8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (2024)


Even though I’m already seeing Christmas decorations and trees displayed in stores, I like to take my holidays one at a time and in order. Since Halloween is coming up next, I’ve been excited to start decorating my house, helping Kora & Logan pick out their costumes, and to start searching for cute and easy Halloween recipes.

Where do I turn to when I need great recipe ideas these days? Pinterest, of course! I can’t get enough of the site especially and I love the app. I’ve found so many great Halloween recipes on the site that I put together a collection of my favorites.

8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (2)

What about you? Are you excited for Halloween?

8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (3)

About Tesa Nicolanti

Tésa (pronounced Taysa) is a work-at-home mom who enjoys blogging while raising her family in Detroit, MI. In between naps, Tésa enjoys writing about family life, giving back, food, tech, and travel.

Connect with Tésa Nicolanti on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Cedar Point Halloweekends Review »


  1. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (4)Tammy S says

    These are so cute! How did I miss the post when it originally came out. I love the apples! Thanks for sharing!

  2. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (5)Deborah H. Bateman says

    Thanks for sharing these cute Halloween treat ideas. If you get a chance stop by my blog Recipe for Life and check out some of my family favorite recipes at: deborah-bateman.blogspot.com
    Deborah H. Bateman-Author

  3. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (7)Amanda Green says

    I love the tin snacks and the apples with the caramel dip! suck a cute idea! the mummy dogs are definitely are gonna be served to my fam on halloween night! thanks!

  4. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (8)Mary Beth Elderton says

    I LOVE the little mummies! How cute! The Owl Cupcakes are to die for (tee hee!)
    I get to travel to see my grands just before halloween, so I am collecting crafts and recipes *pinned!*

  5. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (9)Lisa R says

    I absolutely love these adorable little creatures

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  6. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (10)Marcia Goss says

    The Owl Cupcakes are so cute! I think I’ll make these this year with my granddaughter and she can take them to school on Halloween.

  7. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (11)Vanessa says

    The candy corn cupcakes look yummy!

  8. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (12)Hanan says

    Great ideas, love it!

  9. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (13)Wendy T says

    I used to LOVE Halloween – favorite night of the year. Now, not so much. It was in 2004 when I had to push my daughter in her wheelchair and then have her ask to go home early (it was too much), that I last liked Halloween. She passed away 18 days later and that is the memory of Halloween that will always be the strongest.

    That she couldn’t trick or treat any longer was hugely significant of the way she was feeling and it was and is very sad.

    • 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (14)Tired Mom Tésa says

      I’m so sorry to hear this. What a difficult time and reminder it must be for you. I wish I knew the right words to comfort you. Hugs.

  10. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (15)krystle says

    Oh my gosh these all look so yummy! I’m going to have to try the Candy Corn Cupcakes!

  11. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (16)Emily @FamilyNLifeLV says

    Oh my goodness! I love the muffin tin and apple slices!! So cute!

  12. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (17)Maralea says

    Such cute ideas! Thank you!

  13. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (18)Nichol says

    I’m drooling at those candy corn cupcakes, yum!!

  14. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (19)Kristina Vanni says

    Yum! What great ideas – can’t wait to celebrate this year with some fun treats!

  15. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (20)Paula Schuck says

    Love these. Especially the muffin tin ideas.

  16. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (21)Jeanna says

    These are adorable! My kids would have so much fun helping with these! Perfect for our upcoming Halloween Party for the kiddo’s! Thanks!

  17. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (22)Alison says

    I love the cut outs for the apples!

  18. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (23)Trasina McGahey says

    VERY cute! My oldest daughters bday is on Halloween which means I always got to have some fun parties for her. My fav ever was the cat litter cake.

  19. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (24)Amber Edwards says

    I LOVE those ideas! They gave me some great ideas for baking with the kids later this week!

  20. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (25)Angela says

    I am loving the ghost cupcakes. They are very simple but super cute!

  21. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (26)Jeannette says

    Oh, these ideas are so cute! I was just getting ready to search for some ideas for my son’s class at school and this saved me a ton of time! Thanks for the great list!

  22. 8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (27)Dena says

    Thanks for the cute ideas. I am going to need them since I became room mom for my son’s class, which means I’m in charge of the parties!

8 Cute & Easy Halloween Recipes (2024)


How to trick or treat without candy? ›

15 Trick-or-Treat Candy Alternatives for Halloween
  1. Granola Bars.
  2. Oranges with Pumpkin Faces (check out this fun blog with inspiration)
  3. Juice Box Mummies.
  4. Mini Bag of Pretzels.
  5. Trail Mix Packs.
  6. Mini Water Bottles (Click here for H2O Halloween Labels)
  7. Drink Packets like Liquid IV or Crystal Light.
  8. Glow Sticks.
Oct 3, 2022

What to feed kids on Halloween? ›

Halloween recipes to make with kids
  • Spider pizzas.
  • Ghoulish cupcakes.
  • Spider biscuits. Create these cute peanut butter spider biscuits with kids as part of a Halloween party feast. ...
  • Black cat cake. ...
  • Slime bug cups. ...
  • Chocolate-covered pretzels. ...
  • Pastry snakes. ...
  • Easy Halloween cookies.

What to give kids instead of candy? ›

Some good options are boxes of raisins, string cheese, bags of pretzels, apple slice bags, mini bags of popcorn and more. Just remember to get pre-packaged snacks from the store – many parents are leery about their kids eating homemade snacks from strangers. Drinks – Trick-or-treating is hard work!

Is it OK to trick or treat alone? ›

HuffPost spoke with safety experts and parents about when to allow kids this freedom. The general consensus was that age 12 is about the right time to let kids trick or treat alone, but there are a number of factors to take into consideration, as well as some basic safety tips kids should know before they head out.

What candy can a 1 year old eat on Halloween? ›

Candies that are round, chewy, or gummy are all considered choking hazards. To ensure you're giving safe treats to toddlers this Halloween season, opt for larger treats that melt in the mouth, like chocolate bars or cookies.

What Halloween candy do kids want most? ›

Reese's Cups

Reese's is so beloved that it's the top-selling candy brand in America, with more than $2 billion in annual sales.

What is a good alternative to Halloween candy? ›

Some ideas for non-edible items are bouncy balls, small stuffed animals, temporary tattoos, friendship bracelets, and coloring books. Dollar stores and discount aisles are great places to find non-edible options for good prices.

What to do if you don't want trick or treaters? ›

Watch a movie or TV show.

Instead of giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, you can spend the evening watching TV. Choose movies or shows that are unrelated to Halloween. You can also make it a tradition to watch the same movie every year or you can watch whatever movie you are in the mood for.

What to do when you run out of sweets for trick or treaters? ›

Of course, there are other methods you can employ instead to let trick or treaters know you're out of candy, like passing out pennies, leaving an empty bowl outside or simply not answering the door.

Do you have to give candy to trick or treaters? ›

There is no legal obligation to give candy to trick-or-treating kids.


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