Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (2024)

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byArman Liew

published on Jul 07, 2023


5from 102 votes

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This healthybreakfast smoothie recipemakes a quick and filling breakfast that takes minutes to make. It’s easy to customize and keeps you energized all morning!

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (2)

We love a good healthy smoothie around here, especially first thing in the morning.

It’s quick to make, easy to digest, and can pack in tons of nutrients at once!

Table of Contents
  1. Why you’ll love this breakfast smoothie recipe
  2. How to make a breakfast smoothie
  3. Tips to make the best recipe
  4. Storage instructions
  5. Recommended tools to make this recipe
  6. More healthy smoothie recipes to try
  7. Frequently asked questions
  8. Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (Recipe Card)

Why you’ll love this breakfast smoothie recipe

  • 3 ingredients. All you need is bananas, milk, and a nut or seed butter.
  • Perfect texture. Like our other smoothie recipes, this one is thick and creamy.
  • Customizable flavor. You can keep this smoothie as it is, or add your favorite mix-ins and flavors to it.
  • Healthy. It’s easily made dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan.
Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (3)

How to make a breakfast smoothie

The ingredients.

  • Bananas. Frozen bananas will yield a creamier smoothie, so have a stash in your freezer to make this.
  • Milk. Almond milk, soy milk, whole milk, coconut milk or whichever milk you prefer.
  • Nut butters. I like using peanut butter or almond butter, but any nut/seed butter works.
  • Cinnamon. Optional, but I love the combination of cinnamon and banana.

The directions.

Combine all your ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (4)

Tips to make the best recipe

  • Add a protein source. Amp up the protein by adding a scoop of your favorite protein powder or some cottage cheese or Greek yogurt.
  • Give it more staying power. Make this smoothie more of a meal by adding some rolled oats, chopped nuts, flax seeds, or chia seeds (like we do with our oatmeal smoothie).
  • Use different fruits. Not everyone loves bananas to swap it out for other fruits, like berries (blueberries and strawberries are great!), pineapple, or mango.
  • Add some greens. Like our green smoothie, add a handful of spinach or kale for those extra nutrients.
  • Blend thoroughly. No one likes clumps in their smoothie, so be sure it’s perfectly smooth throughout. You could also add some avocado (like in our avocado smoothie).
  • Make it a smoothie bowl. Cut back on the milk and blend until just combined. Serve it in a bowl instead of a cup, and top with some granola or cereal.

Storage instructions

To store: Leftovers can be stored in the fridge for up to two days but need to be re-mixed before enjoying (they often can separate).

To freeze: Pour the smoothie into an ice cube tray or shallow container and store it in the freezer for up to 6 months. When ready to enjoy, simply re-blend.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (5)

More healthy smoothie recipes to try

  • Blueberry smoothie
  • Keto smoothie
  • Healthy chocolate peanut butter smoothie
  • Cinnamon roll protein shake
  • Protein shakes
  • Ginger shots

Frequently asked questions

Can I add coffee to a breakfast smoothie?

Yes, adding a shot of espresso or swapping out some of the milk with coffee will give a delicious caffeine hit.

Can I use water instead of milk in a breakfast smoothie?

Yes, you can use water instead of milk in a smoothie but it will not be as creamy.

Can I make a smoothie the night before?

Smoothies are best made fresh, both for taste and texture reasons. You can prep the smoothie the night before by adding all the non-liquid ingredients to a blender and storing it in the refrigerator until the next morning.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (6)

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

5 from 102 votes

This healthybreakfast smoothie recipemakes a quick and filling breakfast that takes minutes to make. It's easy to customize and keeps you energized all morning!

Servings: 1 Smoothie

Prep: 1 minute min

Cook: 1 minute min

Total: 2 minutes mins

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  • 1 large banana frozen
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter or any nut/seed butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon optional


  • Break your banana up into smaller pieces for easy blending.

  • Add all ingredients into the blender and blend until desired consistency- For a thicker, ice cream like smoothie, blend less. If smoothie is too thick, add more milk of choice. Top with cinnamon and enjoy.


TO STORE: Leftovers can be stored in the fridge for up to two days but need to be re-mixed before enjoying (they often can separate).

TO FREEZE: Pour the smoothie into an ice cube tray or shallow container and store it in the freezer for up to 6 months. When ready to enjoy, simply re-blend.


Serving: 1smoothieCalories: 238kcalCarbohydrates: 35gProtein: 5gFat: 11gSodium: 165mgPotassium: 609mgFiber: 6gSugar: 17gVitamin A: 89IUVitamin C: 12mgCalcium: 217mgIron: 1mgNET CARBS: 29g

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Author: Arman Liew

Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe (2024)


Is it good to have a smoothie for breakfast? ›

If you want a quick and healthy breakfast, smoothies are a great option. Whether you keep it fruity or add some leafy greens for a nutrient boost, smoothies are versatile and delicious.

Is it good to drink a smoothie every morning? ›

Smoothies keep you hydrated

On average, most adults, especially those who are active, are not drinking enough fluids regularly. When you drink a smoothie every day, you are adding to your fluid intake. Staying hydrated is beneficial for our skin, digestive system, and overall body function.

Is a smoothie a good breakfast replacement? ›

Whether or not a smoothie can replace a meal really depends on what's in it. If you're only adding frozen fruit and water, then that's not a meal; that's a light, refreshing snack. In general, a meal should have a few food groups. I recommend trying to have carbs, protein, fat, and fiber at meals whenever possible.

What fruits not to mix in a smoothie? ›

For those who want to consume smoothies with bananas, or other high PPO activity fruits and vegetables such as beet greens, the suggestion is to not combine them with flavanol-rich fruits such as berries, grapes and cocoa.

Can you lose weight by drinking a smoothie every morning? ›

Yes and no. While most weight loss experts don't recommend substituting smoothies for every meal of the day, drinking them here or there (or even daily) can support weight loss goals. It all depends on what they contain and, of course, their portion size.

Does blending a banana increase sugar? ›

All fruit, fruit juices and smoothies contain a naturally occurring sugar called fructose. Fructose from whole fruit doesn't add to your intake of free (or added) sugar, but in fruit juice or a smoothie it does.

Are frozen fruit smoothies good for you? ›

Yes, Frozen Smoothies Are Healthy!

Overall, drinking smoothies will increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. This increase in consumption provides a diverse array of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. so it's a big Yes, homemade frozen smoothies are healthy – go on, get blending!

What is the healthiest liquid to put in a smoothie? ›

If you're looking to cut calories and sugar from your diet, water is the perfect choice for liquid for smoothies. Not only is it calorie-free and sugar-free, but it's also money-free!

What is the best liquid to put in a smoothie? ›

This can be milk, or a dairy-free alternative such as soya or almond milk, natural or flavoured yogurt, fruit juice, or for a tropical flavoured smoothie, low-fat coconut milk or coconut water. It's important to add the liquid to your blender before adding the fruit, as this will prevent the blade from getting damaged.

What is the healthiest thing to put in a smoothie? ›

Start with 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit. Some great fruit bases include strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, bananas, pineapple, cherries and peaches. Veggie. If you don't mind the green color, adding a handful of spinach or kale is a good way to bring more antioxidants to your drink.

Why am I still hungry after breakfast smoothie? ›

Smoothies also go down faster than foods that need to be chewed, so your brain often doesn't get the signal as quickly as it should that you're full and need to stop eating, Warren says. The faster it's in and out of you, the less full you feel.

How healthy is a strawberry banana smoothie? ›

They are high in PotassiumBananas are very rich in potassium which means that it helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate in a natural way. This also means that a strawberry banana smoothie makes for an excellent post workout drink. Potassium is needed for healthy nerves, muscles, and bones.

What fruit has the lowest sugar? ›

Limes and Lemons

Limes and lemons are culinary staples for adding zippy brightness to dishes. They also top this list as the lowest-sugar fruits, with 1 and 2 grams of sugar per fruit, respectively.

Is a smoothie a good breakfast for weight loss? ›

"When it comes to weight loss, smoothies can be a helpful tool when consumed as part of a balanced diet," says Rael. Smoothies can also help satisfy hunger pangs, which can also contribute to weight loss.

Should I have a smoothie for breakfast or lunch? ›

To be clear, a smoothie doesn't have to be a meal. You can enjoy a smoothie as part of a meal, or have it as a snack, and that's ok. But if you're having only a smoothie for breakfast or lunch, then it should be built like a meal.

What is the difference between a smoothie and a breakfast shake? ›

The base of a smoothie usually starts with yoghurt, milk or juice, but some can be made of all fruits. The base of a milkshake is dairy, usually ice cream or milk. Flavor is added from syrups, raw fruits, but some milkshakes get their flavor solely from flavored ice cream.


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