7 Pavlova Recipes That Look Impressive but Are Easy to Make (2024)

You may not have heard of pavlovas, but you’ve definitely seen the Instagram-worthy nests of sugary heaven—Pinterest addicts, we’re looking at you—floating through the social sphere and taking our taste buds by storm.

Made with a meringue base and traditionally topped with whipped cream and berries, this showstopper dessert is nothing but impressive—in taste and looks. These seven pavlova recipes let you reap the benefits of flavor without needing to spend forever in the kitchen. (Because who has time for that?)

1. Berry Pavlova With Lemon Whipped Cream

There’s something graceful about pavlovas. (Well, the dessert is named after a ballerina.) This recipe keeps in tradition with whipped cream and berries but adds a twist—or rather, a zest—with tangy lemon curd.To keep things simple (as promised), opt for store-bought curd and abide by these foolproof meringue tips: 1) wash and dry your mixing bowl and whisk to remove any leftover residue, 2) use room temperature egg whites (but separate the yolks when they’re still cool), and 3) use caster or fine granulated sugar for the best texture.

2. Coffee and Cream Pavlova

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Desserts can often end in a crash—especially when they’re sugar-filled, like these crunchy meringues. (Hey, the splurge is worth it every once in awhile!) We love that this recipe helps stave off the sugar crash by infusing it with caffeine.Jazzed up with dark chocolate, Nespresso (powered espresso or plain ol’ coffee works too!), and a little surprise vinegar, this coffee and cream pavlova makes for the perfect holiday treat or dinner party dessert.

3. Mini Chocolate Cherry Pavlovas

As much fun as it is to make (and eat) a giant meringue, sometimes individual sizes are the way to go. These chocolate cherry pavlovas make a perfect single serving or can be great to share if you’re looking for just a few bites (we applaud your self-control).We love the combination of rich chocolate with tart cherries, but the recipe tastes equally as good with blackberry, raspberry, or even orange compote in its place.

4. Chocolate Pavlova With Salted Caramel Sauce

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Pavlovas have a reputation for being complicated, time-intensive, and difficult to master. Don’t tell your dinner guests this, but they’re actually pretty simple if you have the right tricks up your sleeve.For example, when it comes to adding melted chocolate (like in this drool-worthy salted caramel pavlova), the chocolate should be fully cooled. And when you start mixing, start slow. You want to see lots of tiny bubbles as opposed to a few big ones. This makes for a sturdier base and ensures there won’t be any cracks and crumbles when baking the meringue.This recipe nails it with the detailed step-by-step guide, but what’s even better is the butter-filled caramel sauce that’s drizzled on the final (perfectly baked) product.

5. Honey Roast Peach Slab Pavlova

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The recipe creator of this divine peach pavlova did everything wrong before getting it right, making it the perfect place for a novice pavlova maker to start.Though the recipe calls for “hokey pokey,” a crunchy dessert native to New Zealand, we say skip the extra cooking steps and add graham cracker crumbles or pieces of halva (a Middle Eastern sweet that can be found in specialty shops). The mascarpone cream and roasted peaches make a truly perfect pairing.

6. Banoffee Pie Pavlova

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Intentionally made to look a bit messier, this pavlova gets rid of room for error by focusing on fun. (Plus, drizzles of caramel sauce and sprinkles of chopped chocolate could never look bad, could they?)Aside from the awesome name and amazing flavor, we love that this recipe sticks to basic meringue ingredients and focuses on the toppings: a decadent mix of sliced banana, crushed sugar cookie, chocolate chunks, and beloved caramel.

7. Mini Pavlovas With Nutella Whipped Cream

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You had us at Nutella whipped cream. These mini pavlovas are perfect for a party, as they’re easy to make ahead, are just about bite-sized, and really deliver when it comes to flavor.To make things extra simple, make the meringues in advance and whip up the cream right before serving. Though we love the look of the drizzled ganache, we say top the cream with chocolate chunks instead. You get the same flavor but don’t have to worry about the melting, cleaning, or messy drizzles. (And a little extra crunch never hurt anyone.)

7 Pavlova Recipes That Look Impressive but Are Easy to Make (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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