15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (2024)


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15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (1)

I eat alotof salads during the summer. So many salads, that when fall rolls around, I feel like I can scale back — take a little salad vacation if you will. Those leafy greens can wait, I’ve got pot roast and stews to consume.

But these salads are an exception.

They’ve got jewel-toned root vegetables, warm spices, and tart apples. They’re vibrant, healthy, and best of all, they’re surprisingly comforting. They’re the perfect way to make the most of autumn’s bounty, while getting a good dose of veggies. If I didn’t eat any of these salads this season, I’d totally OD on pasta, and that wouldn’t be pretty for my waistline.

So I present to you 15 of my favorite autumn salads. From an autumnal take on the traditional cobb salad, to a crispy kale salad with brie grilled cheese croutons (yes, say it with me in your best Homer Simpson voice, brie grilled cheese croutons), these salads are sure to inspire you during these cooler months.

I may not need that salad vacation after all…

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (2)

Autumn Salad | From the Kitchen

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (3)

Roasted Acorn Squash and Apples with Quinoa, Kale, and Maple Tahini Dressing| Edible Perspective

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (4)

Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad with Bacon and Pecorino | Sugar and Grace

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (5)

Fall Detox Salad | Oh She Glows

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (6)

Roasted Vegetable Salad with Garlic Dressing and Toasted Pepitas | Brooklyn Supper

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (7)

Honeycrisp Apple Salad with Candied Walnuts and Cider Vinaigrette | The Cozy Apron

Kale Salad with Warm Cranberry Almond Vinaigrette | Gimme Some Oven

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (9)

Harvest Cobb Salad | A Spicy Perspective

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (10)

Fall Kale Super Salad | Seasons & Suppers

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (11)

Autumn Couscous Salad | Foodie Crush

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (12)

Crispy Kale Roasted Autumn Salad with Brie Grilled Cheese Croutons| Half Baked Harvest

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (13)

Autumn Arugula Salad with Caramelized Squash, Spiced Pecans, and Pomegranate Ginger Vinaigrette | How Sweet Eats

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (14)

A Warm Salad of Roasted Turmeric-Chili Chickpeas + Pear | Dolly and Oatmeal

Fuji Apple Chicken Salad (Panera Bread Copycat) | Gimme Some Oven

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (16)

Autumn Cobb Salad with Smoky Pumpkin Dressing | Heather Christo

Check out our other recipe roundups too:

  • 15 Slow Cooker Dinner Recipes
  • 15 Easy Gluten-Free Dinner Recipes
  • 15 Casserole Recipes

posted on September 28, 2014 by Ali



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27 comments on “15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes”

  1. Tieghan September 28, 2014 @ 8:06 am Reply

    Autumn salads are always so delicious. They are cozy and filling, but still healthy! Thanks for including me today! :)

  2. Tiffany @Broward Saves September 28, 2014 @ 9:34 am Reply

    I am drooling! Kale makes the best greens for a salad.. it has a so much flavor. I just bookmarked a few of those.

  3. jenna @ just j.faye September 28, 2014 @ 11:34 am Reply

    I love this roundup! All of these look amazing. Also, perfect timing – I was just looking through my salad pinterest board for some less summery-y salads.

  4. Millie l Add A Little September 28, 2014 @ 12:42 pm Reply

    Love the look of these salads – healthy and comforting!

  5. Laura (Tutti Dolci) September 28, 2014 @ 2:53 pm Reply

    Love fall salads, these are gorgeous!

  6. DessertForTwo September 28, 2014 @ 3:03 pm Reply

    Geez, I need a good salad! I’m so bad at eating them in the fall. Summer is easy, but during Fall, I start already reaching for warm, comfort foods. Thanks for the reminder :)

  7. Julie @ A Warrior and A Nurse September 28, 2014 @ 8:56 pm Reply

    These are such refreshing (and healthy) options, especially given the tendencies of many people this time of year. Not to sound judgmental at all….but I definitely can find it challenging to ward off all the roasts and just about every genius concoction including pumpkins or apples. Veggies can sometimes take a backseat, but this is a delicate reminder that the fall/winter months don’t have to mean indulging in foods that directly impact the waistline. The only problem? Trying to figure out which salad to start with…these all look great!

  8. Natalie | Paper & Birch September 28, 2014 @ 10:20 pm Reply

    Love this post! We eat a TON of salads too and I’m always looking for new recipes. Thank you for sharing all of these :)

  9. Karishma September 28, 2014 @ 10:56 pm Reply

    Yum! I love how creative these are. Definitely bookmarking :)

  10. ~ Carmen ~ September 29, 2014 @ 12:40 am Reply

    I’m drooling over the kale salad with warm cranberries. Such a great touch. Salads in autumn are so fun to create. :]

  11. Olivia - Primavera Kitchen September 29, 2014 @ 7:36 am Reply

    Great collection! Love how healthy these are! Thanks for sharing ;-)

  12. Divya September 29, 2014 @ 8:30 am Reply

    Definitely going to try the Roasted Veg Salad

  13. Ashley September 30, 2014 @ 10:04 pm Reply

    Thanks so much for including me on this stellar list!

  14. Hassna October 1, 2014 @ 2:31 pm Reply

    I’m definetly gonna try many of these recipies, they look so yummy
    It’s nice to see something different :) !

  15. stephanie December 6, 2016 @ 8:35 am Reply

    I do not like fruit in my salads, so many of these are not really for me.

    However, some of these recipes sounded good, so maybe i will leave the fruit out of it :)

15 Amazing Autumn Salad Recipes | Gimme Some Oven (2024)


What is the healthiest salad? ›

Best: Black Bean-and-Avocado Salad

The beans are a good source of disease-fighting antioxidants, and they have protein and fiber, as well as energy-boosting iron. Avocado adds creaminess and fiber. Plus, its fats help your body take in nutrients, including heart-healthy lycopene.

What are the 5 types of salads on the menu? ›

salad, any of a wide variety of dishes that fall into the following principal categories: green salads; vegetable salads; salads of pasta, legumes, or grains; mixed salads incorporating meat, poultry, or seafood; and fruit salads.

How can I make my salad more interesting? ›

A sweet or tart fruit gives salad a great flavour boost. In spring, try adding strawberries or grapefruit. In summer, try grilled or fresh stone fruit tossed through it. Apple, mango, pomegranate, watermelon, rockmelon and dried fruits are salad favourites.

How do restaurants make salads so crisp? ›

The Keys to Crisp Lettuce

Lettuce actually needs a good amount of airflow, in addition to a bit of moisture (but not too much!), in order to stay crisp. That's why restaurants store their lettuce in special perforated bins that allow for air circulation while it's held in the fridge.

Why do salads always taste better in restaurants? ›

Restaurants use really good ingredients.

Your ingredients can decide whether your salad turns out average or extraordinary, Jamie Simpson, executive chef liaison at The Chef's Garden, told Allrecipes. "Restaurant-quality salads start with restaurant-quality ingredients," he said.

What is the number one healthiest salad dressing? ›

Generally speaking, the healthiest salad dressing will be a vinaigrette like balsamic or oil and vinegar, while Caesar, ranch or anything with the word “creamy” will be the unhealthiest. The exception? We like products made with healthy swaps—think Greek yogurt in place of mayo or heavy cream.

How do you pimp up salad? ›

One of the easiest ways to get some flavour in your salad is to mix up your leaves with bright herbs that pack a punch. Plants like parsley, dill, mint and coriander can really kick your salads up a notch and give them some (much needed) depth and can give a great dose of flavour in every bite.

What should I put in my salad to lose weight? ›

Colorful veggies (bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, and more) Lean protein (turkey, hard-boiled eggs, grilled chicken, lean beef, fish, tofu, lentils, or beans) Healthy fats (nuts, avocados, seeds, or olive oil) Homemade dressing, complete with vinegar, olive oil, spices, and herbs.

How do you make salad less bland? ›

Use LOTS of herbs and spices

To avoid boring, bland salads -- and make your meal actually flavourful -- you need to add herbs and spices. Seriously, don't be afraid when adding flavour.

What is added to salad and dressing to enhance the taste? ›

Adding more salt to a salad dressing means increasing the amount of salt in the dressing. Salt is a flavor enhancer and is often added to dressings to improve the taste. By adding more salt, the dressing will become saltier and have a stronger flavor.

What enhances the flavor of the salads and give moisture to the salad? ›

The salad dressing is a liquid or semi-liquid used to flavor, moisten, or enrich the salad. It should enhance or complement the salad ingredients, but not overpower them.


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