Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (2024)

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If you haven't tried air fryer whole cauliflower, you need to! Simple to prepare, this low-calorie entree is satisfyingly crispy, juicy, and packed with vitamins and minerals.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (1)

The cauliflower's nutty and sweet undertones are brought out by earthy garlic and thyme, making air fryer whole cauliflower one of the most flavorful dishes you can make. Cauliflower is also low-calorie and nutrient-dense, making this tasty dish a fantastic way to support your health.

Cooking whole cauliflower in air fryer crisps the outside while keeping the inside moist and tender. When cooked the right way, you will be surprised at how deliciously satisfying the humble cauliflower can be; this meal will become a firm favorite!

Many other cauliflower recipes ask you to cut this gorgeous brassica into steaks. But whole roasted cauliflower in air fryer is a great way to cut down on waste! Using the air fryer also means that your cauliflower won't go soggy, as it can using other methods.

Ingredients you'll need to roast a whole cauliflower head.

**Find the full list of ingredients along with the recipe instructions at the end of this post**

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (2)

Cauliflower head (rinsed, and the stem and leaves removed). Don't throw away those cauliflower leaves, though! You can roast the leaves in salt with a bit of oil for a yummy side or use them for soup or stock.

Melted, unsalted butter. You can switch this to dairy-free butter to make this recipe plant-based friendly.

Dried thyme, garlic cloves, and paprika. Switch your air fryer roasted cauliflower head up by experimenting with the seasonings! Some great ideas to try are onion powder, chili, and cumin.

Tools used to make the recipe.

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How to cook whole cauliflower in air fryer

First: In a small bowl, combine butter, thyme, garlic, paprika, salt, and pepper to taste. Brush all over the cauliflower head.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (3)

Next: Place the whole cauliflower in the basket and cook at 360ºF for 35-40 minutes or until tender.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (4)

Finally: Remove it from the basket and sprinkle with fresh parsley and squish lemon juice if desired. Serve and enjoy!

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (5)

How long to cook cauliflower in air fryer

It takes around 40 minutes at 360°F to cook a whole roasted cauliflower. However, the exact timings will depend on your air fryer model and the cauliflower size!

To check if the cauliflower is ready to serve, poke it with a fork to see if it is tender and if the outside is a golden brown color.

What to serve with whole roasted cauliflower

This air fryer cauliflower head is gorgeous, served with nutty and satisfying simple quinoa and sweet and refreshing massaged kale and apple salad.

It's also wonderful chopped up and served in pitta bread with hummus. Serve it as a side dish with other air fryer main dishes recipes.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (6)

How to store leftovers of a whole cauliflower

Always wrap leftover roasted whole cauliflower air fryer in heavy foil or seal it in an airtight container to store it. Leftovers will stay in the fridge for 3 to 5 days and in the freezer for 10-12 months.

It's also good to chop your roasted cauliflower into portions before freezing, making it easier to defrost and reheat.

How to reheat roasted cauliflower

You can reheat roasted cauliflower in the air fryer, oven, or stovetop. For best results, use the air fryer to make sure your cauliflower is juicy and crisp.

  • In the air fryer: Preheat to 350°F, and then heat the cauliflower until hot. If heating from frozen, you can do this directly in the air fryer; it will take a little longer.
  • In the oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F, and then heat the cauliflower in the oven until it is hot all the way through. If your cauliflower is frozen, defrost it first by moving it to the refrigerator for 2-4 hours before cooking.
  • On the stovetop: Heat a little oil or butter in the pan, and then fry the cauliflower until it's hot. It's a good idea to chop the cauliflower into smaller chunks before heating them, as this means they will reach temperature more quickly.
Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (7)


Can you cook cauliflower in an air fryer?

Absolutely! Air frying means that your cauliflower goes crisp outside while staying juicy in the middle. There are loads of different ways to cook cauliflower in an air fryer.

Try these tangy BBQ cauliflower wings, comforting cauliflower tots, or delicious air fryer cauliflower steaks.

Do you have to boil cauliflower before roasting?

Nope! For this whole cauliflower air fryer recipe, brush the cauliflower with the spice mix and pop it straight in the basket for a straightforward meal.

Can you freeze a whole cauliflower?

Freezing cauliflower is a great way to avoid waste, but it's best to cut it into smaller pieces before freezing to make it easier to manage.

If you have a fresh cauliflower, freeze it as soon as possible to preserve all nutrients. First, chop it into small florets, and blanch them (boil them for 1-2 minutes, and plunge them into ice-cold water). Once blanched, you can move florets into the freezer.

It's good to freeze them individually on a baking tray before transferring them to a freezer bag to avoid them sticking together.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (8)

More Air Fryer Recipes to try

  • Air Fryer Broccoli
  • Air Fryer Asparagus
  • Easy Air Fryer Spaghetti Squash
  • Air Fryer Smashed Potatoes
  • Air Fryer Whole Sweet Potatoes

More Cauliflower recipes

  • BBQ Cauliflower Wing in Air Fryer
  • Air Fryer Cauliflower Tots
  • Buffalo Cauliflower Air Fryer Recipe (Without Flour)
  • Delicious Air Fryer Cauliflower Bites Recipe
  • Air Fryer Cauliflower Steaks Recipe
  • Air Fryer Parmesan Cauliflower
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower In Air Fryer

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Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (9)

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Cooking whole cauliflower in air fryer crisps the outside while keeping the inside moist and tender. When cooked the right way, you will be surprised at how deliciously satisfying the humble cauliflower can be; this meal will become a firm favorite!


  • 1 medium cauliflower head rinsed, steam and leaves removed
  • ¼ cup melted unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste



  1. In a small bowl combine butter, thyme, garlic, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Brush all over the cauliflower head.
  2. Place the whole cauliflower in the air fryer basket and cook at 360ºF for 40 minutes or until tender.
  3. Remove from the basket and sprinkle with fresh parsley. Serve and enjoy!
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 139Total Fat: 12gSaturated Fat: 7gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 98mgCarbohydrates: 7gFiber: 4gSugar: 3gProtein: 3g

Please keep in mind that the nutritional information is calculated using a nutrition facts calculator. It is a rough estimate and can vary significantly based on products used. When the recipe list salt to taste the amount of salt is not calculated​, only the sodium in the other ingredients​ is calculated.

Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (10)
Air Fryer Whole Cauliflower Head Recipe (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.