipe Ingredients

For the Pastry

320 g

Ready Rolled Puff Pastry

For the Custard

500 ml

Whole Milk

10 g

Dr. Oetker Madagascan Vanilla Paste (2tsp)


Egg Yolks

100 g

Caster Sugar

50 g


50 g

Unsalted butter

To Decorate

150 g

Dr. Oetker 26% White Chocolate

50 g

Dr. Oetker Dark Chocolate

Buy the Products

Dr. Oetker Madagascan Vanilla Paste (2tsp)

Dr. Oetker 26% White Chocolate

How to Prepare:










Unroll your puff pastry and cut into 2 x 8” squares and place each square ofpastry onto a lined baking tray. Top tip; try cutting the pastry with a pizza cutter to get a neat line. Cover each pastry square with some more parchment paper and then place a baking tray on top, this stops the pastry puffing up too much whilst baking.


Bake the pastry for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and place on a cooling rack to cool completely.


For the Custard Filling

Whilst the pastry is baking it’s time to make the custard. Pop the egg yolks, caster sugar and corn flour in a bowl and whisk together to make a smooth paste.


Pour the milk and Vanilla Paste into a saucepan and pop over a medium heat stirring until simmering. Pour half the hot milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture and whisk to combine. Pour back into the remaining milk mixture. Pop the pan back over a medium heat and continuously whisk until the mixture begins to bubble. As it bubbles it’ll thicken, continue to whisk for about 1 minute seconds and then remove from the heat, make sure your custard has thickened and boiled before removing from the heat as this will help it set. Pop in the butter and stir until it has melted into the custard.


Pour into a bowl and cover with cling film, ensuring the cling film touches the surface of the custard as this will prevent a skin from forming on the custard. Leave to cool to room temperature.


To Assemble

Once your custard has cooled, it’s time to assemble your custard slices! Line an 8” square tin with foil, make sure the foil folds over the edges of the tin, this will create a handle so you can lift the slices out of the tray when ready to serve.


Pop one square of pastry into the base of the tin, trim it down slightly it is too big. Briefly whisk your custard to loosen it and pour over the pastry and smooth out to cover the pastry and make sure there is an even layer of custard.


Pop the final square of pastry on top, again trim off any excess if needed and press lightly so it touches the custard layer.


To Decorate

Now it’s time to decorate your custard slices. Break the white chocolate into pieces and pop into a large bowl. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 30 second bursts stirring the Chocolate between each burst until it has melted. Repeat for the Dark Chocolate and pop it in a piping bag once it has melted.


Pour the White Chocolate over the top of the pastry and smooth to cover the pastry top in melted chocolate.


Now for the feathering! Snip the end off the piping bag and pipe horizontal lines of chocolate spaced about 1-2cm apart over the top of the white chocolate. Grab a co*cktail stick and pull through the dark chocolate lines vertically backwards and forwards to create the feathered chocolate effect.


Pop your custard slice in the fridge until ready to serve and the chocolate has set. Slice up using a hot knife whilst your bake is still in the tin and then remove from the tin using the foil handles to help. Store your custard slices in the fridge and they will keep for up to 3 days, if they stick around that long!

Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (7)Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (8)


For a more traditional finish decorate your custard slices with glace icing instead of chocolate.


Follow our handy guide to learn all tips on How to Melt Chocolate!



For a more traditional finish decorate your custard slices with glace icing instead of chocolate. 


Follow our handy guide to learn all tips on <a href="">How to Melt Chocolate</a>!

Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (9)

Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (10)

Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (11)

Custard Slices Recipe | Dr. Oetker (12)


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What pastry are custard slices made from? ›

This vanilla slice has a thick creamy custard filling sandwiched between a base layer and top layer of flaky puff pastry, and then topped with a sweet icing glaze.

What's the difference between vanilla slice and custard slice? ›

Not to be confused with a Custard Slice either!

A vanilla slice is usually a very thick slab of custard sandwiched between two thin puff sheets. A mille feuille is more decorative, could have multiple custard (or diplomat cream) layers and looks very sophisticated.

What are the mistakes when making custard? ›

Experts Reveal 12 Big Custard Mistakes You're Probably Making
  1. Not knowing the difference between starch-thickened and egg-thickened custards. ...
  2. Not knowing the difference between stovetop and baked custards. ...
  3. Adding the eggs to your custard too quickly. ...
  4. Overcooking custard. ...
  5. Cooking custard at too high a temperature.
May 5, 2024

How long does a custard slice last in the fridge? ›

Custard slice or vanilla slice is best eaten the day it's made because the custard will soften the puff pastry quickly. However, you can keep vanilla slice for 3-4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

What are the 3 types of custard? ›

There are three types of custard: baked, stirred, and frozen. Baked custards include bread pudding, flan, and cheesecake, and are prepared by baking in an oven or water bath. Boiled Custards include beverages like eggnog. Puddings, creme anglaise (krem on-GLAYZ), and pastry cream are some examples of stirred custards.

What are the 4 components of custard? ›

Combine milk, eggs, sugar and gentle heat and one of our most treasured comfort food appears.

What is custard slice real name? ›

A mille-feuille (French: [mil fœj]; lit. 'thousand-sheets'), also known by the names Napoleon in North America, vanilla slice in the United Kingdom, and custard slice, is a French dessert made of puff pastry layered with pastry cream. Its modern form was influenced by improvements made by Marie-Antoine Carême.

Who makes the best vanilla slice? ›

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North End Bakehouse in Shepparton made history when they were awarded the two top prizes at Baking Association of Australia's (BAA) Baking Show on February 24. “They are now the official bakery that's has The Australia's Best Hot Cross Bun and The Australia's Best Vanilla Slice for 2024,” BAA stated.

Is custard less healthy than ice cream? ›

Deciding what to serve with your pudding? Brands vary, but vanilla ice-cream typically has about 10 per cent more calories than custard, as well as twice the saturated fat, less protein and half the calcium and potassium. However, ice-cream usually has less sugar and salt, too.

Why does custard turn bitter? ›

Citrus fruits can cause the custard to get bitter, if left in for some time. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to bite into fruits if they have been chilled along with the custard.

What thickens a custard? ›

Custard is a decadent dessert made with eggs, milk, and sugar. Eggs are responsible for custard's thick and velvety texture, but some recipes (such as this one) call for thickeners such as cornstarch or arrowroot for extra richess.

What can go wrong with custard? ›

Curdling. Sweet custards (without starch) typically thicken between 160°F – 180°F / 71°C – 82°C , which is a bit below the boiling point of 212°F / 100°C milk or water. If the custard is heated beyond that point, the egg proteins lose their structure and can no longer retain the liquid.

Can I eat custard 2 years out of date? ›

Within reason, provided the food looks and smells as you would expect, it should be safe to eat, even if the 'best-before' date has passed. Keep an eye on the 'use-by' or 'best-before' dates on the food in your cupboards. Don't eat any food that is past its 'use-by' date, even if it looks and smells okay.

Can you eat out of date custard slices? ›

In most cases, this food is still safe to eat! Food manufacturers use different date codes to ensure that consumers receive their product at peak quality. Once a product is past code date, many manufacturers donate it to food banks.

Can you eat 4 day old custard? ›

It's recommended that custard be eaten up in 3–4 days if stored properly in an airtight container.

What is a custard pastry? ›

Custard tarts or flan pâtissier/parisien are a baked pastry consisting of an outer pastry crust filled with egg custard.

What is custard pie made of? ›

Combine sugar, milk, melted butter, flour, vanilla, and nutmeg in a large bowl; mix well. Beat in eggs until well blended. Pour filling into partially baked pie shell. Bake in the preheated oven until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, 45 to 55 minutes.

What is Italian custard made of? ›

Zabaglione is a simple Italian dessert made of egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine. It is usually served warm, though it can be served cold, as a sauce, or even frozen.

What was custard made of? ›

Custard is a decadent dessert made with eggs, milk, and sugar. Eggs are responsible for custard's thick and velvety texture, but some recipes (such as this one) call for thickeners such as cornstarch or arrowroot for extra richess.


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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.