Black-eyed Pea Cakes Recipe (2024)

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Delicious savory Black-Eyed Pea Cakes are the perfect Southern-inspired appetizer or side dish.

This week we’re packing up our daughter for her second year in college, and getting our baby ready for his senior year in high school. Our time (and my brain) are stretched a bit too thin so I’ve been updating and cleaning up some older posts to share with you until I get back into my routine cooking schedule.

Our last week or so of summer break has been filled with snagging time in between the washing and packing and more washing to spend time together in our nuclear family unit before all of what the back-to-school schedule brings. This recipe for Black-Eyed Pea Cakes is one of the early recipes shared here back in February 2010. These crispy savory cakes are sneaky good. Let me tell you all about them.

Black-eyed peas and me, we go way back – truly one of my oldest comfort foods. A while back a trip to Grits and Groceries introduced me to Black-Eyed Pea Cakes, and whoa Nellie! Crazy good. They remind me of falafel, only slightly flattened, and better.

I purchased the Grits and Groceries cookbook, as well as a calendar packed with more recipes, but no Black-Eyed Pea Cake recipe to be found. After a quick search online, tons of recipes for this southern dish were found, but I didn’t have all the ingredients for any of the recipes that looked good, especially the one Ezra Pound Cake adapted from Martha Hall Foose’s “Screen Doors and Sweet Tea.” So I did what any southern-black-eyed-pea-lovin girl would do, I improvised, using what we had on hand. I was quite happy with the results. Quite happy indeed. And when served with Comeback Sauce they are out of this world! Be sure to check out our recipe for Comeback Sauce. It’s like our homemade version of Zaxby’s Zax Sauce.

How to MakeBlack-Eyed Pea Cakes

To make these delectable drool-inducing little cakes, begin by warming drained black-eyed peas, while you prep the other ingredients. Saute the onion and garlic together in a little olive oil until softened. In a food processor, pulse about half of the black-eyed peas, bacon, onion, garlic, cilantro, basil, cumin, cayenne, and salt a few times until blended. But not too much! It doesn’t have to be totally smooth.

Transfer mixture to a bowl and stir in the remaining whole black-eyed peas and heavy cream. Chill mixture until cool. This is an essential step. When it cools, the mixture stiffens so cakes can be formed, otherwise you’ll have floppy cakes that will fall apart when battered. And no one wants floppy cakes. That’s another thing I love about this recipe, you can make the mixture a couple of days ahead and refrigerate.

After the mixture has cooled, gently form the cakes and set aside. We made ours about 3-inchesin diameter and 3/4-inches thick, but you can make them smaller if you’d like. Just be sure to adjust cooking time.

Prepare three separate bowls for battering. Flour goes in the first one. Beat an egg with half and half together in the second one, and bread crumbs go in the third one.

Batter the cakes by coating first with flour, then the egg mixture and finish with the bread crumbs, being careful to keep the shape of the cake intact while battering. Set aside after coated.

Line a plate or cooling rack with paper towels ready for cakes when cooked. Prepare the skillet by heating 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Fry cakes in small batches, cooking approximately 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. While frying the cake monitor the oil for overheating.

Serve Black-Eyed Pea Cakes with a heaping serving of comeback sauce and be ready for everyone to come back for more!

Black-Eyed Pea Cakes Recipe

Black-eyed Pea Cakes Recipe (7)

Black-Eyed Pea Cakes Recipe

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

A delicious savory dish made with black-eyed peas.


  • 2 (15.8 oz.) cans of black-eyed peas; drained
  • 1 slice of bacon; fried and crumbled
  • 4-8 tablespoons olive oil; divided
  • 1/2 cup onion; chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic; minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup half and half
  • 2 cups panko or fresh bread crumbs


  1. Begin by warming the black-eyed peas, while you prep the other ingredients.
  2. Sauté the onion and garlic together in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil until softened.
  3. Add half of the black-eyed peas (about 1 1/2 cups), bacon, onion, garlic, cilantro, basil, cumin, cayenne, salt to a food processor and pulse a few times until blended. Not too much. It doesn’t need to be totally smooth.
  4. Transfer mixture to a bowl and stir in the remaining black-eyed peas and heavy cream.
  5. Chill the mixture until cool – about an hour or so.
  6. After the mixture has cooled, gently form the cakes and set aside.
  7. Prepare 3 separate bowls for battering. Flour goes in the first one. Then beat an egg and the half and half together in the second one. And the bread crumbs go in the third one.
  8. Batter the cakes by coating first with flour, then the egg mixture and finish with the bread crumbs. Set aside after coated.
  9. Have a plate or cooling rack lined with paper towels ready for cakes when cooked.
  10. Prepare the skillet by heating 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat.
  11. Fry cakes in small batches, cooking approximately 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Be sure to watch the oil for overheating, and, if needed, add additional oil or start with new oil if it gets too dark.
  12. Remove cakes, let cool on paper towel lined plate.
  13. Serve with Comeback Sauce.


Makes about 8-12 cakes.

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Facebook

Originally posted February 2, 2010. Updated August 14, 2015.

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How long does it take black-eyed peas to cook? ›

Soaked black eyed peas take about 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours to cook, depending on the age of the beans, how long they were soaked for and how soft you prefer them. If you're starting with frozen black eyed peas, microwave until thawed before adding them to your dish.

What does baking soda do for black-eyed peas? ›

Your Beans Will Cook Faster

Well, creating an alkaline (or basic) environment by adding a small amount (about 1 teaspoon per cup of dry beans) of baking soda to your soaking/cooking water can actually help your beans cook faster.

How many cups of black-eyed peas are in a pound? ›

Black-eyed peas are often packaged in 1- or 2-pound bags. One pound of dry peas is about 2 cups. One cup of dry black-eyed peas makes 3 cups of cooked peas (6 servings).

What happens if you don t soak black-eyed peas before cooking? ›

If you choose to forego soaking, you will have to cook them for longer. Cook the beans: Add beans to a slow cooker and cover with two inches of water or broth. Add any seasonings and/or aromatics. If pre-soaked, cook beans for 3 to 4 hours on low heat.

How do you thicken your black-eyed peas? ›

Uncover and simmer, stirring frequently, until the peas are very tender, 1 to 1 1/2 hours more. Smash some of the peas up against the inside of the pot with a wooden spoon. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Smash more of the peas up against the inside of the pot again (this helps the broth thicken).

Can you cook black-eyed peas too long? ›

A properly cooked black-eyed pea should be tender but still have a bite, not mushy. Canned black-eyed peas are best in recipes that don't require slow cooking or a long cook time, which can make them mushy.

Can you overcook black-eyed peas? ›

Drain them the next day and bring them to a boil in cold water, then reduce the heat so the water barely simmers: dried black-eyed peas can overcook, and a rolling boil could cause them to break apart. Taste the peas often to check their doneness: They should be creamy but retain their shape.

What are the health benefits of eating black-eyed peas? ›

Black-eyed peas are highly nutritious and associated with many impressive health benefits. In particular, they may help support weight loss, improve heart health, and promote digestive health. They're also versatile, delicious, and easy to incorporate into a number of recipes as part of a healthy diet.

Why won't my black-eyed peas get soft? ›

Also, make sure to keep adding liquid (broth or water) to the peas as they cook, or they will dry out. The broth/liquid is what breaks them down and makes them tender and flavorful.

What is a good substitute for black-eyed peas? ›

Black-Eyed Peas Substitute

If necessary, you can substitute another type of bean for black-eyed peas—Pinkeye Purple Hull peas, also known as Southern Pink Lady peas, are another, lesser-known Southern staple and variety of cowpea would be an excellent choice.

Should I soak beans in salt or baking soda? ›

Beans soaked in salt or baking soda brines performed much better in comparison to those soaked in just water. Beans brined in baking soda performed even better than those in the salt brine. This was true across the board regardless of the type of the bean.

Are black-eyed peas good for diabetics? ›

The soluble fiber in black eyed peas slows digestion, which helps the body regulate blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of blood sugar spikes. This lowered risk makes black eyed peas a healthy food choice for people with diabetes.

Are black-eyed peas good for constipation? ›

Black-eyed peas can help improve digestion for some people due to their fiber content, which can help promote regular bowel movements. This may be particularly helpful for those who experience occasional constipation.

How long can you keep black-eyed peas in the refrigerator? ›

Black-eyed peas that are already cooked should be allowed to cool then stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to 5 days. Cooked dried black-eyed peas can be frozen in a re-sealable freezer safe bag. Frozen cooked beans will last for about 6 months.

How do you jazz up a can of peas? ›

Add basic seasonings to the peas. Salt and pepper work well, but oregano, garlic powder, chili powder or a variety of different popcorn seasons can help hide the taste of the peas as well.

Should you rinse canned black-eyed peas? ›

Canned black-eyed peas are best in recipes that don't require slow cooking or a long cook time, which can make them mushy. If you're using canned black-eyed peas, simply rinse them in a colander to remove any liquid from the can as well as excess salt. Then you're good to go!

How to make canned field peas taste good? ›

A few household items can help improve canned peas' taste.
  1. Add basic seasonings to the peas. ...
  2. Melt cheese or butter over the peas. ...
  3. Liquefy the peas in a food processor and add the peas to your favorite fruit or vegetable juice. ...
  4. Add drained peas to your favorite type of gelatin while the gelatin sets.

What tastes good on black-eyed peas? ›

Cornbread is a must-have with black-eyed peas. Its sweet, buttery taste and crumbly texture are the perfect match for the creamy peas. You can enjoy it plain, or add some jalapeños or corn kernels for extra flavor. It's great for soaking up any juices on your plate, and it adds a comforting, homely touch to your meal.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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