21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (2024)

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (1)

'Tis the season to stream movies until you feel the weary responsibilities of the world fade away and you finally feel whole again.

We get it -- there's a lot movies in that "Suggested For You" section of your streaming queue, but how do you sift through all the straight-to-DVD white gay rom coms starring D-list celebs to find something of true substance? Look no further. With our careful curation from Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and HBO NOW we have found what are the gayest streamable movies right now, according to science. Some old, some new, some canon, some hidden gems. There's a movie here for every queer. Enjoy!

God's Own Country

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (2)

Francis Lee's feature film takes Brokeback Mountain and gives it a needed upgrade set in West Yorkshire. There, Johnny Saxby (played by The Crown's Josh O'Connor) is frankly wasting away on his family's farm. That is until Gheorghe Ionescu (played by Alec Secareanu), a Romanian migrant and hired hand, comes into the picture. Ionescu brings with him not only a deft hand at running the farm, but also an intimacy and romanticism that is spellbinding not only for Saxby, but the audience as well. It's truly a must-watch.

Stream God's Own Country on Hulu.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (3)

Queen Latifah plays legendary blues singer Bessie Smith in this Dee Rees-directed film about how she went from a struggling young singer to the Empress of Blues. Latifah delivers a great performance, and the film is full of amazing music. When it aired, it was the most watched HBO film of all time.

Streamable on HBO NOW.

The Boys in the Band

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (4)

Based on the groundbreaking 1968 play of the same name by Mart Crowley, The Boys in the Band is a look into the lives of gay men in 1960's New York. Featuring a cast of all openly gay actors, this is a must see for anyone interested in gay history.

Streamable on Netflix.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (5)

You absolutely cannot skip this classic, Best Picture Oscar-winning film. Following a Black gay man named Chiron, played at three different ages by Alex HIbbert, Ashton Sanders, and Trevante Rhodes, this is maybe the best gay movie ever made.

Streamable on Netflix.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (6)

The most important trans documentary of the year, this film will change the way you look at media forever. Featuring Jen Richards, Laverne Cox, Brian Michael Smith, and all of your other favorite trans actors and activists, you won't want to miss this compelling documentary directed by Out100 honoree Sam Feder.

Streamable on Netflix.

I Am Divine

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (7)

This is the definitive documentary on Divine, the actor, drag queen, and Queen of Trash. Learn more about John Waters' (and my) favorite queen and an indelible part of queer history.

Streamable on Netflix.

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (8)

This absolute classic is a must see. It features divinely campy performances by Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and of course John Leguizamo as Chi-Chi Rodriguez in this road comedy about three drag queens who run into some trouble while driving cross country.

Streamable on Netflix.

Saturday Church

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (9)

Check out MJ Rodriguez Indya Moore before they were on Pose in this 2017 musical drama about found family, voguing and not just surviving, but thriving.

Streamable on Netflix.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (10)

Don't dream it, just be it! This cult classic has cracked many a shell and opened many a closet door. While the legendary midnight screenings are postponed because of the pandemic, have your own stay-at-home screening!

Streamable on Hulu.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (11)

This stunning musical biopic of music and fashion icon Elton John is one of our favorites. They don't shy away from showing gay sex like many other similar films, and the songs and performances are all top notch.

Streamable on Hulu.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (12)

This clever and hilarious coming of age film stars Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever as two teenage best friends who decide to go to one last party now that high school is over. Dever's character has one of the realest young lesbian stories you'll see in a movie.

Streamable on Hulu.

Vita & Virginia

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (13)

Gemma Arterton and the 6'3" Elizabeth Debicki star as Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf in this biopic about the love affair between the two famous writers in the 1920's.

Streamable on Hulu.


21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (14)

This movie drew a lot of controversy before it was released, but it's actually one of the most sensitive and accurate portrayals of queer and trans spaces that you'll see on screen. Directed by trans director Rhys Ersnt, this is a movie that deserves a chance.

Streamable on Hulu.

Portrait of a Lady on Fire

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (15)

Yearning, yearning and more yearning await you in this beautifully shot and acted period piece about two women falling love in 18th century France. The film stars lesbian actress Adele Haenel, and picked up many awards, including the Best Screenplay and Queer Palm at the Cannes Film Festival.

Streamable on Hulu.

The Craft: Legacy

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (16)

This sequel to the classic "we are the weirdos mister" 90's movie just came out and this time, one of the witches is a trans girl of color, played by Zoey Luna. While the film doesn't live up to its predecessor, it has some fun scenes and spooky surprises.

Streamable on Amazon Prime.

The Handmaiden

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (17)

Park Chan-wook's erotic adaptation of classic lesbian novel Fingersmith is full of beautiful shots, powerful performances, and sizzling sex scenes set in Korea in the first half of the 20th century.

Streamable on Amazon Prime.

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (18)

Catherine Yen's superhero movie unlike any other superhero movie is all about awesome, complex women, including lesbian police officer Renee Montoya and bisexual Harley Quinn. This is the most fun you'll have watching superheroes this year.

Streamable on HBO Max.

Hairspray (1988)

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (19)

If you watched I Am Divine and are thirsting to see the legendary drag queen and actor in action, Divine gives one of the best performances of her life in this campy and colorful John Waters classic. You already love the musical remake, fall in love with the original.

Streamable on HBO Max

Happiest Season

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (20)

Want to watch a lesbian movie where neither of the leads die, get disowned or end up alone? Happiest Season is for you! Kristen Stewart, Mary Holland, and Dan Levy shine in this lesbian Christmas romcom, but Aubrey Plaza is definitely the breakout star. The movie has its fair share of tears, so be ready.

Streamable on Hulu.

The Normal Heart

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (21)

Directed by Ryan Murphy and written by Larry Kramer, based on his play of the same name, The Normal Heart follows gay men in New York City during the 80's HIV-AIDS crisis. It's an important part of our history that can't be forgotten.

Streamable on HBO Max.

Your Name Engraved Herein

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (22)

This film follows two teen boys, Jia-han and Birdy as they fall in love in the 1980's just after Taiwan lifted its martial law. As the nation transitions from strict authoritarianism to become the most LGBTQ+ friendly country in Asia, the two boys grow and have their love tested.

Streamable on Netflix.

21 Extremely Gay Movies You Can Stream Right Now (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.